Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 286

This group of poor warriors was tempted by their generals to die one step at a time, but they didn't know it.They didn't realize until the moment death really came that life was so short and so fragile.

They were struggling, crying, and crying out for help from their teammates, but who could save them?After being slashed, unless someone casts the reincarnation technique.unfortunately…

Chen raised his foot and started, straddling the group of dying people who were rolling and struggling on the ground, and turned his eyes on the body of Fujiyasu who was about to take the opportunity to escape.

Chen smiled contemptuously, and said for the first time: "The General House of the Kingdom of Sichuan? It's just a group of mobs, and your ending is the same anyway."

Fujiyasu's body froze after being locked in by Tatsun's cold consciousness. He turned his head hard to look at Uchiha Tatsun. It was obvious that he could see surprise, fear, and fear in his eyes.

Chen stretched out his finger to point at the scene between Fujiyasu and taunted the receivers in the scene: "Hey, your head asked you to come and die, but you are going to escape."

The people who were facing Chen were suddenly shocked and subconsciously looked back. Sure enough, when their general was carrying them, he was ready to take his confidant and want to escape.


Seeing all the people under him cast their eyes on him, Fujiyasu's expression suddenly became embarrassed.His subordinates are fighting for himself, but he has already begun to secretly prepare to escape. Whoever he is, there will be an aura of indignation in his heart, not to mention that Fujikang is not very much towards his subordinates. kind.

"Why, your general has done this to you, do you still plan to live and die for him?" Chen's voice echoed in their ears at the right time.

When these warriors saw their generals start to slip away, they put down their swords and looked at him with three-point confusion and seven-point anger. At this time, under Chen's instigation, someone suddenly became unconvinced. Snorted coldly.

"Kill him, this kind of blessings and difficulties for you to enjoy yourself, I can't bear it if you become the general." Uchiha Tatsuro's bewildering words repeatedly echoed in their ears.At this moment, Chen's eyes had already become a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes.

Chen's kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes began to rotate slowly, and his pupil power mixed with those words he said to form a new type of illusion. This kind of illusion can only be performed in conjunction with the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, using the power of sound Coming to confuse people's minds, making the enemy's illusionary skills impossible to guard against, unless the enemy is deaf, otherwise they will be more or less affected by illusionism.

"Illusory night!"

I saw a confused look in the eyes of these samurai, and then a pattern consistent with Chen's kaleidoscope appeared in their eyes. They blankly grasped the sword in their hands, turned around and walked step by step towards Fujiyasu. go with.

"You...what are you going to do..." Fujiyasu was panicked in the interlude. He didn't expect that this guy in front of him could actually encourage the samurai under his hand to rebel. You must know that the most important thing for a samurai is loyalty, even if the master wants the samurai to go. Death, the samurai can only commit suicide by caesarean on the spot.

"Get out... Get out of me! You humble people." In the panic, Fujiyasu pulled out the long-sealed sword and waved the sword in his hand unruly: "Get out, get out of me. open!"

Chapter 494

Fujiyasu waved the long sword in his hand blindly between the scenes, but in his stern tone, it was obvious that he could hear the guilty conscience. His two hands waved without strength, and even a samurai could not move away.


A large sword crossed his defense line and pierced his chest directly, making his movement stagnate. Then countless swords pierced through Fujiyasu's body between the scenes in a short blink of an eye. Fujiyasu's body was pierced by countless Taito swords, and even two sharp Taito swords were inserted into his head.

It wasn't until this time that Fujiyasu reacted between the scenes, raising his eyes and taking a deep look at the men who betrayed him, as if to remember all their faces in his mind.

However, after he looked up, he realized: "Wan...Kaleidoscope writing round eyes!"

Others may not know it, but as the general of the shogunate of the Kawa no Kuni shogunate, it couldn't be clearer. For this pair of eyes, the secret documents of the generals have ever had the most detailed records.

Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, the ultimate evolution of the writing round eyes of the Uchiha clan, and the eyes of Uchiha Madara, who stands on the pinnacle of the ninja world with Senjujuma, the god of the ninja world, is the eye that can control the strategic weapon of the tail beast , Only the most talented Uchiha clan can open these eyes.

