Thinking of what he knew about the conferred gods, Li Zhenwu couldn't sit still, and immediately stood up.

Of course, before leaving, call Yaochi.

"Your Majesty is going out of the mountain, but what's the matter?"

Yaochi's status is now honorable, although she still respects Li Zhenwu privately, but her identity, in the human race, is the empress of the emperor.

It means that on behalf of the emperor, every emperor who succeeds to the throne must come to Mount Tai to report.

As long as it is affirmed by Yaochi, it can be regarded as the orthodox human race. It can be said that it brings together the great luck of the human race.

When mortals bow down to heaven and earth, they will say that the emperor is above and the earth is below.

Of course, Yaochi also knew that everything she had was bestowed by Li Zhenwu, and the gaze that looked at Li Zhenwu always contained admiration and admiration.

"Well, the cultivation has reached the bottleneck. Now that the human race is peaceful and prosperous, I just want to go out and travel." Li Zhenwu didn't hide it, he said straight.

Yao Chi's heart moved slightly, and after calculating, he realized that [-] years had passed before he knew it.

Although the status of being the Empress of the Emperor is honorable, it is really annoying to stay in Mount Tai for a long time.

After all, when he was a boy in Zixiao Palace, he seemed to be under the family of Hongjun, but who could endure that kind of lonely loneliness.

It's just that it's fine on Mount Tai, at least there is someone talking at the door, so I can endure loneliness.

Now Li Zhenwu has stirred up the restless girl's heart, and she can't bear it anymore.

"Are you going too?" Li Zhenwu smiled wryly.

"Does the king not want Yaochi to follow?"

Yao Chi's small mouth was flat, his big eyes were watery, and a heartbroken look appeared on his little face.

"All right!"

Li Zhenwu still nodded and agreed, "Although you and I are going out to play, there must be someone to serve you and me, otherwise you will lose your status and make the world laugh!"

In the end, the two took a few banshees and left from Mount Tai, leaving only the ancient demon Bai Ze to guard.

Several banshees, turned into beautiful maids, followed the two of them, as if a big family was traveling, which was quite impressive.

Just as Li Zhenwu left Mount Tai, where the saints were, he also welcomed a guest.

Shangqing Realm, Yuxu Palace!

Not far from Yuxu Palace, is the Taoist temple of Taishang Laojun. He and Yuanshi Tianzun are really good friends. The teachings of the two are not separate from each other.

"Senior brother, the five-thousand-year period is approaching. What is the mystery of the immortal robbery that the teacher said at the beginning?"

The original Heavenly Venerate is extraordinary, but in front of the Taishang Laojun, he is respectful and does not dare to be arrogant.

"The immortal robbery, the people who welcome the robbery, I am afraid that 860 are all cultivators." Taishang Laojun said, he is not sure, after all, Hongjun only mentioned it, and did not give any details.

It can be said that except for Hongjun and Li Zhenwu, the rest of the saints are just guessing.

Suddenly, the space in front of him fluctuated and was torn apart by a crack.

"Two senior brothers, the teacher has a request!"

I saw a Taoist boy who came out of the space crack, left a message to Taishang Laojun and the original Tianzun, turned around and left.

Taishang Laojun was stunned for a moment, then stood up: "Let's go over, it seems that this disaster is no small matter."

Great Void Realm, Biyou Palace!

Tongtian sect master also received the words of Zixiao Palace Daotong, when even driving auspicious clouds, he went to Zixiao Palace outside that day.

At this moment, whether it is the Second Saint of the West or the Empress Nuwa of the Wa Palace.

Even the Hou Tu Niang Niang of Wudang Mountain woke up from the retreat.

They were puzzled in their hearts, and they all acted immediately and rushed to the Zixiao Palace. After all, it was the decree of Hongjun. It must be a great event.

In general, the trivial matter is to pass on the will, and it is rare to invite the saints to go to the Zixiao Palace.

All the saints were uneasy in their hearts, and had an ominous premonition that this was probably the original five-thousand-year period.

Chapter [-] The catastrophe is coming!

The saints got Hongjun's will, and they all left their respective dojos, and rushed to the Zixiao Palace under the anxiety of their hearts.

Jie Yin and Zhun Ti were sitting on the golden lotus, with Buddha light blooming on their bodies. Between their palms and fingers, Buddha light emerged, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds were transmitted.

"Senior brother, this teacher's invitation is very rare. I'm afraid that the immortal catastrophe is even better than the lich catastrophe." Zhunti sighed, and after calculating, he found that the cause and effect were subtle, and let the saints Physically he felt uneasy.

"I'm waiting for the saint to be immortal and immortal. Junior and brother Hugh are worried. No matter how big the catastrophe is, it will never be related to the saint." With a sad face, he waved his hands and sprinkled endless golden light.

The movement of the two saints in the west is not too big. The creatures who received blessings below knew that the saints did it, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

There are even more believers in Western religions, kneeling down and reciting the scriptures aloud, with an extremely sincere attitude.

"That's right, I was born a saint, no matter whether it's a sage or a mortal, I can't involve a saint." Zhunti figured it out, so he didn't care anymore.

Immediately, the two of them flew the golden lotus to the sky, while swaying the golden light, they favored the creatures below.

When they arrived at the Zixiao Palace, all the saints stood in the Taoist temple and did not enter.

"Congratulations to Junior Sister Houtu, who has finally become a saint of Hunyuan Tiandao. I will be happy for my junior sister." Taishang Laojun pulled the original Tianzun and greeted him to thank him.

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