Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 260

"No way!"


"No way, no way!"

"He is my partner, and you used to get along with us in Ninja School!"

"If something happens to you, I will rush over even if it's the end of the world, but other people's affairs have nothing to do with me."

Although Ino was very moved by Yu Chen's care and concern for herself, she hoped that Chen could save Tatsuji Kamaru, and Neji and Ya who were on another battlefield. Suddenly she seemed to think of something, her face He couldn't help but red, and then gritted his teeth and said softly: "If you do, how about I go to your place to accompany you tonight..."

Chen raised his eyebrows.As someone who has passed by, he certainly knows what Ino is talking about. If you know that he has always been a little virgin in his previous life, and in this life he had such a beautiful night with Ino.As Chen who has just experienced this kind of taste, of course, he wants to get more times when he knows the taste.

But he would not force Ino, and even more would not go outside to find it casually. After all, with his current strength and status, wouldn't he want to get a woman?For example, Xiaonan, such as the female ninjas of Tian Zhiguo.

"Not so much..." Chen looked down at Ino, turned to look at Shikamaru and Dingci before her face changed, and said casually, "Two nights."

Ino was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, could not help but smile secretly, looking at his lover, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"Their chakras have stagnated...Look at this, the soul is not in the body." Uchiha Tatsu opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel and said to Ino after careful observation.

Ino nodded, not surprised that Chen could see that, after all, Chen has a kaleidoscope to write round eyes, as one of the world's three major pupil skills, this ability is still there.

"The headquarters also said that their souls were sealed by a special sealing technique. Now their souls should be in an enchantment, but we have no way to find that enchantment."

Chen stood up and nodded, and then asked the system calmly, "What the hell is this?"

"Ding, answer the host, they were hit by the Huangquan Reincarnation Technique."

"Yellow Spring Reincarnation Technique?"

"Ding, that's right. It is to drag the human soul into the barrier until the soul is annihilated or the physical chakra stagnates, otherwise there will be no way to escape."

"What the hell... Then how can I save it? If there is no help, wait for death?"

"Ding...This is just the conclusion drawn by the system after analyzing their combat effectiveness. According to their combat effectiveness, they can't get rid of Huangquan Reincarnation Art alone unless they are helped by external forces."

"External force? That means it can be saved? Then how can I rescue them?" Chen touched his chin, thinking.

"Ding, looking for the host..."

"The first method: exchange for spiritualization, the soul goes out of the body to search for the location of the barrier, and then forcefully breaks the barrier. The second method: exchange for Uchiha Tomitake’s kaleidoscope writing round eyes, using the ability of writing round eyes Let your soul see the future thoroughly, see where the barrier is, and forcefully break it."

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Two: See through the illusion, see the future

"Fuyue?" Uchiha Chen frowned, and then as if thinking of something, he lightly said with a sigh of relief: "Does father's kaleidoscope write round eyes?"

"Ding, that's right. For so many years. The world thought that Shisui and Itachi were the first to open the kaleidoscope to write round eyes after Uchiha Madara. In fact, it was not. As early as the third Ninja war, Uchiha Tomitake He has successfully opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes. His left eye is the same line of Amaterasu, while the ability of his right eye is to see through the future, see through the falsehood, and strengthen the soul.

This is why itachi, who had a kaleidoscope when talking to Itachi, could not find Fuyue’s clone, because his soul was strengthened, and because he could see through the future, he knew that their coup was doomed to fail, and he was so calm. Facing the ferret, facing death."

"So?" Uchiha Tatsuno nodded thoughtfully. No wonder he felt that Uchiha Tomitake was a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, and he even dared not use the system too grandiosely in front of Futake. Here is the sense of oppression brought to him.

It’s not Uchiha Tatsumi at the beginning, but Uchiha Tomitake’s pressure is too great. Even if Tatsumi possesses the golden finger of the system, he is still just a few years old. He is fundamentally in front of Futake who has a kaleidoscope to write the wheel. There is no resistance.

Although Chen, as Fuyue's son, would not be harmed, it was due to the inherent oppression of the upper kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes on the lower Gouyu writing wheel eyes.Unless you have the same eyes, in front of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, all Gouyu writing wheel eyes will be suppressed and unable to perform at a normal level.

This is why the Kaleidoscope Shalunyan is called the strongest eye of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Tatsumi frowned slightly: "Is there no other solution?"

"Ding, the authority is insufficient, and no more items can be unlocked temporarily."

"Heh." Uchiha Chen opened his mouth and laughed blankly. If he didn't know that there will be other new worlds waiting for him in the future, maybe Chen would still grab the system and ask clearly what is the matter with insufficient authority.

After all, Hokage is only the first world at the beginning, and it is quite normal that the system will be limited, which is also under Chen's consideration.

"If you use Spiritualization, you probably have a lot of points."

