Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 214

Not to mention Hungry Ghost Road, Tsunade’s Weird Power Fist is not his opponent at all, or Tsunade’s Weird Power Fist is to send Chakra to Hungry Ghost Road, and Hell Road and Human World cannot be easily solved by melee attacks.

So Tukage’s biggest worry is actually Tsunade’s war. He can hold the seemingly strongest guy, and only hopes that Fukage and Kakashi can resolve the battle as soon as possible, and then help Tsunade give her opponent to Solve it, and then it's time to solve the most troublesome guy.

Before Penn hit, Tsunade quickly took out his own special antidote and grain pills and threw them to the Tukage trio, so that they could make good use of the gap period to give them the grain pills and antidote. Take it, after all, no one knows whether this self-proclaimed god will use poison as a means of attack.

Just in case, they still have to prepare first.

"Come!" Kakashi's eyes condensed, the writing wheel eye of his left eye has begun to slowly turn, staring at the movement of Penn's clone cautiously.

"We will deal with our previous opponents! Tsunade-sama, you will be the one remaining!"

"no problem!"

Kakashi's hands were sealed, and a dazzling set of prints was completed in the blink of an eye.

"Lei Dun, double thunder tiger kill technique!" Two rays of thunder light shot out from Kakashi's hands, imagining two fierce thunder beasts in the air, they entangled with each other and attacked the Penn clone of Hell Road.

"Hmph, do you think the same tricks will work for me." Hell Road Payne looked at Kakashi's ninjutsu with a blank face.

He admitted that the speed of Kakashi's seal is very fast, and even faintly has reached the speed of Uchiha Itachi's six seals in an instant, but this is still not enough. If there is no kaleidoscope to write round eyes, even in front of the human world It is not enough to see itachi after being born again.

Although Kakashi also has a Sharilanyan, he is not a member of the Uchiha family after all. Although Sharilanyan has brought him great benefits and even earned him the title of Konoha Copy Ninja, he is also Become a burden for him.

Originally, the amount of chakras of the Hagaki clan was small, but the writing wheel eye in Kakashi’s left eye was transplanted and did not match the body. As a result, Kakashi did not close the writing wheel eye. He used chakra to resist all the time. Write about the erosion of the wheel eye on the body.

He also thought of giving up writing round eyes, but thinking of his original teammates, he promised his teammates to take his eyes to see the world, and he finally chose to leave writing round eyes.

"Is it necessary to try?" Kakashi snorted, and his handprints changed. The two giant thunder beasts immediately separated and attacked from both sides towards the Penn clone of the human world.

"It's interesting." Hell Road, who wanted to dodge the moves on his side, was a little excited to see Kakashi's temporary change of moves.It is necessary to know that the sight of Penn's six clones is interoperable, and the perception of things is also interoperable. No matter who is injured, any one of them can be sensed.

Kakashi had already used this trick before facing the Dao of Heaven, but he didn't expect that he was still hiding at that time.How dare to hide clumsy when facing gods?

"Huh!" Hell said a flash and rushed towards Kakashi, reaching out his hands to grab Kakashi's neck.


Kakashi's neck was grabbed by Hell Dao, and behind Hell Dao a phantom like a Yama faintly appeared.

"Say, where are Yao and Nine tails!"

However, the answer to Hell Road was a flash of thunder.Kakashi's body turned into a thunder and lightning, and it exploded suddenly with a sound of "Oh!"

"Is it another Lei Dun clone..." Hell Dao had no scars on his body after abruptly suffered from the explosion of a Thunder Dun clone of Kakashi, and even his clothes were not damaged.Long before the Lei Dun clone began to explode, Hell Dao had already summoned King Yama and swallowed himself, and did not reappear until the explosion was over.

"It seems that you were teasing people like this before." Hell Road Payne's words sounded without sorrow or joy, but anyone can hear the feeling of anger in his words, after all, they have repeated them again and again. Being teased by the same person with the same tricks, even the clay figurines will have three points of anger.

Chapter 369: Kakashi's Battle Two

"Heh... can tactics be called teasers?" Kakashi smiled contemptuously, not paying attention to the words of Hell Road, after all, this is what the ninja class is like.

As the saying goes, soldiers are not tired of deceit. In addition to Naruto Uzumaki and a guy with simple-minded and well-developed limbs such as Metkay, who will fight at people in a daze, no one is really so ironclad with others. I punched me head-to-head.You are willing to others or not.

Payne: "..."

"Since you want to die that way, I will fulfill you."

There was a sensation behind the hell road, and a stick full of chakra appeared in his hand.With a strong wave of Payne, an air current hit the place where Kakazang was.

"Boom!" The land where Kakashi was was filled with smoke.After the smoke dissipated, Kakashi was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you still want to play peekaboo?" Hell Road picked up the Chakra stick in his hand, looked around and found no trace of Kakashi.


