Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 212

Unexpectedly, before he got close to the battlefield, he suddenly heard someone calling Ino's name in a panic, and the tone was full of anxiety and worry. It seemed that Ino was facing some danger that made him unable to instantly. Indifferent.

He rushed there as fast as he could, and happened to see the scene of huge rocks hitting Ino. Seeing this scene, Tatsun didn't even think about it, and almost subconsciously launched Space Ninjutsu directly and saved Ino.

If he didn't happen to pass by at the time, and suddenly came over with curiosity, Ino might have been hit by that rock. Thinking of this, Chen's heart suddenly burst into murderous intent.

He stepped out, was still in the space one second before, and appeared in the battlefield between the golden horn and the silver horn and the Ninja League in the next second.

At this time, everyone still hadn't recovered from the sudden disappearance of Ino.When they blinked their eyes, they found that a person's shadow reappeared in the place where Ino suddenly disappeared.

"U... Uchiha Tatsuo?"

I don't know who said the name suddenly.Everyone's heart rushed, and they turned around to look over.Sure enough, the figure standing in the place where Ino disappeared was undoubtedly Uchiha Tatsumi.

Everyone took a deep breath, knowing that even though Uchiha Tatsumi rescued Ino as if he was helping them, after all, Uchiha Tatsuno was still their enemy after all, and they could not guarantee that Uchiha Tatsuno would be merciful to their men.

"So it was him..." I don't know why, Shikamaru's tone revealed a bit of fortune, perhaps because of the unclear relationship between Uchiha Tatsumi and Ino.Now that Uchiha Tatsuno has appeared, it means that Ino is now in a safe state.

Shikamaru tightened the kunai in his hand, and said bitterly to Ding Ci: "It seems that we are a little unlucky today. I didn't expect to encounter Uchiha Tatsumi in this place."

Ding Ci leaned over and watched carefully at Uchiha Tatsu and Jin Jiao Yin Jiao and said, "It's over, what should we do now?"

"What to do? I don't know..."

"Aren't you the smartest among us? There must be a way."

"It's really troublesome. What role can my cleverness play in front of absolute power." Shikamaru scratched his big pineapple head in distress.But I found that all the people behind him looked at him with a look at what you said.This makes him a little embarrassed. Is everyone in the feeling waiting for him to think of his own ideas?

"The current situation is very unfavorable for us. What we have to face is not only the two brothers, but also pay attention to the movements of Uchiha. If possible, I would rather face the two brothers. I don’t want to face Uchiha."

Kamaru said bitterly, after all, there may be a possibility of defeating the golden horn and the silver horn, but Uchiha Tatsumi's words... he really can't figure out what his weakness is.

"For today's plan... everyone protect yourself first, and then wait for the news from the headquarters to come over. Let's see what the headquarters are like. Now all we can do is wait for the orders from the headquarters, here Before, we must be cautious, especially not to make any outrageous actions to Uchiha Tatsumi. We must wait for the orders from the headquarters, otherwise I cannot guarantee everyone’s lives."

Uchiha Tatsumi gently turned his head and glanced at the Ninlian people gathered at this time, and did not pay much attention to them. If it was before, Uchiha Tatsuno might play with them. After all, he just got ten tails now. The power of, has not been shown in front of everyone.

But right now, Uchiha Tatsumi's target was not the people of Ninjuen, but the two of the golden horn and silver horn opposite them.

Uchiha Tatsumi turned his gaze away from the people of Nin Lian, not knowing if it was an illusion, Shikamaru and the others felt that the whole person was going to be a lot easier.

Uchiha Tatsumi looked at the golden horn and silver horn with cold eyes, and an atmosphere of solemnity filled the battlefield.

Chapter 363: Covenant?nonexistent!

"U... Uchiha Tatsuo? Wow, so you are the Uchiha Tatsuo that the guy said? What do you want to do..." Jin Jiao felt the pressure Uchiha Tatsun exerted on him and Yin Jiao heavier and heavier , Couldn't help but asked.

