Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 259

"I can hear it!" Ino closed his eyes, responding to the news from her father, Yamanaka, from the headquarters in his heart.

"We probably learned about Shikamaru and the others from the huge database at the headquarters."

"what reason?"

"They are now in a state where their body and soul are separated, their souls are forcibly pulled away, so the chakra of the whole person is in a posture of stagnation."

"Then what are we going to do." Ino's eyes brightened. Now that he knows the specific situation of Shikamaru Chouji and others, it is relatively simpler for the current situation.

"It's very simple. Just bring back Shikamaru and their souls. As long as someone can connect to them, this technique can bring them back directly."

Yamanaka's voice kept reminding Ino in his mind. Hearing the news from her father, the sad expression on Ino's face became lighter and weaker until it finally disappeared.However, she did not hear the hint of helplessness in her father's mouth.

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry up and save them."

"Our headquarters is also trying to find a way. The key is that we can't find the location of Shikamaru and their souls. We guess that their souls have now been introduced into an enchantment, but we don't know where the enchantment is."

When Ino heard his father's words, it was as if he had been splashed with cold water, his excited eyes gradually dimmed.

"Yes, human soul, once it leaves the body, I really don't know where it will drift." Ino muttered to himself.

Immediately she raised her head, her teeth tightening her lips, a trace of scarlet blood flowed down Ino's teeth, and Ino woke up again with the pain of her cracked lips, gritted her teeth and said: "No matter what, I will save them. Yes, even for souls!"

"We also want to save them, but... we have no way to start. We have no way of determining their position with the soul."

"No..." Ino murmured, and then increased Chakra's output to show his determination: "There must be a way."

After confirming with the headquarters to make contact at any time, Ino stopped paying attention to anyone, but focused on Shikamaru and Choji.

"It's okay, it will be okay. Just like we believed in you at the beginning, now it's your turn to believe me, and I will definitely stick to it until...until you all come back."

During the transportation of the chakra, because he couldn’t be distracted and couldn’t free up his hands, Ino couldn’t even eat the ration pills in his pocket. If it was other times, Ino could ask others to help feed the clothes, but now it’s just right. In the period when Bai Jue clone was raging, no one dared to guarantee whether the other party was his own. Under such circumstances, Ino would not dare to let others approach him.

Rao is so, and there are still hidden Bai Jue clones who want to approach Ino and attack.

There is no way, they can only disperse as much as possible, and then stay vigilant to prevent someone from stepping forward to take the opportunity to disadvantage Ino.

However, in a place that people did not see, the ninja standing at the back, quietly put his hand into the ninja bag, and hid kunai in his hand without everyone knowing. .

He nodded at the person next to him without missing a trace. Under the tacit understanding between the two of them, he suddenly shouted: "You...what are you going to do!"

As soon as the ninja pointed at the person he had just signaled, everyone's eyes were on the person, but when they were surrounded by them, they never noticed that the corners of this guy's mouth had already conjured a weird smile.

Distracting everyone's attention, this ninja took the opportunity to stamp his foot, pinch the kunai in his hand, and rushed forward. Obviously, his target was Ino!

"It's not good! It's a trick to move the tiger away from the mountain!"

"Damn, I didn't expect the enemy to be so cunning!"

"be careful!"

Just as Ino watched the guy grinningly and grabbing the kunai in his hand, he stabbed her at her.

"Are you going to die?" When the people around didn't react at all, Ino's mind happened to be this sentence: "Tatsun... I'm sorry."

Before everyone could have time, that guy or Bai Jue clone who had returned to his original appearance was holding Kunai, and he was about to send it into Ino's chest.

At this very moment, snow flakes suddenly floated in the sky for some reason.Immediately, a biting chill came to everyone's heart.


There was a thunderous roar in the air.

When Bai Jue's avatar was about to arrive in front of Ino, his body seemed to be suppressed at the moment, unable to move at all. He originally thought he was about to succeed. With a grinning face on his front, he suddenly became frightened. The expression on his face, followed by a scream, his entire body was suddenly swallowed by a mass of black inflammation.

"Chen!" Ino's eyes lit up when she heard this familiar voice. She seemed to be in a desperate desert and met someone from an oasis. This familiar voice was the best comfort and response for Ino.

