Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 224

Not only did the rhino stand in front of Raikage, but Yatawu also circled down from the sky to wait for an opportunity to attack Raikage.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Raikage had to dodge the attack of the psychic beast, and therefore also lost the opportunity to attack Xiaonan.Seeing this, Lei Ying had to snorted. They probably didn’t look at the almanac when they went out today, because they seemed to be in trouble today. They wanted to eliminate the animal life but failed, and the rescuer failed, and wanted to stop Xiao Nan. Leaving, the result still failed.

At this time, Xiao Nan had already turned into origami flying all over the sky, completely disappearing in the sky.Seeing Raikage, they had no choice but to stop their eager hands and stare at the two powerful enemies in front of them.

"It seems that your companion has come to support." Tuying couldn't help saying to Nagato after receiving the message from the slug.

Nagato looked at Dokage indifferently and didn't say anything. He knew that Dokage was talking to him now to distract him and give him a fatal blow, so he didn't pay attention.

"Since you don't speak, then I will attack." Seeing that Nagato was unmoved, Tuying had no choice but to attack first. He had to defeat Nagato before the enemy's support arrived. He dealt with the two Shadows alone. The strong is still a bit stressed, especially the strength of this guy in front of him has far surpassed the ordinary shadow-level strong.If he hadn't had blood stains to eliminate this kind of technique that transcended the limits of blood inheritance, there would be no way to compete with Nagato at all.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

"The earth escapes the earth formation!"

It is still the trick to suck people over, and Earth Shadow’s hand quickly puts a wall of dirt in front of him for defense, so that the enemy’s gravity cannot directly contact him. I have to say that although Earth Shadow is old, it has been fighting for many years. The experience still exists.No one has ever thought that the earth wall can be used to defend the gravitation of the eye of reincarnation.

If it wasn't for Nagato's previous release of the super god Luo Tianzheng that had consumed too much Chakra, and now the power of the reincarnation eye has been weakened, whether the earth shadow's earth formation wall can block his gravitation is still two things.

After casting the earth wall, Dokage didn't sit in place and waited to die. Instead, he bypassed the earth wall and attacked Nagato from the side.

"Soil escape super aggravates the rock art!"

At this moment, Nagato suddenly felt that the center of the earth had become more attractive to him. A small amount of Chakra was not enough to keep him floating in the air to avoid the shadow of the earth. Nagato had no choice but to increase it. Increase the output of your own chakra.

"Soil escape adds to the art of rock."

Dokage has gained power and is not forgiving. After changing the gravity of Nagato, he continued to use the aggravated rock technique on himself to further increase his strength. After all, this is a technique he has performed himself. He has played with the earth for a lifetime. At this point, the Chakra operation can still be operated freely.

"The Art of Earth Dunyan Boxing!"

After greatly increasing his strength, Dokage conjured a fist made entirely of rocks and attacked Nagato with one punch.

Nagato snorted coldly, knowing that he couldn't hide from this trick, so he had no choice but to use the power of reincarnation again.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Earth Shadow’s fist transformed with rocks was destroyed by a powerful repulsion.Seeing that the nirvana had failed, Tu Ying was not depressed but his eyes lit up: "Waiting for you is this time."

"Dust Escape Original Realm Stripping Technique!"

The bloodstains in the shape of a cube were eliminated and struck towards Nagato. Nagato that had already used the Shenluo Tianzheng could not be used again.He crossed his hands and began to seal.

"Wind Escape Gale Palm!"

With the recoil of the Gale Palm, Nagato was able to escape the blow that Tukage was bound to win.

"It's not over yet!" Tuying squinted his eyes, his condition had already begun to decline after the war, and at this time he was just holding on to prevent himself from falling.

"Dust escape bound stripping technique!"

The blood stains larger than before were eliminated and headed towards Nagato.

"Humph!" Five seconds have passed, Nagato snorted coldly, and Shenluo Tianzheng launched it again.The powerful repulsive force rushed to Tukage's blood following the elimination, but the result was what Nagato could not think of.


Tu Ying instantly knocked out his own blood and detonated, the strong impact touched Nagato's Shenluo Tianzheng, and the powerful collision force instantly pushed Nagato open.

He didn't even have time to control his body, so he was rushed away by the strong impact. When he was able to resume his actions, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He didn't know when a soil thorn had pierced his chest.

"everything is over."

