Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 287

When Chen's hand touched Chengchuan Luzi, it was obvious that she could feel her body tremble slightly, and she was immediately held by Chen.With a light sigh, Chen knew that Chengchuan Luzi was still afraid of herself, this kind of thing could not be solved with just one sentence.

At this time, I couldn't help but start to complain about the nosy village chief. I planned to enjoy my life, but he didn't expect that he would interrupt the plan.

Chen Chuan Luzi was obviously still a little cramped after being supported by Chen.She twisted her two fingers together and looked at Chen, still revealing a little bit of palpitations and a little bit of weirdness in her eyes.The identities between the two changed so quickly, so fast that Chengchuan Luzi, a country girl who had never seen the world, could not react.

"I...I'll pour you a cup of tea for Master Ninja!" Makikawa Luzi rubbed her hands on her body and fled in a panic.

Chen did not stop, but sat on the corridor in his arms and sighed softly.

Meow ran over, crawled into Chen’s arms, found a comfortable position with a twist, raised his head and asked curiously: "Bad Uncle Chen, why does my mother seem to be afraid of you? Are you really Badass?"

"Nonsense!" Reaching out and scraping Meow Meow's nose, Uchiha Tatsuno pretended to be angry and said: "You little girl, do you think I'm a bad guy, brother?"

Miao Miao pulled away from Kaichen's embrace, stood up and looked at the old man seriously for a long time, then shook his head and said, "It's not like."

Chen was very satisfied, and said that he would hug Meow and give her a Mooda as a reward.

"You are! Bad boy Uncle Tatsun! Hahahaha!" Little Lolita made a grimace at Uchiha Tatsumi with a smirk, and ran into the kitchen with her legs away.

"This girl..." Chen shook his head. He didn't come forward to chase him, but continued to sit on the ground and touched his little head and whispered softly, "Hey, would you like to learn ninjutsu with your brother?"

"Ninjutsu?" A soft and waxy voice came from Chen's arms: "What is Ninjutsu? Is it the kind that the older brother took us to fly?"

"Yes." In order to confuse these two little girls to learn ninjutsu, Uchiha Tatsun simply didn't even want a bit of Bilian, and said without shame: "It's the kind of very powerful ninjutsu, as long as you learn After that, you can fly by yourself. Whenever you want to, you can fly with you. You can also fly with your mother, how about?"

"I want to learn! I want to fly!" Baa stretched out his short chubby hand, his eyes widened and looked at Uchiha Tatsu in a low voice.

Chapter 498: Mistakes

"I want to fly, I want to learn tricks!" Baa stretched out a white and tender little hand, raised it up and whispered towards Uchiha Tatsumi.

This little girl was born with a low volume. Even if she was excited, she couldn't increase her volume. Chen looked at the admiring little girl and couldn't help but smile. He hadn't been so happy for a long time and hadn't relaxed himself. Because of survival, Chen didn't get real rest from the beginning. In order to survive, Chen's nerves have been in a tight state and never let go.Because Chen is too aware of the direction of the Hokage world, in this world where life is as cheap as a dog, only strength is the support that can truly survive.

After Chen's strength was finally able to seek self-protection, he was already used to this life of tightly dancing on the tip of a knife. Originally, ninja was a high-risk profession. As a ninja, he should be used to licking blood. Life, that kind of comfortable and stable life is definitely not suitable for ninjas. You must know that the enemy can attack from any place anytime, anywhere.

Maybe, this is also a kind of sorrow for the ninja.It was originally a group of superb people, but they can only lead a life that is more stressful than ordinary people. The more powerful people are, the more people want to assassinate.Don't think that the world of Hokage is really like this little fur on the surface.The underground exchanges dare to post any list. Even the assassination of the first generation of Naruto, the second generation of Naruto, and the third generation of Naruto tasks can be seen in the underground exchange. Every day, countless people try to intercept the task in one step, and like Uchi Bo Chen's head reward is now the number one in the underground exchange, and the reward has long exceeded the amount of 100 million taels of silver.

It's rare that there is no Shinobi, no rewards, and no war here. Chen can finally remove his thick camouflage and let go of the burden of his soul.To put it bluntly, apart from his twenty years of living in a harmonious society, he himself is a teenager, but he is completely devoid of the vigor that a teenager should have, and some are just like dozens of adults. The insidious cunning and scheming.

After taking Baa Baa, his hands passed through her armpits and raised high, Chen smiled at Baa Baa and said: "Okay! Big brother, I will definitely teach you tricks to fly!"

"Yeah!" Baa nodded, and the little croissant braid behind his head moved with it. It was really cute.

