Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 219

"Okay, now you can say what you want to say to me after I disentangle Gaara." Tsunade jumped and kept on the same level as Kakashi.She discovered that Kakashi seemed to have something to say to herself before. Gaara did not speak because Gaara was beside her. Now that there is a legitimate reason to dismiss Gaara, Kakashi can rest assured. Speak.

Kakashi pondered for a moment, not knowing where to start: "I used a kaleidoscope to write round eyes when I was fighting that enemy before."

"Oh, kaleidoscope writing round eyes." Tsunade obviously didn't react yet, repeating Kakashi's words indifferently.Suddenly she seemed to be aware of something, and stopped and looked at Kakashi in shock: "What? You mean you used the kaleidoscope to write the wheel just now?"

Tsunade looked at Kakashi in disbelief. She hadn't reacted at first. She didn't expect that Kakashi opened a kaleidoscope that was unique to the Uchiha clan.You must know that the owner of these eyes has brought them many sufferings in Konoha Village.

Whether it is Uchiha Madara at the beginning or Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Tatsumi, and Uchiha Sasuke afterwards, they all have the existence of a kaleidoscope writing wheel.It can be said that the reason why they are so powerful depends to a large extent on the power of the kaleidoscope.

And now there are people on their side who have opened the Kaleidoscope Writer Eyes. They are not members of the Uchiha family. Can they rely on Kakashi to find out the weaknesses of the Kaleidoscope Writer Rings and find Uchiha Tatsu and Uchi Wave spot's weakness?

"Then how do you feel after turning on the kaleidoscope to write round eyes? Is there any discomfort?"

Kakashi shook his head: "I don’t get used to it, but it feels like. After I opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, a pupil technique that belongs to the kaleidoscope to write the wheel was printed in my mind. When I opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, You can use the pupil technique to tear the space apart."

Tsunade nodded thoughtfully: "Sure enough, according to the records of our Thousand Hands Clan, each eye of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has a unique pupil technique. Your pupil technique is probably a kind of ninja in space. The technique can only be displayed after opening the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and after each application, it will produce a feeling of blurred vision, until blindness, and then closing the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye."

"Indeed, I did feel a noticeable decrease in vision after the cast. Is there no other way to solve this?"

"That's it." Tsunade thought for a while with a serious face: "The attenuation of eyesight is irreversible."

Chapter 378: Animal Dao

"However, Uchiha Madara was once blinded by the excessive use of the Kaleidoscope Sharon's eyes. He was able to recover after transplanting the eyes of his brother Uchiha Senna, and has evolved to a higher level. As far as I know, think. To restore vision, it is necessary to transplant a pair of eyes of immediate family members who are also kaleidoscopes to succeed."

"As for you..." Tsunade glanced at Kakashi and shook his head: "I'm sorry, your eyes were originally transplanted, and now there are no other people in the Uchiha clan except those few remaining people. Survival, there is no way to transplant you other kaleidoscope writing round eyes. As for the sequelae, I am afraid that your previous weakness is because of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes.

Kakashi's silence after listening to it doesn't mean he is scared. Who is Kakashi?At the age of twelve, he became the genius of Shinnin, breaking the record of the youngest in Konoha Village to become Shinnin. Are you afraid of blindness in one eye?What he cared about was that this eye was a gift from his comrades-in-arms, and he promised to take this eye to see the coming of peace.

Since there is no other way, Kakashi will not force it, and he is not like the Uchiha clan who only rely on writing to eat.Even he has always regarded the writing wheel eye as an auxiliary tool, and has never regarded it as his own killer.

During the conversation, the two had unknowingly arrived within the range of Raikage's battle with the animal road.

"Raikang's Chakra can already be clearly sensed." Tsunade smiled: "Fortunately, he arrived in time."

I saw a dazzling thunder light from time to time in the deepest part of the forest, and plumes of smoke rose from the depths of the forest.If it weren't for the block of this forest, Tsunade and the others could even clearly see the origin of the thunder light.

"Hurry up, it's ahead." Tsunade said to Kakashi, and then the two stomped towards the ground, using this recoil force to rush toward the center of the battle faster. .

Passing through this dense forest is where Raikage is.Tsunade and the others just arrived.

Everything within a 50-meter radius from the fourth generation of Raikage’s battle with the Beast Road was destroyed, and the entire area was razed to the ground. Not only that, but the corpses of various psychic beasts scattered on the site became scorched. The soil of the country all proves how tragic this war is.

Tsunade and Kakashi couldn't help taking a breath when they first saw the entire battlefield. You must know that the destructive power of the fourth generation Raikage is definitely one of the best among the five shadows.This is because after one of his arms was burned by Uchiha Tatsuo, if it were placed before, he would not dare to imagine how strong he was.

And with such a powerful opponent, Uchiha Tatsuo was able to make him sever one arm back then. You must know that Uchiha Tatsuo was far from what he is now.This can also be seen from the side that Uchiha Chen's strength is now strong.

Brute Dao had spotted them as early as when they were approaching the forest, but he did not stop them. His abilities were different from the Human Dao and Hell Dao, and he was not afraid even if there were more people.In other words, what he is least afraid of is group fighting.Summon a bunch of psychic beasts, they just want to pass the level of psychic beasts need a lot of energy, by the time they successfully break through the barrier of psychic beasts may have exhausted Chakra.

And his Chakra amount can be said to be inexhaustible, all the Chakra swallowed by the Hungry Ghost Road can be turned into his own use, and can also be transmitted to other clones through the Chakra Conduction Rod.It can be said that as long as the hungry ghost is immortal, he will have infinite psychic beasts.