At this moment, Kakashi flashed out from behind the road of hell. The Raeche in his hand had already taken shape, like a courageous blade, rushing towards the enemy in front of him.

However, it was Kakashi's inevitable blow that was easily avoided by Hell Dao.

"What?" Kakashi looked at the hand held by Hell Dao, and said in surprise: " is it possible."

"You seem surprised? Huh... mortal wisdom."

Since he has never had an intersection with Penn, or fighting Penn for the first time, Kakashi didn’t know that the sight of Penn’s six realms was completely shared, even if he avoided the sight of Hell. , But he didn't avoid the sight of other Penn clones.It is conceivable that Kakashi's strategy can only end in failure.

"You're done..." Helldao's stiff face showed an embarrassing smile, and it was hard to imagine how that stiff face could accumulate such a smile.

Hell Road grabbed Kakashi’s hand hard, the other hand raised the Chakra stick and waved it towards Kakashi, only to hear a "bang", Kakashi’s figure instantly turned into a cloud of smoke Disappeared in front of hell road.

Payne: "..."

Kakashi leaned against the tree with cold sweat on his face. Fortunately, for the sake of caution, he only used the shadow points to expend on his body. If this were true, it would have been horrible.He sighed lightly, now his Chakra volume is running out, even if he has taken Tsunade's special liangliang pill before, it is just a drop in the bucket.

The amount of Chakra needed to maintain the writing wheel eyes far exceeds their imagination, and even he has no way to continue to consume it with the Lei Dun clone.Kakashi took a deep breath, put his hand in the ninja bag, took out two grain pills, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although it is said that if you eat too much of this kind of food, it will damage your body and even affect your future development, but the current situation can no longer take care of that much.If there is no way to defeat the enemy in front of you, then what else to talk about.

After knocking down two rations, Kakashi’s lack of chakras have been supplemented to some extent, but this is far from enough. His chakras are not much, and even if he has recovered a little now, the situation has not been improved. Get better.According to his current Chakra amount, at most, he can put two or three Rachels.

"It looks like we have to think about it again." Kakashi muttered to himself.

Hell Road had already become impatient after being repeatedly teased by Kakashi. He had thought that this guy would be very cunning, but he didn't expect that this guy would be more cunning than his estimated value.No real body was used in two consecutive attacks.However, when he attacked for the second time, he did not use the Thunder clone but the Shadow clone. It seems that this guy has not much Chakra.

Hell Road Payne nodded thoughtfully, since you already know that chakra is not enough, don't worry so much.He closed his eyes and began to feel attentively, or that he was communicating the sights of other Penn clones to share their vision.

Suddenly Hell Dao opened his eyes suddenly: "There!" The Chakra stick in his hand swung towards the tree where Kakashi was hiding.

"Damn it, how could it be..." Kakashi was caught off guard. His hands that had been in Jieyin were suddenly interrupted, and he could only stop Jieyin from jumping and avoiding it.He looked at Payne in surprise and muttered to himself: " could he know that I was there."

"The cat and mouse game should be over now." Helldao looked at Kakashi with a plain face, no matter how clever Kakashi's brain was, he couldn't think of the fact that the sights of Six Payne could be shared.Now that Kakashi's real body has been forced out by Hell Way Payne, the rest of the matter is much easier to handle.

Kakashi alone is not an opponent of Hell Dao, let alone Hell Dao has the ability to recover.To say that Kakashi found the wrong opponent at the beginning. If he is facing the human world, he may still be able to win, but facing this hell road that can recover, Kakashi's strength is still not enough. A little bit.

It's a pity that Gaara has its own way to clean up the world, and it is more convenient for Gaara to deal with the world, which also causes Kakashi to be able to head-to-head with the road of hell.

"'s really uncomfortable." Kakashi chuckled. He hadn't been so embarrassed for a long time. He thought he could be 50-50 even when facing Uchiha Itachi, but he didn't expect to be today. But he was crushed and beaten by this self-proclaimed god.

"Really, if it's not unnecessary, I really don't want to use this trick." Kakashi lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking, if it weren't for seeing his shoulders still shaking, maybe it was true. I thought Kakashi would be caught.

"Ninjutsu, the technique of multiple shadow clones!"

Kakashi put his hands together, and the Multi-Shadow Clone Surgery was applied instantly.He jumped behind him, and the whole person was completely hidden in the shadow clone.

"Do you still want to play a game of peek-a-boo?" Hell Road saw Kakashi still unwilling to give up, wanting to fight back to the end, and couldn't help but ridicule.

Speaking of the Chakra stick in his hand, he waved vigorously, dispelling all the shadow clones rushing towards him.

Although Hell Road was the right choice to do so, it happened to fall into Kakashi's calculations.He had already reached this point long ago when he made the battle plan.

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