Chapter 387: Ending

Tu Ying coldly looked at the Nagato that was pierced by soil piercing his chest. To be honest, he had never thought that victory would come so easily. You must know that they had gone through a lot of hardships when they faced Penn before.Even so, they did not completely repel Payne.

Although the body of playing puppets is much weaker than that of puppets, this battle does give Tuying an unreal feeling.

"It's finally over." Nagato looked at the sky with relief, no one knew what he was thinking.Or maybe he had already thought of it a long time ago, but when he suddenly realized it was already difficult to ride a horse.Such a huge organization is impossible without a leader, not to mention that the organization was established by Yahiko.

He was already tired, but he couldn't let go of the sad wishes in his heart, nor could he let go of the wishes of his companions, let alone Xiao Nan.Perhaps death is even more a relief for Nagato.

"It's over." Nagato's unchanging face suddenly added a smile, like the first plum blossom suddenly blooming in the severe winter, clear and melodious.

Tuying's complexion looked at Nagato, who was gradually losing his vitality. If he didn't know that Nagato was in fact begging for death at this time, then he would have been in vain for so many years.As a partner who had cooperated before, Tuying couldn't help but said, "In fact, you don't need to be like this."

This is not collaborating with the enemy, it is just an expression of respect for an admirable enemy, especially if this enemy has crossed with himself.

"Not so?" Nagato suddenly put away his smile and lowered his head to look at Dokage. The indifference on his face made Tukage feel that the smile just now seemed to be an illusion. How could such a ruthless person give out such a heartfelt smile ?

"You don't understand... my pain, our pain, how can you people understand!" Maybe it is the man who is about to die, Nagato's voice is very relaxed, he said his own affairs as if he was saying something unrelated Like important things, even his own life has become irrelevant.

"No!" Xiao Nan, who had rushed over from another battlefield, saw that Nagato was pierced through the tree by a thorn at the first sight after he appeared, and the breath of the whole person became non-existent.

"Nagato!" The flying origami turned into Xiao Nan's body. She walked forward tremblingly and looked at Nagato sadly and said with trepidation, " could have reincarnation eyes, how could you fail? ."

"Xiao Nan..." Nagato barely smiled and wanted to reach out to touch her cheek, probably because the movement was too big and touched the fatal wound. Nagato's chest hurt, and the whole person trembled irregularly."Ahem..."

"No...Don't move, I'll treat you." Xiaonan wanted to free Nagato from the stab, but because she didn't know much about medical ninjutsu, rashly touching Nagato's wound just accelerated him. Death.

"It's useless, Xiao Nan... I know my physical condition myself. Actually, I was going to lose it a long time ago. Go, go far away. Don't go back to Xiao, find a place to hide. , This is the best...the best." Nagato persuaded.

"I do not want!"


"I don't want... Yahiko is gone, if you are also gone, I am the only one left, how can you let me live in this world alone!" Xiaonan's gentle face was already covered with tears, even though she was in the rain Kuni was called an angel. Even though she was Nagato’s partner in Akatsuki, she was still a fragile woman in the final analysis. She was regarded as a family member of Nagato, and Yahiko died one after another. What else is there in this world? Let her rely on?

And at this moment...

"Ah... I'm sorry, I may have disturbed you." There was a strange sound of Yin and Yang in the void.

"Who is it!" Tuying is the most vigilant at this time. He is not sure if there will be reinforcements from the enemy at this time. Now he is in a state where the lamp is exhausted as long as one Zhongren attacks him. Defeated, when Xiao Nan came over, he had already chilled a lot of his heart. As a result, Xiao Nan did not attack him but put his whole mind on Nagato.

At this time, there was an unfamiliar voice, which would indeed arouse Dokage’s vigilance, but fortunately Kakashi and the others were already rushing here after receiving the news from the slug. Dokage pierced Nagato. In the future, the clones over there have lost their mobility, and they can also free up their hands to support them. As long as they can support the arrival of the support, Tuying is safe.

The void was twisted, one foot stepped out, and then the whole person walked out of the twisted space.He was wearing a black robe with red clouds and a whirlpool mask on his face. It was the guy who had made trouble in front of several shadows.

"Uchiha Madara!" Dokage looked at the guy who appeared in front of him with some surprise, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"I originally planned to do it myself, but I didn't expect it to be like this, but this is just right, saving me some trouble." Tai Tu glanced at Tu Ying, and didn't pay much attention to it, turned and looked at Nagato who was panting. Murmured in a low voice.

"What are you doing..." Nagato stared coldly at the Uchiha Madara in front of him.

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