At this moment, Midorikawa Luko was carrying a saucer, a pot of tea and a bowl of washed fruit came out of the kitchen. He happened to hear the dialogue between Uchiha Tatsumi and Baa, and his heart trembled, as if it was Thinking of Uchiha Tatsu's identity, his face became difficult to look, and he turned around and turned his back to Uchiha Tatsun and the two of them, taking a deep breath, finally calming the complicated mood in his heart.

Riko Orangekawa walked over with a slightly stiff smile, put the tray on the ground, took the tea cup in both hands, respectfully toasted it to Uchiha Tatsumi: "Master Ninja, I don’t know if the rough tea in the countryside suits your taste. Please enjoy!" He lowered his head and passed his hands further up, without looking at Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes.

Upon seeing this, Chen couldn't help but smiled bitterly without taking the tea, and softly persuaded: "Mrs. Orange, you don't need to be like this. I think your attitude at the beginning is very good. Actually, there is no need to be so formal and serious. ."

Makikawa Midori shook her head and said, "Before I didn't know the identity of Master Ninja, so I neglected Master Ninja. Please don't blame Master Ninja." As she said, she held it high, but But the body still kept kneeling down and bowed deeply to Uchiha Tatsumi, and offered the tea.

Uchiha Tatsumi smiled helplessly, what else could he do?He is also very helpless.Now, after hearing the words of the village chief, Cheng Chuan Luzi suddenly became so stubborn. Before, she was a very easy-to-talk mother of two children. She looked like an elder in front of Chen, but now she has become a servant. Exist as a slave.

Chen sighed softly. This was the first time he didn't know how to dissuade him. Since Chengchuan Luzi was still unmoved, Chen had no choice but to hold up the cup of tea, which was regarded as acknowledging his status.

In fact, Chen doesn't care about these things, no matter who it is.But as the mother of two little girls, Chen didn’t want Chengchuan Luzi to be like this in front of her. After all, she was innately lower in status than Chen and the two little girls. Chen did not want to see this in Chen's experience, and I believe it was also something that the two little girls did not want to see.

He lifted the cup gently, took a sip around the rim of the cup, and placed the cup again in the hands that were still respectfully stretched out by Cheng Chuan Luzi.

She took the teacup, put it in the saucer and filled it up again, and asked Tatsun if she wanted to drink, Tatsun waved her hand to let her go. Only then did she carefully stand up, slightly arched and stood on Uchiha Tatsumi. Behind.

"This time I still want to say, I want to accept both little girls as apprentices, and learn ninjutsu with me, what do you think of Mrs. Orange River!"

"Okay, okay!" Baa, thinking her mother would agree, chuckled and whispered.Because of the reason that Chen deliberately blocked it before, Baa Baa did not see her mother bowing in front of Chen, this kind-hearted little guy, Chen did not want her to be polluted and poisoned by these thoughts at this age.This move made Chengchuan Luzi feel warm after seeing it, and finally accepted his identity calmly.

"No!" Mirikawa Mizuki subconsciously yelled, and immediately thought of her identity, looking at the scared Baa and Uchiha Tatsumi who was staring at her, Mirikawa Mizuki bowed and said, "Sorry, sorry. , Lord Ninja, please forgive me, I am the one who has no choice!"

Uchiha Tatsun blocked Baa’s eyes, frowned and said, "Okay! Don’t do this in front of Baa, you will make them less confident!"

Cheng Chuan Luzi bowed slightly, and then sighed and said quietly: "Whatever you see, no matter what the girl, don't you want to serve others in the future?"

"Huh!" Uchiha Chen snorted coldly, and stood up holding Baa Baa and said with a very proud tone: "My apprentice, can those vulgar fans be comparable? My apprentice will eventually stand in the Ninja World. Pinnacle, despise anyone!"

Chapter 499: Annoyed

Uchiha Tatsuno stood up and talked, the robe behind him went without wind, and an aura of disdain for the ninja world could not help but spontaneously emerged from Uchiha Tatsuno's body.Feeling the arrogance on Uchiha Tatsumi, even though Ms. Orange had not thought of agreeing in his heart, he still surrendered to his aura.

Seeing that Cheng Chuan Luzi was actually convinced by this momentum, he couldn't help kneeling directly on the ground.But she still said, "Master Ninja, please be generous and let go of my two little daughters. Our family just wants to be together peacefully. I don't want to be a ninja, nor do I want to be proud of the Ninja world. I am Country folks, I don’t know how powerful a ninja is, or how big the ninja world is. I only know that our family of three lives here very happy and contented. Now I want to make Meow Meow and Bae what a ninja, I will not only If you worry about them, you will miss them a lot. I believe that they are the same, so I beg Master Ninja, you can let our family go!"