"Ding, answer the host, Spiritualization involves soul-related taboos and requires 50,000 points to be exchanged."

"Five hundred thousand?" Chen lowered his head and thought about it for a while. The current points are no longer something difficult to collect for him. Fifty thousand points is just a trivial matter. If there is only one way, Chen will definitely not He hesitated to choose the spiritualization technique, after all, he had no choice, and Kato Tan's secret technique was quite attractive to him.

However, the system now offers two methods, especially the other one that makes him particularly concerned, Uchiha Tomitake’s eyes. This is not a joke. In Tatsun’s previous life, no one knew what Uchiha’s eyes were. Regardless of the ability, even Kishi didn't issue a corresponding announcement, so Uchiha Tomitake's eyes are always a mystery.

"By the way, doesn't it mean that you can perceive the existence of that enchantment by perceiving malice?" Uchihasatsu thought suddenly.However, he gave up after a while, because he saw the answer given by the system, and he could perceive the existence of maliciousness when he turned on the Six Paths Mode. Chen still didn't want others to know that he could use the Six Paths Mode (although everyone would not agree Declared).

"System, I choose the second plan to redeem my father's eyes."

"Ding, it takes 100,000 points to redeem the eyes of Uchiha Tomitake, do you confirm the redemption?"

"Confirm!" Chen nodded. Now that he has decided to change, he should be a little bit more. Anyway, he won't suffer a loss.

"Ding, we are covering the capacity for the host..."

Chen only felt a mysterious power in his eyes, and a cool feeling covered Chen's eyes. The eyes that had been tired from the use of pupil surgery were relieved accordingly.You should know that although the eyesight of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shalulan Eye will not decrease, the eyes will still get tired when the pupil surgery is performed, but this fatigue is tolerable.

Not long after, Chen slowly opened his eyes. The crooked moon and the sun were together. This was called the sun and the moon, and Chen's eyes flashed three kaleidoscopes of the sun and the moon.That's right, this is Uchiha Tomitake's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. The three scarlet dots are separated by three curved lines. The symbol of the sun and the moon is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of Uchiha Tomitake.

Chen's expression was in a trance, as if he had seen something incredible. His lips were light and he wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth for a long time but didn't know how to speak. In the end, all the words turned into a strong helplessness. .

Chen lightly sighed and muttered to himself: "Is that why you chose to give up? Fuyue...Father?"

After gaining the power of these eyes, Tatsun suddenly understood why Uchiha Tomitake would choose to give up, because the power of these eyes was too strong.

Sure enough, is it a force of the same origin?

It can be said that Kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes is not only related to one's own will, but also to blood and talent.Just like Itachi and Sasuke's Amaterasu, the eyes of Uchiha Tomitake also have this ability, but this is not the reason to surprise Tatsun, but the ability of his other eye, which can be called see through the future, see through False power!

It is simply the strongest cheating device. Like Chen's own eyes, they are all in the control of the law of time. If Chen's eyes stagnation in time is to control the time of the present, then Fuyue's eyes to see through the future belong to the time to control the future. , If you are looking back in time, then Chen will be in the past, now and in the future, time is completely in control, it can be said that the law of time is truly in control.

"There is a way." After doing all this, Tatsun narrowed his eyes and said to Ino.

"Really?" As time passed bit by bit, Ino, who had seen Uchiha Tatsun’s silence for a long time, had already lost hope. As a result, he didn’t expect Tatsumi to say that there was a way in the end. This is not a kind of desperate look. Hope.

"Yeah." Chen nodded slightly, and then looked at Ino with a smile and said: "Remember what you promised me, I will go back, and I will pick you up at night." He squeezed in spite of Ino's flushed face at the moment. Squeezing her face, she gradually rose into the air and flew away.

Chapter 453: Within the Enchantment

"Be careful!" Ino stood up, but still did not stop treating Shikamaru and Dingji with both hands. She saw her face flushed and her lips lightly opened, and then she took a deep breath and said loudly to Uchiha Tatsumi: "Also, I wish you prosperity!"

This kind of blessing like a wife, Ino, seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After speaking, he squatted softly and blushed. He did not pay attention to the surprise on other people's faces at all. Notice the abnormality in their expressions.

How could Uchiha Tatsun help her, or help Konoha, and how their relationship seemed a little delicate.

Ino, who was in a shy state, did not notice this, but this does not mean that other careful Konoha ninjas did not notice, watching other village ninjas who talked about and even quietly distanced from them, these careful Konoha ninjas Could not help but shook his head helplessly.

You must know which of the five ninja villages present has not been attacked by Uchiha Tatsumi?The most important thing is that Uchiha Tatsumi originally left from Konoha village. Knowing that he still has some confusion with Konoha, this is a betrayal in the eyes of the ninjas in other villages.They were in the battle between birth and death, and they shook hands to make peace in a blink of an eye?

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