Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 261

In fact, the ninja as Konoha is still confused about the current situation. Uchiha Tatsu’s defect is 100% sure, but the relationship between him and the girl from the mountain clan, the mountain Ino in front of him, is a little unclear, even When fighting with the golden horn and silver horn before, Uchiha Tatsu rescued Yamanaka Ino. Ino did not come back until the next day. They would not believe it if there were no tricks to kill.However, it is not good for them to remind Ino of something. He can only watch and endure in silence, and then touch the blessings and curses.

Tatsun, who was already floating in the air, heard Ino's wish to bless him like his wife, and the corners of his mouth could not help but lifted up slightly, evoking a nice arc.

"Next, I'm going to look for them." Said Chen's eyes condensed in the kaleidoscope and the writing wheel slowly revealed the deterrence it should have.


Uchiha Tatsumi's right eye was sore. This kind of powerful time manipulation of the future pupil technique is a little difficult even for him to perform it. It is precisely because of this that his surprise for Uchiha Fumitake once again increased by one point.

As if throwing a rock into the water, a layer of ripples swayed from Uchiha Tatsumi as the center, and continued to pass to the distance, seemingly slow, but in fact the speed is fast.Without half a cup of tea, the ripples had disappeared before Uchiha Tatsu's eyes.

I don’t know how long it took. Uchiha Tatsu, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. He looked sharply at the position on his left hand, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "I finally found it. Was it there? ."

Speaking, Uchiha Tatsuta stepped out with one foot, and then disappeared in place with a "shoo" body, and it was already a kilometer away when he appeared again.

After exchanging the eyes of Uchiha Tomitake, Tatsun felt that not only his soul had been strengthened to a certain extent, but his body and ninjutsu had also been strengthened slightly. For example, in front of him, he was close to the world. At that time, it was obvious that the distance of movement was much farther, and the grasp of space became clearer.

But in a flash, Uchiha Tatsumi found the barrier that had imprisoned all the souls of Shikamaru and Dingci.

Uchiha Tatsun stood in the void, looking at the enchantment technique that resembled an eyeball in front of him, Uchiha Tatsuno smiled lightly, and then stepped out. The whole person was like a virtual reality, ignoring the barrier effect of the enchantment, and went deep. Into the enchantment.

In the scarlet enchantment, Shikamaru Chouji and the other four were struggling to fight with the Otonin four people. At this time, they had learned from the four people of Otonin what was going on in this place. , In this Huangquan reincarnation technique, they want to escape is simply wishful thinking, the only thing they can do is to stalemate with them and wait for the rescue from the headquarters.

The repelled Tooth shook his head again, and spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth. Don't look over at Shikamaru and said, "How about it, did you think of a way?"

"To be" Shikamaru shook his head and answered the question honestly. He has never been as helpless as he is today. There is no clue at all in this place, fight?What can we do if we defeat the enemy?As the flesh reincarnated from the filthy soil, they were immortal bodies in this Huangquan reincarnation technique. The infinite chakra and the body that would never bleed did not seem to be effective by hard work.

"Careful!" After gritting his teeth, Shikamaru gasped in a low breath after using shadow restraint technique to bring Ding Ci who had gone deep into the enemy camp back.Now the four people on the opposite side have become a lot smarter. Now he can no longer use the same tricks against the four of them. The same strategy will be wary after being used. It is really too much to want to work. Difficult.

"Damn it!" Ya waved his hand fiercely, and said in frustration: "Is there no way!"

"Calm down!" Ning Ci awakened in a loud voice, "Now it is an important juncture in the battle with the enemy. Don't say such frustrating words, and..." He looked towards Shikamaru's position: "I believe in deer. Maru, there must be a way!"

Feeling the trust from his comrades, Shikamaru had something in his heart called touching: "You...are you still willing to obey my command? Even if my battle plan made such a big mistake..."

Ding Ci stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and interrupted Shikamaru aloud: "It's not like you, and isn't your strategy the best strategy? The only way we can work is not you Have you figured it out? Give it to your heart's content, we will definitely implement it!"

"Everyone..." Shikamaru glanced at the three of them, looking at the encouragement of trust in his companion's eyes, he couldn't help pursing his lips, "Well, now I will continue to command the battle, remember to ensure your own life. , This one has already been said before, everything puts safety first!"

The Otonin four people who were across from them saw that Shikamaru and four did not rush over as recklessly as before, but hid there. They didn’t know what to talk about. They frowned, and Tayu also mocked: "Hey, What more are you muttering to say, so afraid? Then just behave and catch it!"

"We are not afraid!"

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Four: Unexpected Reinforcement

Shikamaru looked at the crowd of Otonin, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly and mocked: "Who said that we are afraid? Don't let the dead come out to scare people, a bunch of idiots!

When the four of Otonin heard it, he was furious, and shouted at Shikamaru: "You fellow, are you looking for death!"

"Shikamaru..." Ningci Dingci and others are also curious, why Shikamaru has been provoking the four of them all the time. He is already at a disadvantage, but he still has to provoke others forcibly. Isn't this doing his own death?

"Don't talk, or you come with me, don't ask me why, if you still believe me, then follow me, and then I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Hearing Shikamaru’s words, they were already talking about it. They were no longer able to say anything else. Instead, they chose to stand in line with Shikamaru, looking at the four people of Otonin with cold eyes. The taunting even though they were scarred now, could not stop them.