Cheng Chuan Lvzi talked, tears dripped from the corner of her eyes, she was really unwilling to let her two little daughters.After her husband died, her daughter was her only support, and she was reluctant to grow up and leave.She has a very small heart, she only needs to live with her family, and she does not need to dominate the Ninja world.

Uchiha Tatsun’s face instantly cooled down after hearing Makikawa Midori’s words. He first stroked Baa’s eyes lightly and used a little hypnotic illusion to make her fall asleep, then his whole body was shaken and his face was cold. Looking at Cheng Chuan Luzi: "Being my disciple will make your daughter suffer? Being my disciple is so unbearable? Would they rather be farmers for a lifetime than let them be my apprentices? Just look down on me? "

The icy murderous aura burst towards Cheng Chuan Luzi, he is now very angry, not only Cheng Chuan Luzi's attitude, but also her language.Was actually disgusted?The genius ninja of his own magnificent Uchiha family, has an eternal kaleidoscope of writing round eyes, merges the ten tails to become ten tails, and obtains the reincarnation eye that can be transformed into a six-way pattern. The pinnacle of the world is actually rejected?

I saw Makikawa Riko lying softly on the ground under Uchiha Tatsumi's icy aura, even though it is summer, but in Nakagawa Riko's heart, no!The air within half a meter of Luzi in Orange River became thinner, and even the temperature became cold.Under the coercive force of Uchiha Tatsumi's aura, as an ordinary person, Midorikawa Riko could only softly shrink herself into a ball and hug herself together to try to get warm.

But just like that, she didn't feel the slightest warmth on her body.In this mid-summer June day, Cheng Chuan Luzi seemed to be naked in a piece of ice and snow, even though she adjusted her posture in various ways, she couldn't make her body warmer.

But even so, the expression in the eyes of Nakagawa Luko still did not change, she still looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with pleading eyes, as if to say please beat me as much as you like, and ravage me as much as you like, but please don’t hurt my child. .Seeing this look, Uchiha Chen's heart was inexplicably angry!

In the past, there was also a person who used this kind of love to treat Uchiha Tatsun. He wanted to use boundless love to influence Uchiha Tatsun. As a result, it was true that Tatsun was influenced, but the price was that the person died in front of him. Until she died, she never revealed her heart to her.

Now I see this look and this emotion again.Chen's mentality that had become peaceful because of the environment here began to ripple and gradually became impetuous.

"Is it worth it..."


A trace of anger flashed in Uchiha Tatsu's eyes. He was completely angry right now, and it was already at this point. Tatsuno had already said that for this purpose, but it was still for the child.Did her Cheng Chuan Luzi mean that giving the child to him was delaying the child and ruining her two little girls?Could it be that he is a dignified immortal, does not have the qualifications to teach her children?

Who is Uchiha Tatsuo?Standing at the top of the Pyramid of Naruto World, what can he not get?When it comes to accepting disciples, as long as Uchiha Tatsuo opens this mouth, those who want to be his apprentice can line up directly from the east gate to the west gate, even those from the five ninth villages, even the shadows of five ninth villages. After hearing the news, he would be shocked and immediately inform the people in the village to do everything possible to worship Uchiha Tatsun as his disciple.

It is unimaginable to know that as a disciple of Chen, one day as a teacher and a lifelong father is equivalent to having a patron behind him that is comparable to an immortal.

But the guy in front of him, Makikawa Riko, didn't know good or bad, and had no eyes to know Taishan. Uchiha Tatsu who was originally just showing a trace of breath immediately put away his own breath and no longer frightened Makikawa Riko.People are good-looking, Chen can't always come up eagerly. Since they don't want to be Chen's apprentice, after all that, what can Chen do?If you don't accept it, you will fall down!

Uchiha Chen let out a cold snort, flicked his sleeves with anger, and said that he was about to turn around and leave.

"You are not allowed to bully me!" Just when Uchiha Tatsumi was about to leave, a tender but anxious voice came from Tatsun.Chen couldn't help but stop, turning his head to look over.

"Don't come here!" Chengchuan Luzi yelled!

However, Miao Miao ignored it.I saw Meow Meow with her mouth bulging, looking at Uchiha Tatsun with an angry face, Meow Meow trotting over, reaching out to stand in front of Uchiha Tatsumi, and shouting at Uchiha Tatsumi: "Bad Uncle Tatsumi You are not allowed to bully me! Otherwise, I will hit you, shit you!"

The little girl trot over, jumped up and stretched out her chubby little hand, hitting Uchiha Tatsun's knee with one punch and one punch. The strength was not so much for hitting Chen, it was better for helping Chen doing massage.

"Meow!" Chengchuan Luzi was so frightened when she saw it, she called Meow Meow loudly, but Meow Meow ignored her.

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