Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 220

"Ah." Tsunade nodded: "When I was fighting with Jiraiya Oshamaru and they were still fighting in Urenin Village, we ran into three little ghosts. Two of them were Tiandao Payne and the girl in front of you. A man with eyes that only six immortals have. Jilai also thought that they were probably the sons of prophecy, so he taught them for three years in the Kingdom of Rain."

"Hmph, you people who only know how to inflict pain on other countries relying on your own country's power, you don't know the pain we endured!" The beast road or Nagato seems to be very concerned about the past that Tsunata took up. Dissatisfaction, after all, they were all orphans of the war.

The Rain Country is interspersed among several big countries to survive, and is often regarded as a springboard for wars between several big countries. Obviously, Nagato is very disgusted with this approach.

" know your own pain, and you don't know that even our big country has its own difficulties. Don't pretend to be injured and want to win sympathy. Look at what you are doing today, is it the same as before? What's the difference between us?" Ai seems to be very dissatisfied with the animal Dao's statement.

In Raikage’s view, it was not easy for them to maintain a relatively peaceful state between Five Ninja Villages at the beginning. It is impossible to think that this world does not have war. The big people usually have to consider more extensive aspects. And those small countries only know that they are struggling for their own interests.

"Our approach? Isn't our approach the same as you did at the beginning. How do you know that you are angry now?" Animal Dao looked at Lei Ying mockingly. In her opinion, Lei Ying's words were completely contradictory, while asking them to take care of the overall situation. Don't care about the sacrifices of a few people, while angering others after the attack in your village, what is the difference between this practice of allowing the state officials to set fires and not allowing the people to light the lamps?

"Continue to be angry, continue to be manic. Only in this way will you feel the pain, and only the pain will make you remember deeply. Without these painful memories, how can you understand the sadness in our hearts." Payne said more and more. The gaffe, even the Chakra conduction rod on the face of the beast can see obvious distortions, obviously at this time Payne's emotions are already in an extremely unstable state.

"You bastard." Tsunade's hands clenched tightly, and she clenched her teeth, her veins were visible. The temples on both sides had already bulged out a lot before Penn had finished speaking. Apparently she The anger has reached its limit.

"I will let you feel what you feel is pain now!" Tsunade's Chakra has leaked out of the body, as if the whole body is covered with a chakra coat. It is obvious that she is on the verge of running out of nothing. Then accurately control the leakage of Chakra.

Tsunade stomped his left foot forcefully, and the entire ground burst into a spider web shape. The ground she was standing on was already sunken several centimeters from the ground next to her. With the recoil of this force, Tsunade suddenly moved towards Payne Rushed over.

"Weird power punch!"

The azure blue Chakra covered Tsunade's entire arm, and she rushed towards the place where the animal road stood at a very fast speed.


Tsunade's aggressive punch didn't hit Brute Dao, but was blocked by the panda psychic beast waiting for the opportunity.Rao's panda's defensive power is several times that of other psychic beasts. The strange power fist in the state of Tsunade's runaway was forced to retreat and was directly beaten back to the psychic world.

The psychic beast that Raikage hadn't solved for a long time before was so easily killed by Tsunade.The same angry Lei Ying could not help but take a deep breath when seeing this scene.

Chapter 380: Making Tactics

The psychic beasts of the animal way can be reborn and used again as long as they have chakras, but they will also be forced to return to the psychic world when they are fatally injured.When Raikage was fighting Penn before, he had forced Penn’s psychic beasts back to the psychic world countless times, but Penn could always psychic a batch before Raikage destroyed all the psychic beasts. .

Kakashi touched one of his silver hair embarrassedly after Raiking revealed the characteristics of the beast Dao Payne.

"Is it this way? Wouldn't it be impossible to beat that guy forever?"

"No." Lei Ying shook his head, and raised one of his hands to make Kakashi look at the psychic beasts carefully: "I have a bold idea. Look at the eyes of the psychic beasts, do they follow The same as those of Penn, does that mean that these psychic beasts are actually controlled, or that they are also corpses, which have been modified by people."

