Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 213

That’s right, Penn is indeed their strong opponent, and it can even be said that if they are one-on-one, they will definitely not be Penn’s opponent. After all, they are six guys who don’t know why they can’t kill, plus those who are confusing. If it’s the first time you encounter it, you will definitely suffer a lot.Even they are just barely facing a clone of Payne.

"Naruto-sama, are you...really okay?" Kakashi was a little worried, after all, before Tsunade channeled out slugs to help everyone heal the wounds, it has consumed a lot of Chakra, and now they are facing the enemy. A guy who didn't dare to take it lightly in his heyday.Can Tsunade Ji who has consumed so many Chakras really block the offensive of Penn clone?

Tsunade glanced at Kakashi, apparently knowing what he was thinking about, and he couldn't help but warm up, and said, "Don't worry, you know when we Konoha Sannin and the demigod Hanzo were in a decisive battle. The situation is more dangerous than it is now. Since Tsunade can survive the first time, I can survive the second time. Kakashi, when I was on the battlefield, you were still in ninja school, my own body I know it's okay."

"But..." Kakashi was actually not worried about this aspect of the problem. It is important to know that the current situation is particularly like the situation when Uchiha Tatsu came to the village of Konoha for revenge.It was the same at the beginning. Tsunade consumed too many chakras because of psychic slugs to heal everyone, and eventually he didn't have chakras to maintain a young face.

Kakashi is worried that the last time will happen again, and is conservative about Tsunade going to the battlefield.

Tsunade threw her own special armament pill to Fengying Tuying and Kakashi, and she also took one to recover her own Chakra: "Don't gossip, but it's still on the battlefield now. ."

"Did you discuss it?" Tiandao Payne stood in the air and looked at Tsunade with indifferent eyes to restore their chakras.He was not worried about this, it was his contempt for a group of ants as a god.

How can an elephant care about what the ants at his feet do?No, it's like Payne doesn't care what the Ninlian people are paying attention to.For him, the following group of people is only a little troublesome for Tuying.After all, as long as one is careless, he may be completely destroyed by his dust hit.

But this is just a little troublesome. Earth Shadow's Dust Escape needs to hit the target to be effective. Will Penn, who has already been guarded, be hit by Earth Shadow's Dust Escape so easily?The result is obviously impossible.

"Now that we have discussed it, I should also send you on the road."

After speaking, Payne stretched out his right hand to the four of them, "Vanxiang Tianyin".A powerful gravitational force was uploaded from Kakashi and the others, as if to tear them all away.

The people who had been prepared for a long time had already guessed his next plan when Tiandao Payne stretched out their hands, and they attached their chakras to their feet, wanting to use Chakra's adsorption ability to resist the gravity from Tiandao Payne.

But in fact, this is just their whimsical imagination. If the ability of the reincarnation eye can be solved so easily, then this reincarnation eye is not worthy of being called the head of the three pupils, and it is not worthy of being called the eye of god.

Gradually, they began to be unable to resist the gravitational pull of the Vientiane Sky Attraction.Tuying bit her lips and forced herself to calm down under the force of gravity. His hands approached with difficulty and began to seal at a very slow but very powerful speed.

"Soil escape, light and heavy rock art!"

This is the only way he can think of fighting Penn's ninjutsu, making himself and others' bodies more cumbersome, so that he can barely support him under Penn's all-seeing sky.

"Huh? It seems you are not stupid yet." Tiandao Payne glanced at Tu Ying in surprise. He didn't expect this guy to think of this. Although his Vientiane Tianyin was not fully released, it was not. They can persist.In the end, he did not expect Tuying to seize his gap.

"Since you don't want to come over, then I'll send you away." A cruel smile appeared on Payne's face, which, in conjunction with his stiff face, gave people a strange feeling.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

"Not good!" Kakashi and the others felt bad at once. At this time, they struggled to resist Payne's Vientiane Tianyin. They didn't expect these two tricks to work together.They never had time to defend themselves when they were caught off guard.

