In fact, he couldn't believe it before the refining was successful.

What kind of miraculous things were given by the Queen Mother Nuwa and the Queen Mother Houtu back then...

But at this moment, Huang Di was only shocked. The world where the human race was located was engraved into the Jiuding, in order to suppress the luck of Shenzhou.

The effect of this is obviously that there are two saints and goddesses.

Otherwise, with the current state of the Yellow Emperor, it is impossible to do it.

That is to say, Shenzhou, acquiesced by the saints, has become the real territory of the human race.

If other races wreak havoc on living beings, they will be discovered by Jiuding and inform the human race of supernatural powers, which is equivalent to the monitoring of Skynet in the modern world.

Even on Mount Tai, when the Yellow Emperor succeeded in casting the cauldron, Li Zhenwu was awakened by surprise.

"As expected of my disciple, Jiuding Town, Shenzhou, can usher in the tranquility of the human race for tens of millions of years." He was very emotional.

At the same time, he felt bitterness in his heart for Houtu and Nuwa.

"Monitoring Shenzhou, are you afraid that my hidden identity will not show up?" Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly and said to himself: "Even if I stand in front of you, I can't recognize it, let alone a spiritual treasure?"

Regarding the thoughts of the two saints, Li Zhenwu didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

On this day, in the territory of the human race, Xuanyuan Palace, nine streams of light rose into the sky and flew to various places in Shenzhou.


Under the horrified gazes of countless creatures, nine streams of light turned into a great cauldron and pressed down toward the earth.

When an evil demon saw this and wanted to use it for himself, 3.0 was stunned by the long-awaited Human Race law enforcement team.

So far, the land of Shenzhou has completely ushered in real prosperity.

The creatures of the way of the demon gradually discovered the mystery, and finally they could only escape from the human race by escaping from the Divine State and fleeing to other states.

"Shenzhou in Jiuding Town, what a great means!"

In Heavenly Court Lingxiao Palace, Haotian Jade Emperor was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he heard the news.

He is the Emperor of Heaven and should be in charge of all things in the Three Realms, but the current human race is actually self-improving to such a level.

"Okay, okay, I'll be patient for now and settle accounts with your human race in the future." Haotian gritted his teeth in hatred.

But after all, there was no action. After all, compared to the strength of the human race, Heavenly Court was even weaker than the original evil witch.

Chapter [-]: Up and Down Five Thousand Years (Third)

Under the leadership of the Yellow Emperor, the human race ushered in real prosperity.

So far, Shenzhou has become the commanding place of the human race, and wherever it passes, all demons must retreat.

The peaceful and prosperous world has completely kicked off!

In fact, the speed of reproduction of the human race is beyond everyone's imagination. After hundreds of years, it will spread to other states, which can be described as prosperous for a while.

When the Yellow Emperor cast Jiuding, it suppressed the luck of the human race.

Shennong and Fuxigong retired and lived in seclusion in the Huoyun Palace, completely withdrawing from the historical stage of the human race.

After hundreds of years, the Yellow Emperor gave way, Zhuanxu succeeded to the throne, and the human race ushered in the era of the Five Emperors.

But no matter who becomes the leader, Wudang Mountain is still the ancestral land of the human race, and the status of Mount Tai has become more and more stable.

Every successor must go to Mount Tai to seal Zen, which has almost become a practice.

In addition to ruling the four countries, Heavenly Court's influence in China seems to be negligible.

All the saints also began to gradually spread the teachings.

For the latecomers, they have never experienced the Zhenwu era, so for the saints, their hearts are full of respect.

Moreover, in the era when the saints did not appear and the great supernatural powers 21 lived in seclusion, the disputes were not obvious, and the forces of all parties had been greatly developed.

All the saints have also made a choice, no longer stay on the ground, but create a Taoism outside the sky.

As for the self-development of the human race, no one interferes too much.

The Xia Dynasty was established, and the first dynasty was established.

But in less than a thousand years, it was destroyed by the Tang Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty was established, and the human race ushered in the history of the second dynasty.

"The five-thousand-year period is approaching, and the robbery is not far away!"

On Mount Tai's Jade Emperor Ding, Li Zhenwu woke up from his mind wandering, and after doing some calculations, he couldn't help feeling a lot.

His cultivation has become more and more unpredictable, his breath is restrained, and he is like a mortal, but all living beings have not underestimated the king of Mount Tai.

Because a hundred years ago, there were great supernatural powers in ancient times who wanted to disturb Mount Tai.

That was when Hongjun preached, one of the three thousand disciples of Zixiao Palace, and he was so powerful that he had reached the late stage of Quasi-Saint.


Before the other party climbed Mount Tai, he was crushed to the ground by a palm that covered the sky and turned into fly ash.

Since then, Taishan's prestige has become more popular among people.

"Forget it, the conferred gods will rise. Five years ago, I felt at ease. Now that my strength has reached the bottleneck, I still need to travel to the world to understand it."

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