Kakashi followed Raikage's fingers and looked over, and those psychic beasts really had the same eyes as the other Payne.He didn't notice this at first, but after Lei Ying's guidance, he gradually understood the nature of the psychic beasts.

"In that case, it means that ordinary ninjutsu physique has no effect on these psychic beasts. If they are sent back to the psychic world, Penn can also be summoned again. It is better to ignore them than that, which can save you money. Lots of chakras."

"No, that's not the case." After she punched the panda psychic beast back to the psychic world, Tsunade couldn't figure out why the three little ghosts that Jiraiya taught at the time would now become their confidant.These are not important anymore, the important thing is how they can defeat it now.

"You forgot how we dealt with other Payne before?"

"You mean sealing technique?" Kakashi's eyes lit up.

"Yes, it can work if there are no accidents." Tsunade nodded. Since general ninjutsu doesn't work on this group of psychic beasts, the only way to start is from the aspect of yin and yang. The previous Payne It was sealed by them with sealing technique.Just now when Beast Dao was performing spiritism, Tsunade also specially checked the body of Payne in the seal scroll, and it did not disappear.

"Since other clones can be restricted by the sealing technique, the psychic beast should also be restricted by the sealing technique. We have no other way now, but can only try it." Lei Ying nodded and put the ninja bag inside Take out the seal scroll and throw it to Kakashi.

"On the sealing technique, you Konoha should be stronger. The scroll is given to you. I am responsible for controlling these psychic beasts, and you are responsible for sealing."

Kakashi took the seal scroll thrown by Raikage and nodded without speaking.The fact is also true, Konoha's sealing skills were better than other Shinobu villages.What's more, Kakashi is a disciple of the fourth generation of Hokage, and has more or less the inheritance of the seal secret technique of the whirlpool clan, which is even more unmatched by others.

To say that the only people present may only have the strongest seal technique, especially since he has a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes.His pupil technique is not so much to tear space as it is to transfer the items that the eyes are looking directly at to a different dimension.How similar is this to a seal?Even without sealing, Kakashi was able to destroy a psychic beast with the power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"Are you ready?" Lei Ying bends forward slightly, ready to move, and can attack the enemy with only a command.

Xiao Nan turned his head to face the avatar of Animal Dao and said coldly: "It seems that they are preparing to attack. Do you have any plans."

"You are responsible for interfering with the one holding the seal scroll at the back, and leave the rest to me to deal with." Beast Dao sealed with both hands, and once again summoned the panda that had been sent back to the psychic beast by Tsunade.The psychic beast panda recovered after being nourished by Penchakra.

"Go!" Kakashi gave an order, and Raikage and Tsunade rushed out at the same time, attacking Penn's psychic beast.

"Lei Dunyi, Thunder, Fury, Thunder Axe"

Lei Ying concentrated Lei Dun Chakra on his feet, and ran towards the psychic beast with an unrelenting morale.The bursting thunder and lightning left a string of scorched marks on the ground, which are traces of the land after it has withstood the ravages of thunder.

Raikage's momentum fell from the sky to the three-headed dog of hell. At this critical moment, Penn waved his hands inexplicably, and made a strange movement towards the three-headed dog of hell.I saw the three-headed dog of hell abruptly stopped his advancement.

Rai Ying saw a bad sound from the secret road, but at this time his ninjutsu was already on the string and had to send it.

"Boom!" Raikage's ninjutsu bombarded the ground in front of the three-headed dog, causing a violent shaking, and the ground in front of the three-headed dog actually sank several centimeters.And it just happened to be overturned by this violent shock wave all the way out.

After ninjutsu failed, Lei Ying suddenly turned his head and looked at the beast Dao Payne. She must have done something just now. Just now she saw her hands in Jieyin but did not release any moves.