Golden horns and silver horns are some of the ninjas who are not restricted in their personality among the reincarnated army of the big snakes. They are the rebels of Yunyin Village. They are known as the most vicious criminals in Yunyin’s history. It's full of hatred, so it's not as resistant as other reincarnated people.

This also allowed them to get the approval of the big snake pocket and the others, and thus they knew a lot of information, including Uchiha Tatsumi, so they were not very strange to Uchiha Tatsuno except they had never met.

"What are you doing? What do you say I want to do!"

"Don't forget, we are in a state of alliance right now, you are tantamount to unilaterally breaking the contract!" Yinjiao couldn't stand the pressure Uchiha Tatsuh put on him and couldn't help but shouted.

"Covenant?" Uchiha Tatsumi smiled disdainfully, "Is there any need for that kind of thing?"

Golden Horn and Silver Horn are the few people who know that Uchiha Tatsu and Akatsuki have concluded an agreement.It is precisely because of the effects of the Nine Tails Chakra that the sensory abilities of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn have been greatly enhanced, otherwise they would never hear this important secret.

Speaking of the unintentional listener's heart, everyone in Nin Lian couldn't help taking a breath when they heard that Uchiha Tatsun had actually started an alliance with Akatsuki.The reason why they were able to contend with Akatsuki and Uchiha Tatsumi together is because there is a contradiction and gap between Akatsuki and Uchiha Tatsuo.

Although it seems that the people of Nin Lian are facing two powerful enemies at the same time, you should know that there is actually a contradiction between Akatsuki and Uchiha Tatsumi, and they would not mind killing each other if they could.It is equivalent to saying that the three of them are fighting separately, maintaining a three-legged situation.

It was precisely because of this situation that they were able to persevere all the time, but now they suddenly heard a shocking news that Uchiha Tatsu and Akatsuki began to join forces.Does this mean that they will unite and eliminate the people of Ninja League?

"Hurry up and pass this news back to the headquarters. The current situation is beyond our control. Let the headquarters make the decision." Darui said to Shikamaru. Now there is something to say except Darui. It's almost Shikamaru.

After all, Shikamaru’s strategic decision-making ability has been recognized by everyone. Although he has not been able to come up with a reasonable way now, everyone does not blame him. They are not ignorant of Uchiha Tatsu’s greatness, in absolute force. In front of us, these strategies and the like are completely useless.

Little did he know that Uchiha Madara's invincible posture during the Fourth World War, what kind of strategy could work for him?The Uchiha Tatsumi in front of him has already reached the level of Uchiha Madara.

In fact, Uchiha Tatsumi, who was standing in mid-air, had already heard the voice of the people below.For what they said, bring this news back to the headquarters.

Uchiha Tatsuno just smiled contemptuously, not to mention that Uchiha Tatsuno is not afraid of the shadows of the various villages in their headquarters. Even if they want to come, I am afraid they will not be able to come. After all, Uchiha Tatsumi had already got it before Uchiha Tatsu came. The intelligence is there, and now they estimate that they are fighting Penn, even if they have solved Penn, the headquarters is gone, and it is impossible to recover immediately.

The headquarters itself is hard to protect, how can they take care of them?

Uchiha Chen asked himself that few people in this world could punish him.As long as he didn't want to seek death himself, even the Rebirth of the Six Paths was just at the same level as him, a ninja league, and how could Akatsuki organization be his opponent.

If Uchiha Tatsuno did not fully integrate the power of the Nine-Tailed Beasts, and became the Ten-Tailed Manzhuli and entered the Six Way Mode, he would still feel a little pressure to say this.But now he has no pressure at all to say this.

Even Liudao only lived so long than him. In the realm, the two of them are on the same level. Even if Uchiha Tatsumi turns on the Six Ways mode and can’t beat the real Liudao Immortal, Liudao Immortal cannot make Uchiha. Chen gave in.