Even the posture they tried their best to resist aggravated the damage they suffered.

"Boom!" Kakashi's four abruptly endured a record of Shenluo Tianzheng and the whole person had fallen into the mound.

"Puff!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and it was obvious that they all suffered internal injuries to varying degrees after suffering from the Shenluo Tianzheng who had been fed.

"I will ask one last time, where are Yao and Kyuu!" Payne stood still in the air, waiting for the four of them to stand up again, and then spoke.

"Huh... Do you want to find Yawei and Kyuubi, then step over our corpse!" Tsunade wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, panting and looking at Payne.

"Stubborn!" Payne couldn't help frowning. He has no patience to play with a group of ants here. Since they refuse to say, then destroy them all.Then Yao and Kyuubi will naturally appear.

Chapter 367: The Fight of Shadows

Payne believes that not everyone is loyal to their Five Ninja Village Alliance, not that they will not betray, but because the betrayal is not enough.Payne didn't believe that everyone in their Five Ninja Village Alliance was a guy who was not afraid of death.

No one had answered him before that maybe he really didn't know, or maybe he knew, but the pressure he put on by Payne was not enough.If one person doesn't know, then kill one person. If two people don't know, then kill one person. Payne doesn't believe that no one will tell him until the end.

As for failure?To be honest, Payne has never thought about this issue. Who is he?He is a god, will God fail because of these trash fish?

"It seems that you need to put more pressure on you!" Payne muttered to himself.

The Kakashis got up from the mound again and shook their heads.I didn't expect them to be put on by Heavenly Dao Payne.

"It won't work like this, we have to find a way out quickly, otherwise we will definitely fail if we continue like this." Tuying stretched out after getting up from the mound. After all, he couldn't compare to these young people. You must know that he is a person of the same generation as the third generation of Naruto and the third generation of Raiking, and the third generation of Naruto and the third generation of Raiking has long been in the soil, and he is the only one who still insists on the first front of the village leader as Iwanin Village. The leader of the battle is on the front line.

That group of people had already retired and retired, and the three generations of Tukage have reached the age to retire, but this generation of Yannin Village has no rising star, and he will always insist on being the leader of the village. Above the road.

Now his body is no longer suitable for fighting on the battlefield. Whether it is his waist injury or his Chakra storage, it has proved that the three generations of Tuying are no longer the shadow of a village in that peak period. .

Tu Yingxin touched his waist with lingering fears. Fortunately, he foreseeed the coming of danger a little earlier, and prepared a posture to withstand the pressure in advance, otherwise he would have been sprained a long time ago.Once this person gets older, not only the legs and feet will become unfavorable, but even the waist will become poor.

Tuying leaned to the side without a trace to make his waist feel a little more comfortable. At this time, don't let the enemy see that his waist was injured. They were originally at a disadvantage, and his three generations of Tuying acted The only main force that can completely annihilate the opponent is absolutely not able to shrink back.

Kakashi glanced in the direction of the third-generation Tukage. His small movements did not escape Kakashi’s sight. In Ninja, everyone has already known that the third-generation Tukage’s waist often causes back pain, but The enemy doesn't know, if the enemy knows about it, then he will definitely seize the weakness of the third generation of Tuying.

They didn't just pretend that nothing happened, they even had to hide the earth shadows.Kakashi glanced to the side, and found Tsunade and Fuekage. Gaara had already discovered that Dokage seemed to start to hurt in his waist.

The three of them secretly decided one thing under the exchange of eyes. It seemed that nothing was the same as the finished glyph. They faintly surrounded the earth shadow, pretending to protect it as the protagonist. In fact It is for Payne to divert his attention away from Tuying.They turned their gazes from Tuying alone to several of them.

Seeing their movements, Tuying couldn't help feeling a little moved even though he didn't say anything.Hehe smiled and said: "You should quickly figure out how to do it, my old bones have not fallen so easily. What we have to do now is to quickly kill them."