With the disappearance of Uchiha Madara, the legend of this pair of eyes gradually faded, but in the notes of high-level people in various countries, the word round eyes written in a kaleidoscope, as long as the Uchiha clan is immortal, will never disappear.Although Fujiyasu has never experienced the era of Uchiha Madara, the terrifying legend of this pair of eyes has been circulated in the Ninja World.

"Origin...Is that so? Cough!" Blood spilled from the corner of Fujiyasu's mouth between the scenes. He wanted to speak, but the severe pain after opening his mouth made him completely unable to bear it. He coughed loudly, which happened to be a direct cough. The injuries that affected his whole body, countless knives stirred in his body along with his cough, made him scream and scream.

He knew that he was defeated without complaint. In front of the Uchiha clan who opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, all the people here are not enough for others to kill, but he is still unwilling. He wants to live and enjoy life yet. Enjoy enough.

There is a saying, the more cowardly people seem to be crazy, the more terrifying they are.Although Fujiyasu's interlude had already consumed his will as a samurai by his drunkenness, his crazy desire to survive made his heart become extremely distorted.

He looked at Uchiha Tatsu with sullen eyes, stretched out his trembling hand, and fiercely grasped the sword that was stuck in his head.


"I... I want to live... I want to... live... live..."

The Taito that pierced his head was pulled out abruptly by him. The blood couldn't stop splashing from the wound, but he didn't take care of it. His other hand continued to grab a handle and began to pull it out, as if just He will survive after all the knives are drawn.

Things backfired. When he was halfway through the second sword, he finally couldn't hold it. His eyes were still open. Through the many warriors who stood in front of him, he stared at Uchiha Tatsumi, his eyes He was full of unwillingness and resentment, but his hand was unable to continue to pull out the blade from his body, slumped softly on the ground, and finally died, carrying unwillingness and resentment towards Chen.

Looking silently at Fujikang struggling until his death, Chen said nothing.Who would have thought that Fujiyasu, who was originally so unbearable, could actually make such a decision under the urge to survive, and Chen was amazed by his cruelty.

After Fujiyasu's death, Chen no longer had the mind to stay in this place. Hands clasped together, the hands were fastened, and the Chakra inside the body began to condense following the technique of the formation.

"Fire escape dragon flame singing technique!"

The raging fire shrouded everyone, and the entire stockade was burned under Chen's fire.Chen didn't want to comment too much on Fujikang's subordinates. If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, more or less people working in Fujikang's hand will have dirty hands. If you kill, you will kill.Besides, Chen didn't need any reason to kill someone, he wanted to kill?Kill it then.It's just that for such a bad person, Chen will not have too much psychological burden when he is killed.

The whole person rose into the sky. Under the urge of Chakra, Chen limited the scope of the fire escape to the stockade. The isolation layer with Chen outside and the specially released water escape ninjutsu were used to prevent the fire from spreading. The forest burned down.

If it were other ninjas, even the shadow-level fire escape masters would not worry about this issue, but Chen was different.Since he was able to summon the body of the Amaterasu Flame, his fire escape naturally took on the characteristics of the Amaterasu Flame, which was more resistant to burning and harder to extinguish than other ninja fire escapes.

Chen is not worried about the forest of the Kingdom of Sichuan, but he is worried about the paradise of the village.Finally, he found a peaceful and peaceful place where he still had to teach his apprentices. He did not want to involve the entire village. Once the fire spreads and the entire forest is burned down, it will inevitably expose the existence of the village. The isolated paradise will no longer exist.

He shook his head. For the first time in so many years, Chen was so concerned about the environment of a place, which made him irrational. He even cared about these vulgar things even if no one cared.

The fire continued to spread. After annexing the entire stockade, it even attempted to expand to the outside world, but its progress was blocked by Chen's isolation. The unwilling flames continued to rise and clamor, but there was no way to break Chen's isolation. In the end, after everything was burnt down, the fire became smaller and smaller unwillingly, until it disappeared and turned into sporadic flames and still refused to give up.

Seeing this, Chen nodded with satisfaction: "It's almost done, and the troubles here are solved."

