Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 225

Dai Tu looked at Nagato indifferently, and said without emotion: "Your action has failed, and you have lost the value of use. I came back to take my things!"

Suddenly, Dai Tu's body was blurred, and in the blink of an eye he came to Nagato's position."Since you are dead, it's better to return these eyes to me."

A hand covered Nagato's face and plucked out his eyes before everyone could react.

"Ah!" Nagato, who was already seriously injured, experienced the pain of losing his eyes, and even the iron man couldn't help screaming.

"You!" Xiao Nan looked at Dai Tu with a shocked expression.

Seeing Xiao Nan’s angry expression, Bring the soil didn’t care, and an indifferent voice came from under the mask: “You don’t need to show this expression. These eyes were originally mine, but I lent it to this guy. What I did was just get my things back."


When Xiao Nan heard this, he could no longer restrain the anger in his heart, shouted angrily, and then suddenly raised his hand to launch an offensive against Daitu.

"Stop it!" Nagato reluctantly stopped Xiao Nan who wanted to do it: "You are not his opponent, stop."


"I told you to stop and you stop."

Dai Tu looked at Nagato who had aggravated his injuries because he stopped Xiao Nan. He knew his thoughts in his heart. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said to Nagato: "For the sake of our former companions, I will not take the initiative to She shot, you can rest assured! Since my purpose has been achieved, then I will not accompany...""

Immediately after the three of them watched, they launched their own space ninjutsu, and a spiral space vortex appeared, gradually inhaling the body with soil, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Nan, who had no place to vent his anger, finally noticed the culprit who caused Nagato's injuries, and looked at Tu Ying with a cold expression.However, Kakashi's reinforcements had arrived at this time, and Xiao Nan could no longer kill Tuying in front of everyone, so he could only snorted and left with Nagato's lifeless body.

"Huh..." Tuying let out a long sigh of relief: "Finally saved."

Chapter 388: Ling Ling

the other side…

The two golden horns and silver horns did not dare to attack Uchiha Tatsun actively, they had already retreated in their aura, facing Uchiha Tatsumi, the strongest man in the post-Uchiha Madara era, they had sprouted from the beginning. Retreat.

"If you don't attack, then I will attack." Uchiha Tatsumi couldn't help but smile contemptuously when seeing the two of them not moving for a long time.He doesn’t like these two guys. You must know that even the Shinnin of the ninja coalition forces sees him Uchiha Tatsumi has the courage to draw swords and face each other, and these two long-famous shadow-level powerhouses actually saw themselves. Don't even dare to attack first.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Uchiha Tatsuno folded his hands together, as if the technique in his hand did not require jiujin, he skipped the mudra and transfer mark, and a fireball with a diameter of four meters came out from Uchiha Tatsuo's mouth.

Even far away, I can feel the amazing heat generated by Uchiha Tatsu's powerful fireball technique.

Golden Horn and Silver Horn knew immediately that Uchiha Tatsu’s arrogant fireball technique was not easy to avoid Uchiha’s arrogant fireball technique. According to common sense, the great fireball technique would not be so big, and the temperature would not be so high. Obviously, this is adding the special fireball of Uchiha Tatsumi's private goods, and the two of them are absolutely impossible to be stupid enough to hard-wire without knowing the situation.

"Boom~ Zizizi..." After the huge fireball came into contact with the water surface, a huge explosion occurred. The powerful heat evaporated the water surface into a huge pit, and it took five seconds for the subsequent water to fill up. full.However, with this blow, the entire water surface has dropped by at least one level.

After seeing Uchiha Tatsu's arrogant fireball, everyone in the Ninja League knew that they were not good at it, and they were able to barely resist the aftermath of the proud fireball after they had combined several layers of defense.

"It's really troublesome. I didn't expect this guy to become so strong." Shikamaru got up from the mound and shook his head covered with mud. He couldn't help but sighed Uchiha Tatsumi's strength, just a fireball skill. There is such a power, you must know that he didn't have such a strong power when he destroyed Konoha village before this.

"Golden Horn, we can't do this anymore." After avoiding Uchiha Tatsu's offensive, the gray-headed Silver Horn couldn't help but said to Jin Horn.

"Yes, we have to take the initiative, or we will fall into a disadvantage." Jin Jiao nodded, agreeing with Yin Jiao's view for the first time.

The two looked at each other. The level of tacit understanding cultivated over the years is no longer necessary to know what the other party wants to do. They all use chakra coats to attack, and dozens of bright red chakra tails are facing Uchi. Bo Chen attacked.

That kind of density makes the scalp numb, but Uchiha Tatsu is not surprised by the golden horn and silver horn.

Although Uchiha Tatsumi is not as experienced as a movie-class powerhouse who has experienced one, two or three large-scale wars in the Ninja World War, he may be much weaker than other powerhouses in combat experience, but these are all It can be compensated by strength.

As the so-called one force drops for ten guilds, the so-called strategies and combat experience in the face of powerful forces are all useless things. At most, it will make people wait and breathe more time, and they will eventually be eliminated.

Uchiha Tatsuo closed his eyes, and opened his eyes suddenly when Kyuubi's Chakra tail was about to penetrate his body.A powerful aura erupted from Uchiha Tatsumi's body and bounced all the chakra tails away.Not only that, but this burst of aura went unabated, continuously impacting all around.

If Raikage Kakashi were here, they would probably be surprised to say the four words Shenluo Tianzheng, because it was too much like they had just experienced Penn's trick.However, in fact, this has nothing to do with Penn’s Shenluo Tianzheng. Penn’s power uses repulsion and gravity to achieve the purpose of controlling the enemy to kill and injure the enemy on a large scale.