Tsunade curled his lips: "You old guy, don't talk, you are still a lot of age and you are still able to do it. You must have been the most impacted just now. Don't think we don't know. But...thank you. ."

It turned out that at the moment Penn used the Shenluo Tianzheng, Tuying already felt something was wrong. At that moment, he removed the aggravated rock technique that he had blessed on the people, and quickly formed the seal to display the earthy light and heavy rock. The technique reduces the weight of everyone and reduces the weight of their bodies.

This is why they forcibly endured the combination of Tiandao Payne Vientiane Tianyin plus Shen Luo Tianzheng, but only suffered a little internal injury.And the creator of all this, the third generation of Dokage, spent too much Chakra to resist the ninjutsu of Tiandao Payne, which means that among the four people, he was actually the most impacted.

"Don't be useless just because I am an old man, you must know that being old is strong. Jiang is always old and spicy." Tukage snorted, as if responding to Tsunade's words, as if because he couldn't bear it. He hummed softly after suffering from back pain.

Penn is a creature with no emotions, or he has long lost the ability to express emotions since a corpse was made into six puppets by Nagato, but even so, facing the Kakashi group of people underneath, he is so unscrupulous. The conversation and chat are still very popular.

When the enemy is a god, he dare to be so bold in chatting and chatting so fiercely underneath. Obviously, this is not putting him in the eye.Nothing is more irritating than ignoring a god-like existence.

"You guys... if you want to die so much, then I'll give you a ride!" Said Heavenly Dao Penn waved his right hand, and Penn's clones standing behind him moved out and went straight towards Kakashi They fly away.

"Stop the gossip, hurry up and deal with the enemy. We are alone. As for the old man, how about leaving the one flying in the sky to you? After all, we only have your ability to resist him. It's offensive." Tsunade saw the enemy attack and made a decisive decision. At this time, they couldn't allow them to think about other issues.Only after the enemies here can be killed before they can say other things.

"No problem, let the arrogant guy leave it to the old man, not to mention that he can win that guy stably, at least the old man can hold that guy down before you decide the victory or defeat. You have to decide the victory and defeat as soon as possible, the old man too I'm not sure how long I can last." Three generations of Tuying nodded solemnly, his own state was the clearest in his heart.

Chapter 368: Kakashi's Battle

It is rare for the third generation of Tuying to look at Tiandao Payen seriously now. You must know that he hadn't put this pretending second-hand young man in his eyes at all before.

However, it turns out that the back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach.This group of masters of the older generation has already been surpassed by others unknowingly. Not only that, if they were to stand still and refuse to keep up with the times, sooner or later they would be eliminated by the times. .

Only he himself knows the state of Tuying best. Now that he has a pain in his waist again, this is already an old problem. It can be more or less persevering, as long as he does not overuse the super-aggravated rock art. What a big problem.

Having been a ninja for so many years, if he couldn't bear this pain, he would have been the leader of the Ninja village for so many years.

But with his current Chakra amount, there is no way to hold on for long.Especially his opponent is still such an unfathomable guy.Obviously, Payne has never appeared in the eyes of everyone. For a long time, Payne appeared as the leader in Akatsuki's organization.

Even in Akatsuki's organization, there were not many guys who knew the strength of Payne.Penn's mission has never failed except when he went to Tanokuni to clean up Uchiha Tatsumi once, and Penn's mission has never failed, which means that his strength has never been leaked.

If Tuying faced this guy who couldn't see the depth of strength at all, he was still a little uneasy, not because he was afraid that he would not be able to beat it himself, but because he was afraid that several others would not be the opponent of this guy.For example, Kakashi, although it is indeed a lot stronger than other elite Shangnin, after all, it has not crossed the threshold of shadow level.

To say who Dokage is most worried about in these routes, it must be Tsunade.That's right, it wasn't Kakashi, who was barely able to fight the shadow-level powerhouse, but Tsunade, the veteran shadow-level powerhouse.

No matter how you look at it, the rest of the human world, the hungry ghost road, or the hell road are not something Tsunade can contend.

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