When everyone was silent, Uchiha Tatsun slowly landed from the air, and then set his eyes on Ino. When he saw the bloody wound on her body, the original gentle eyes suddenly became extremely cold. The air freezes again.

The people who wandered between the sudden cold and the heat did not dare to have any resistance to the extremely powerful Uchiha Tatsu at this moment, and even those Baijue clones who were already ready to move temporarily constrained their minions.

"What's going on?" Uchiha Tatsuno's voice echoed in everyone's ears. Although the tone was very flat, everyone could feel that Uchiha Tatsuo's calm face was now showing a trace of uncontrollable anger.

"Yes...the white enemies pretending to be us...and then..." Even when they knew that Uchiha Tatsuno was their enemy, there were still people who couldn't bear Tatsumi's excessive pressure and were forced to speak to Uchi. Bo Chen explained.

"The white enemy?" Uchiha Tatsumi frowned, and then smirked: "Haha, okay, what a white enemy? Bai Jue clone! It seems that you have no long memory just by killing your body. !"

Chapter 451: Rescue

Uchiha Tatsumi is extremely irritable now, if it weren't for Ino by his side now, he might really wipe out everyone here in a rage.In Chen's eyes, all the people here are less important than Ino's hair.

He glanced at Ino, who was obviously relieved, without a trace, Uchiha Tatsu coldly snorted, and then a few spurs rose on the ground under his feet, and there were endless screams from the ninja coalition camp.

"Tatsu..." Ino glanced at Uchiha Tatsun in a panic. Although Tatsun's arrival made her feel very satisfied, she didn't want to see Uchiha Tatsuno fighting with her comrades, at least... in a place she couldn't see.

"Don't worry..." Chen replied lightly, "Those are Bai Jue's clones."

Sure enough, those ninjas killed by Uchiha Tatsun's sudden assassination gradually revealed their original white-gray prototypes.A huge tree grew from their corpses behind them.Without exception, everyone killed by Uchiha Tatsuno was actually a clone of Bai Jue, which was incredible!They worked so hard to find an enemy that they couldn't find for a long time, but was killed by Uchiha Tatsuo so easily?

"Okay, I killed the avatar of Baijue." Uchihatatsu said indifferently: "Come with me, it's not safe here anymore, now it's just the avatar of Baijue, and there may be more powerful enemies in the future. . I don't worry about you."

"He still cares about me." When Ino heard Uchiha Tatsumi's words, her heart was as sweet as she had eaten honey. Originally, she thought she would never pay attention to her after she made a decision in the wooden house. She had already done it. The psychological preparation for confronting Chen in the future.

I didn't expect Chen to rush over all the way to take her away, but he couldn't.

Ino smiled and shook his head, looking at Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes as if he was looking at his husband. Although Ino was very weak at this time, he still worked hard and said firmly: "No, I am Konoha's ninja. , A member of the Ninja Coalition, I must contribute my strength to the village. This is my duty. I can't stay out of it. I hope you can understand me."

"Hey~ I knew you would say that a long time ago."

Chen sighed slightly. He had expected this result long ago, but he still wanted to try it. Ino had her insistence, and Chen was also an independent person, so he stopped talking after persuasion failed once. .

He squatted down and started to heal Ino with Mu Dun Chakra. Although Ino could heal these small injuries by himself after the incident, Chen didn't want to see the scars of his sweetheart.

And in terms of therapeutic effects, Mu Dun Chakra is much stronger than medical ninjutsu, and it does not even leave scars. It can also restore the vitality of the body and the Chakra.In this regard, Chen did not hesitate to increase the output of Chakra.

Warmly Mu Dun Chakra Yun stayed in Ino's body, and the warm breath made her almost groan.

In a short while, the wounds left by the wind on Ino were healed. Chen tore off the cloak from her body and gently put it on Ino's exquisite body, by the way, he secretly set the flying thunder god technique on her body.

"All right."

After Chen's Mu Dun Chakra dispersed, Ino's face showed a slightly disappointed and unwilling expression, Chen couldn't help but smile secretly in his eyes.

As if thinking of something, Ino realized that he was maintaining Shikamaru and Dingci's vital signs after regaining her spirit. Because of Chen's arrival, she subconsciously ignored the two.

"By the way, Tatsun... Can you... help me?" Ino looked at Uchiha Tatsun, his face full of pleading.

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