As for Uchiha Tatsumi, this was purely a burst of aura. It can be said that he was the first person who was able to substantively explode his whole body without opening the Eight Door Dunjia.You must know that the aura that erupted when Emperor Kai opened the eight gates that year was only to make the floor under his feet slightly sunken, and Uchiha Tatsu was able to completely spread the aura.

"It's now, Golden Horn!" Yin Jiao ran to Uchiha Tatsu's feet and bent his body slightly. Golden Horn stepped on Yin Jiao's curved body. Both of them exerted force at the same time, and the Golden Horn rose high into the air.

"Banana fan!" A powerful five-attribute attack struck Uchiha Tatsumi.

Uchihasatsu avoided the attack of the Basho fan sideways.However, a cruel smile appeared at the corner of Jin Jiao's mouth: "You are in the middle." As he said, he punched Uchiha.

"Boom" with the right hand curled up with the golden rope, Uchiha Tatsumi violently hammered towards the ground with a punch."Boom!" Uchiha Tatsu, who was hammered by the golden horn with a punch, almost fell into the water, and when he was about to reach the surface of the water, he completely removed the gravity of the golden horn's punch.

"Not bad..." Uchiha Tatsu wiped the non-existent wound and whispered.

"Hmph, I thought how strong you are, but it's just a dead duck with a hard mouth, come on, reveal your spirit!" Yin Jiao coldly snorted, and said to Uchiha Tatsu disdainfully.When Uchiha Tatsuta appeared on the stage before, they were all scared, and even the aura from his body made them feel very terrible. As a result, there was no power beyond that.

An inexplicable substance rose from Uchiha Tatsu’s lower abdomen, and vomited out from Uchiha Tatsu’s mouth. Although it could suppress this inexplicable substance, Tatsumi who wanted to see the six ninjas did not. Suppress your own words.

"Is this my spirit? I really don't know what my mantra is." Chen looked a little strangely at the light blue strange substance spitting out of his mouth, and suddenly he seemed to think of something: "Wait... This seems to be something I have said since I was young, so... During the years I pretended, I only spoke with Sasuke, and it was just the simplest sentence. The most spoken word was Sasuke's name... Will it? …" The cold sweat of a big bean fell from Uchiha Tatsu's head.

After all, he is not a younger brother like Itachi, so it would be a bit embarrassing if his Yan Ling is really Sasuke.

Chapter 389: Weird

"Haha, no matter how strong Uchiha Tatsuh is, how daunting it is, isn't it going to be killed by our two brothers, the golden horn and silver horn in the end?" He successfully forced Uchiha Tatsumi's spirit out with a golden rope After that, Golden Horn laughed arrogantly.

Because when Yan Ling is forced out, there will be a certain period of time stagnation as the person being casted, just like being hit by someone with imprisonment skills in the game. Although he has complete consciousness, he cannot move. .Even if this period of time is short, it is generally sufficient.

Uchiha Tatsumi looked at the golden horn and silver horn as if watching a fool. These two guys may have accidentally added something that shouldn't be there when they were reincarnated from the dirty soil, and the whole person became a lot of second-degree.It was him who would never let go of this best opportunity after being recruited by the enemy.

However, these two fools were talking to themselves and didn't know what they were doing. Didn't he think that Uchiha Tatsumi would cooperate with these two guys to perform an earth-shattering stage play of the Sealed Demon King?

The time of imprisonment is very short, or the time when Yanling comes out of his mouth is actually imprisonment time.However, the two fools of the golden horn and the silver horn didn't know the attack when Uchiha Tatsuno spit out the spirit, and wasted this excellent first phone meeting. Uchiha Tatsumi said that he was really tired of cooperating with them. But just want to try the power of the six ninjas, why would you encounter such an opponent.

"Silver Horn, let's go on. This guy's speech spirit has been forced out." Golden Horn squeezed his fist, and the magical golden rope was hidden in the chakra's coat again. It is necessary to realize that the ninja is embodied outside the body. It consumes Chakra very much, even if the two of them are now filthy reincarnations, they dare not consume too much.

"Golden Horn!" Silver Horn roared, and his huge arm waved towards Uchiha Tatsumi. The arm wrapped in the Nine Tails Chakra's coat was like a stretchable rubber that could be reached even if it was far away. enemy.

After hearing Silver Horn's call, Jin Jiao understood that it was Silver Horn that cooperated with him before, and now it was his turn to cooperate with Silver Horn's actions.Between his mouth, a huge tail beast jade began to condense.

The black and red chakra balls can sense how much power they contain from far away. If they are hit at close range, it will be the rhythm of the game ending directly.

"Boom!" After the initial period of instability, the tail beast jade became very round and shiny, and roared towards Uchiha Tatsu with an aura of destruction.

Of course Uchiha Tatsu would not be idiot enough to insist on the golden horned tail beast jade, he hasn't had the leisurely sentiment to pretend to be such a force.

"Water escapes the water wall!"

Uchihasatsu drew aside after laying a water wall. The water wall he set up was not for defense, but for taking the Seven Star Sword in Yinjiao's hand.

Uchiha Tatsu's water wall turned into a cloud of water the moment it collided with the tail beast jade.Under the cover of water vapor, Uchiha Tatsu took the initiative to meet the hand that Ginkao waved over, but he didn't commit a crime to hack it up.Instead, he took the opportunity to cut off the big hand of Chakra's metamorphosis that Silver Horn stretched over in one fell swoop, and reached out to receive the Seven Star Sword that had fallen from his hand.

"Is this the Seven Star Sword?" Uchiha Tatsu strangely flipped the two sides of the Seven Star Sword, but found that there was nothing surprising, and there was no strange power on this sword.Driven by curiosity, he slashed at his own words.

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