You must know that these psychic beasts were not so smart when they fought with Raikage before. They have always insisted on Raikage's ninjutsu, and have not thought about avoiding or have no awareness of avoiding at all.However, just before, the Hell Three-Headed Dog obviously took a step back and avoided Raikage's winning blow. This was a move that Payne had never used when fighting him.

"No..." Lei Ying frowned and looked at Payne who was behind the many psychic beasts after coming out of the deep pile, "This is different from when I fought before." The battles for many years have long allowed Lei Ying to raise her brows. It became an inexplicable perception, he was able to perceive some unusual places, which is also the ability of all top masters, to be able to more or less perceive his own danger in an emergency.

Tsunade saw the three-headed hell dog being thrown to the ground in order to avoid the attack of Raikage, and his eyes lit up. "Good opportunity!"

"Weird power punch!"

Before the three-headed hell dog got up, Tsunade punched the middle head with a punch.Tsunade's power is not more than that of Raikage.Both are powerful physical techniques, the difference is that Raikage uses Thunder Ninja technique, using the thunder attribute chakra to stimulate its own cells to increase its power.On the other hand, Tsunade used her own Chakra's control ability to concentrate Chakra on one part of the body, and then burst out to cause a huge impact.

Although the two are different in nature, the effects are different.

"It's now!"

Chapter 381: Battle Failure

Tsunade yelled at Kakashi behind him after knocking the Hell three-headed dog to the ground, "It's now! Hurry!"

Kakashi understood it, and opened the seal scroll in his hand to open the seal with both hands to perform the five-element seal technique.I have to say that Raikage Tsunade and Kakashi's cooperation is very tacit.

Even if the three of them are cooperating on the battlefield for the first time, they can be so tacitly perfect.The first is Raikage to lure the enemy. After the defeat, Tsunade took advantage of the victory and directly knocked down the psychic beast. At this time, Kakashi opened the sealing scroll in time to prepare for the sealing technique.If the enemy in front of them is the only three-headed hell dog, the tactics are indeed perfect.

But... will things really go so smoothly?

"Is this unscrupulous action when we don't exist?" Xiao Nan snorted coldly, and threw the origami in his hand towards Kakashi.Xiao Nan's ninjutsu is origami, relying on paper ninjutsu earned her the title of paper angel.

"Don't want to interrupt the seal..." Lei Ying snorted coldly, stepped forward and blocked the path of origami, and slammed a punch on the origami that Xiao Nan had thrown over.

At this moment, variables suddenly emerged.The origami that Xiao Nan threw over finally opened completely under the wind's obstruction. In the eyes of Tsunade Raikage and the others, under the origami was a detonation symbol that was about to detonate.Origami, which was not a threat, suddenly became very dangerous.

"Be careful!" Tsunade only had time to remind Raikage, and there was no time to make other actions.He could only watch Lei Ying's fist and the origami with the detonating talisman touch and explode.

A violent explosion sounded, and a powerful explosion occurred in the place where Raikage was standing. This is not the effect that ordinary detonating charms can achieve. It is obvious that after Xiaonan's processing, the power of detonating charms has become Even bigger, even if a strong shadow-level player makes a streak without defense, the whole body will be injured in the slightest, and the whole body will die in severe cases.

After the gunpowder dissipated, Raikage, who was still in the punching posture, was still standing there.But at this moment, not only was his clothes already worn out, he also became scarred, and there were countless burn marks all over his body, and he could smell bursts of flesh from him far away. Fragrant, obviously it is already cooked.

Tsunade's pupils shrank, and a shocked look appeared on his delicate face.You must know that when the explosion started, he was the closest person to Raikage. However, she did not expect that Raikage, who was still alive before, would be killed by someone like this?

If this news is passed back to the ninja coalition army, it will cause an uproar. After all, Raikage is their commander in chief. Now the enemy has already died before the enemy's commander in chief is expelled. This is an extraordinary blow to the morale of the ninja coalition army. Big.

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