Now even if the Hungry Ghost Dao has been killed, they still have no way to break through the psychic beasts.Hushengdao merely commanded a few Archaeopteryxes, rhinos and chameleons to attack Tsunade and Kakashi at will.

However, the focus of attention has long since been transferred from Raikage to Tsunade.For Hushengdao, Tsunade, a medical ninja, is actually the best one to deal with.

Don't look at Tsunade's shadow-level strength, but in fact Tsunade barely ranks in the middle and lower reaches of the shadow-level strong.Compared to the top shadow-level powerhouse like Raikage, it is much easier.

As for why not focus on attacking Kakashi?You know Kakashi's strength is the weakest among the three.

You must know that Penn’s six realms of sight can be shared. As early as when Kakashi opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, the animal realm had already seen it through the shared sight of the hell road. Although Kakashi is not strong now, once he opens the kaleidoscope After writing round eyes, the threat level is close to Lei Ying.Of course, you have to pick soft persimmons first.

If Tsunade knew that she had long been regarded as the weakest soft persimmon in the heart of Brute, I wonder if she would run away and kill all the psychic beasts.

Seeing a small wave of psychic beasts attacking Tsunade in the beast road, Raikage noticed them.

Yunren Village has always been a group of fighting madmen. Once they fight, they will not worry about anything. The fourth generation of Raiking is pretty good, but the third generation of Raiking was fighting for a week without rest.

After throwing away the psychic beast that was attacking him again, the fourth generation Raikage jumped out of the battlefield, came to Tsunade and the others, and cautiously said: "How about it, did you solve it on your side?"

Tsunade nodded: "Except for the old Tuying man who hasn't done it yet, it has been done. Fengying is now supporting the headquarters. After he has cleaned up the enemies in the headquarters, he will rush over quickly."

"It would be great if this is the case." Although the fourth generation Raikage didn't want to admit it, in fact, he really had no choice but to take advantage of this brute. His psychic beast could always split and regenerate. There was one wave, and after this wave there were three waves, and they continued to attack him.If it weren't for the four generations of Raiking's lack of one hand, maybe he could really beat the psychic beasts of the Brute Dao.

It is necessary to know that the lack of a hand not only means that the combat effectiveness has been reduced by half, not only to adapt to the one-handed seal, but also to adapt to the lack of another hand for balance and attack.

Fortunately, most of Raikage's ninjutsu is thunder-dance ninjutsu, and there is no need for too many knots, and there is no need to re-practice the operation of one-handed knots.This also allows Raiking to still maintain most of its strength.

But what made him feel dissatisfied was that even Tsunade had already completed the mission, and as a result, he, as the commander of the ninja coalition army, had not yet defeated his opponent.

Chapter 379: The Little Ghost of the Year

Animal Dao has been looking at Kakashi trio with cold eyes. According to the shared perspective, she has seen the destruction of the human world, the hell road, and the hungry ghost road. She does not care, as long as the body is not harmed, even if the body of Penn Liudao is all If it is destroyed, there will be new corpses.

"Have you three discussed it? Once you have discussed it, then prepare to go to hell." A cold voice came from Brute Dao's mouth. This is the first time she has spoken. Even so, the Kakashi trio can still speak from her. Feel the endless killing intent in his words.

As soon as the voice fell, Beast Dao folded her hands together, and Jie Yin was completed in less than two seconds, and she patted the ground with both hands.


The two complicated techniques spread out from the hands of the animal road from the inside out, like a gossip-like formation."Bang" Along with a burst of smoke, two huge psychic beasts were summoned by Brute Dao.

But at this moment, Beast Dao did not stop her movements, both hands continued to psychic summon. After a burst of smoke passed, all the psychic beasts were psyched up here by Beast Dao from the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance Army.

At the same time, a female ninja with blue-purple hair in the same red cloud robe with black background and blue-purple hair also appeared on the battlefield.

"Is it here?" I saw that the ninja's body was like scattered pieces of paper, gradually condensing in the air to form a figure, and it was the "angel" Xiaonan, one of Akatsuki's founders.

"Why are you here?" Payne wrinkled and didn't look at Xiao Nan. He had already said that Xiao Nan would not come, but he didn't expect that she would come here.

"I don't worry about you."

"Who do you think I am?" Payne was obviously dissatisfied with Xiao Nan's self-assertive behavior.

"What should I do if something happens to you."

Payne fell silent. He owed too much to Xiao Nan. For this reason, he had been taking care of Xiao Nan very much, but he didn't expect that this would tie her up.She shouldn't be a ninja. A pure person like Xiao Nan should live carefree in a stable environment.

"Okay, I see, then you are careful and remember to protect yourself."

"Is it a new enemy?" Tsunade looked at Xiao Nan cautiously. Suddenly, her eyes were startled, and then she began to feel a little dazed, as if thinking of something.Pointing to Xiao Nan and asked: "Are you...the little ghosts back then?"

"Oh?" Brute said with a slight smile, wondering whether he was laughing at Tsunade's dullness or at the insignificance of himself and others back then: "Tsunade-sama, you finally remembered?"

"No wonder it's the case. At the beginning, I thought that Penn was a bit familiar. It turned out to be you guys. I remember you still have a kid." Tsunaga sighed.

"Why, Hokage, do you know them?" Raikage turned to stare at Tsunade, seemingly interested in their relationship.

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