Stretched, the whole body "cracking" sounded like fried beans. After stretching his body, which was a little stiff because of standing for too long, Chen turned his head and stopped looking at the fire-destroyed village, and pulled away. The isolation belt, his figure appeared ten meters away in the blink of an eye.

Originally, according to Chen's temper, this village didn't plan to go, but the two little girls were still in the village. There was no way, Chen had to set foot on the road back to the village again.

In fact, fate is so wonderful. From Chen's eyes, the two little girls seem to be his apprentices by nature, and Chen felt good in their hearts when they first met.

Chapter 494: Abduction

After returning to the village, Chen didn't alarm the others but came quietly to the home of Miao Miao and Bae.

Although he didn’t intend to anger these villagers, Chen didn’t really want to see these villagers. If he didn’t want to collect meows and baa as disciples, Chen might not bother to take care of the village. Since Chen is planning to accept both as disciples, the village where these two little girls live naturally has to take care of them.

Quietly appeared in the two's home, and did not alarm the others.When Tatsun appeared, the two little girls were still taken aback. They screamed and watched Uchiha Tatsuro making a fuss. They stepped forward and took a look at it. They thought that Uchiha Tatsuo was fake. people.

"Bad Uncle Tatsun, are you coming back?" Meow fluttered with big eyes, looking at Uchiha Tatsun innocently. Those who don’t know Meow’s temperament might think Meow is a naive and cute little boy. The child, however, Chen knows that the innocence and cuteness are nothing more than the appearance that Meow Meow uses to cover up. The real Meow Meow is actually a super trick-or-treating king of ghosts. There is nothing she dare not do, nothing is. She was afraid to try.

It's bleating, hiding behind her sister who is meowing, although she is also very surprised, but the look revealed in her small eyes is too curious to worship.

Just as they were talking, the mother of the two of them, Makikawa Riko, just came in from outside the house, and met Uchiha Tatsumi.

Makikawa Riko's expression stiffened, and she subconsciously wanted to reach out to fight. It took a second to realize that this was Uchiha Tatsumi. He put down her hand in embarrassment and bowed deeply to Uchiha Tatsumi, somewhat abruptly. He opened his mouth and said: "Sorry, sorry for offending Master Ninja, please do not forgive, please do not forgive!"

After hearing the words of the two little guys’ mothers, Uchiha Tatsu could not help but frown. He was obviously able to hear the feelings of birth from the words of Mirikawa Riko. He had always called him little brother before, which sounded more intimate. And now this is a serious change to call Master Tatsuno Ninja, one sounds familiar, while the other is unspeakable alienation and fear.

It can be guessed that it must be the village chief who called everyone in the village during Tatsun’s departure, or he called Riko Orangekawa and told them to be polite to Uchiha Tatsumi. , A little awe.

Speaking of this, Chengchuan Luzi was a little surprised.Originally, she thought Uchiha Tatsumi was just a little ninja who had never graduated. After meeting Uchiha Tatsumi, she had a good impression of Uchiha Tatsumi and treated him as a younger brother. If this did not happen, then perhaps Orange River Midoriko You can continue to treat Tatsun as a younger brother with peace of mind, but with such a big incident in the village, Orange River Riko can no longer treat Uchiha Tatsuo as an ordinary younger brother as before.

He kept bowing deeply and didn’t get Tatsun’s reply. Makikawa Riko couldn’t help but think with a lot of thoughts, and thought anxiously: “It turns out that he is really a ninja, and he is also a very powerful senior ninja. , I teased him so much before, and I don’t know if he is angry or not, but now I have made such a disrespectful action to him, what to do, what to do. Also, he didn’t mean to collect meows and bleating. Disciples, don’t I want to agree? What if he takes Meow Meow and bleates away, I can’t bear to..."

Anxious in this heart, it will be revealed in people's movements. Chen only saw Cheng Chuan Luzi's body begin to tremble gently, as if he was afraid. Fear Chen would do some very difficult things to their family. Here, Chen couldn't help but laughed. He stretched out his hand to help Chengchuan Luzi and smiled: "This is not like you anymore. I laughed at me before. Why is it like this now?"

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