Seeing that Shikamaru and others didn't know what was going on, Tayuya and others suddenly became very arrogant, and couldn't help feeling unhappy.

"What? You bastards. It's obvious that you are at a disadvantage now, why can you still mock us so calmly. I think you are really tired of your life, let me die!"

Speaking of Guitong Maru's face, he spit out three arrows and shot them at Shikamaru and others.

"Hey, you are shooting there! Are you blind or not eating enough?" Shikamaru's face remained unchanged after avoiding the attack of Guitongmaru, and continued to taunt the four of them.

"Damn it, you kid. It makes me very angry!" Guitongmaru licked his tongue and smiled without anger. After all, they are dead now, and nothing will arouse their anger, Shikamaru. If you do, at most it will only make them irritable and make them anxious.

However, Shikamaru’s purpose is precisely this. First of all, after getting irritated, they are inherently disadvantaged in their mentality, just to even out the anxiety in Shikamaru and their hearts. After all, after knowing that the four people of Otonin are immortal, much They will still be affected a little bit.

Secondly, after being upset, although they say that their strength has become stronger and their movements have become faster, this also limits their speed. Moreover, after they get upset, they will not care so much about some details, so that they can make Shikamaru has a better analysis.

As for more?Shikamaru didn't expect that for the time being, he didn't think about angering them and letting them release a stronger aura so that the headquarters could perceive it, but he is not sure whether this enchantment can withstand the leakage of the aura, if not. , Then the headquarters will definitely feel that if it can go on, it will be a waste of effort, but no matter what, it can think of so many reasons in a short time, Shikamaru is well-deserved as a new generation of Konoha.

Uchiha Tatsumi stood in the void, watching Shikamaru's decision and actions underneath, and couldn't help showing an expression of appreciation. Although they were no longer fellow travelers, Tatsumi couldn't bear it after seeing the operation of Shikamaru's eyes. Living admiringly, after all, there are not many ninjas who can formulate battle plans and can stand alone in his own country.

The few guys left in Chen's hands are simply not able to stand alone. Shuiyue Shigego and the others are at best as the vanguard of the mission. Xianglin has this qualification. They used to manage the prison of Dashemaru well. The detainees were all thugs, and they were able to suppress the group of guys without rioting. It can be seen that the method of Xianglin is also quite powerful.

But that was just a prison after all. The prisoners in it were all imprisoned, and their freedom had been restricted. If the restrictions were lifted, the phosphorus would not have the slightest ability to fight, without sufficient deterrence, and there would definitely be no way to hold it down. The result can only give up.

"It would be great if Shikamaru could be brought back to the Tanokuni camp." Uchiha Tatsumi thought carefully, touching his chin.But he knew it was impossible. According to Shikamaru and Ino's enthusiasm and attitude towards Konoha, it would be a fantasy to make them rebel against the village. Don’t look at them and they haven’t had any major conflicts. , It was simply because of Chen's strength and his relationship with Ino.

If they had to draw their swords to each other, Shikamaru and the others would never show mercy.

"Shikamaru, are you really useful like this?" The most uneasy thing is still the tooth. After all, he did not grow up with Shikamaru like Ding Ci, and he was not as reticent as Ning Ci. He decided on Shikamaru's decision. If you have any doubts, you will be asked.

"I don't know." Shikamaru shook his head and immediately explained: "Now we can only do this. I hope we can sense everything we are doing now at the headquarters. Otherwise, it would be really resigned. Up."

After listening to Kamaru's words, Ning thought slightly, and he probably understood the consciousness he wanted to express. After all, he couldn't speak too bluntly and couldn't let the enemy know. After he was relieved of Shikamaru's decision, he glanced at his teeth. , Signaled him not to ask any more, just follow along.

With three votes to one, Ya couldn't say anything, nodded and agreed not to ask again.

"Hey, I said you guys, people are already dead, why are you resurrected now? You shouldn't be the main force in this battle, you know that Dashewan is already..."

"Ohhhhh, what do you know!" Shikamaru's words were interrupted before they were finished, and Tayuya sneered loudly, "Who told you that we participated in this war? We are nothing but It's just a group of avengers, the avengers who can lose their lives for strength!"

"So..." Shikamaru wanted to say something, but seeing the evil spirit on their bodies getting stronger and stronger, they dodged one step in advance. As expected, what followed was an attack from near to right.

"We are only alive for revenge!"

"That's not looking for us. Didn't you look for Sand Shinobu? They killed you."

"We will deal with them, and now the main target is you!" The four of them ignored what Shikamaru said. The evil spirits and grievances on their bodies became more and more serious, and their strength was strengthened.Gradually, the power of the four was no longer what Shikamaru and the others could resist.

"That's it." At the last moment, Shikamaru couldn't help closing his eyes.

For a long time, after not feeling the pain, Shikamaru couldn't help but opened his eyes, and was taken aback.

"U...U...Uchiha Tatsuo?"

Shikamaru didn't expect to see Uchiha Tatsumi in this place.Could it be that he was also bound in by the sealing technique?No, it is absolutely impossible for him to be bound by this barrier with his strength, so there is only one result.

"Reinforcements are finally here..." Shikamaru let out a sigh of relief.

"But... I didn't expect it to be this guy..."

Four hundred and fifty-fifth chapter: Get out!Or die!

Shikamaru finally breathed a sigh of relief, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and rejoiced: "Reinforcement, the reinforcement has finally arrived."

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