Uchiha Tatsumi, who has gained leaps and bounds in strength, would not care what the Ninlian people would do or explain. What they heard at this time was nothing, Uchiha Tatsuno was completely lazy to explain.

Since they think they have formed an alliance with Akatsuki, let’s join the alliance. After all, they did say so before. Although the alliance between them had been unilaterally lifted when Shiraitsu was killed, Uchiha Tatsuno hadn’t. Obligation to explain this problem to the group of ants in front of him.

"Are you sure you really want to violate the covenant..." Jin Jiao said to Uchi Ha Tatsu gloomily. Since Yin Jiao has broken it, it doesn't matter anyway, and there is no need to cover up such things. It’s better to let the people of Nin Lian know about it. As long as the people in Nin Lian think that they are in alliance with Uchiha Tatsumi, then the people of Nin Lian will definitely treat them as a group with Uchiha Tatsumi. People from may also take action against Uchiha Tatsuo because of this, which makes them much easier.

"Huh..." Uchiha Tatsuo coldly snorted, "Covenant? Let alone that kind of thing doesn't exist at all, even if it does, I won't put it in my eyes. Uchiha Tatsuo has never been bound by anything. "His eyes flickered, looking at the golden horn and silver horn, the two of them didn't know what they were thinking.

After hearing Uchiha's words, Golden Horn and Silver Horn said angrily: "Don't think that you have some strength, we can't do anything with you. The endurance in our hands is not vegetarian."

"Oh?" Uchiha Tatsumi looked at the ninja with golden horns and silver horns transformed from the body of the tail beast with interest: "Is this the legendary six ninjas? I heard that they can seal people up. , I don’t know if the rumors are true."

"It's not true, don't you know if you come over and try it!" Golden Horn looked at Uchiha Tatsumi cautiously. Now that he has decided to do it, he can no longer take it lightly. It seems that Uchiha Tatsuo is still treating the two of them. Very despised.

They should make good use of Uchiha Tatsumi's contempt for the two of them, and maybe they will be able to take Uchiha Tatsuno's big trouble away.

Jin Jiao turned his head and glanced at Yin Jiao. No extra expression could be seen in his beastly tail.And Yin Jiao saw Jin Jiao look at him, and clicked on his face that was also covered with Nine-tailed Chakra.The tacit cooperation between the two has long surpassed the bondage between words, and sometimes even only one look can read what the other party is thinking.

At the same time, the horns who were fighting with the Ninja people below heard the dialogue between the golden horn and the silver horn and Uchiha Tatsuno and nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, is it already formed?"

Chapter 366: Yunyin Situation

The incident of Penn’s attack on the headquarters of the Ninja League has not spread, so the ninjas who are fighting on the front line do not know that their headquarters in the rear are now being attacked by the enemy.

Taking advantage of Uchiha Tatsumi and Jin Yinjiao's waging effort, the people of Ninja League have reported what happened here back to the headquarters. The appearance of Uchiha Tatsuno is no longer what they can handle. They can only pass on the information here. Back, the decision was made by the leaders of the Ninja League, while waiting for the Ninja League's reinforcements.

However, Yunyin Village at this time...

The battle here is still going on, and after the appearance of the fifth generation of Hokage Tsunadehime, the situation on the field also changed.

Tiandao Payne looked at the confident Nin Lian people, and said indifferently: "Oh? Just because you want to resist God's sanctions?"

At this moment, Tsunade stepped out, and looked at Payne standing in midair with awe-inspiring expressions and coldly snorted: "Don't think that if you are strong you can regard yourself as a god. I admit that you are strong, but you are not invincible. , Because of me! I am the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha Village!"

After talking about Tsunade's aura, at this moment, she was no longer a medical ninja who was treating the wounded in the rear, but the hero Tsunade who was called a princess and one of Konoha Sannin!

"Ohhhhhh, what I said. Since you little girl said that, how can my old bones make you specialize in the front?" Three generations of Tukage laughed, apparently already aroused by Tsunade The pride in his chest was lost.

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