Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 294

It was just a slight warm-up exercise, and neither of them was serious, and they didn't even show their warm-up energy.The simple temptation is only to show one's own position, now that the two have made the final decision, then this battle can no longer be avoided.

At this moment, the atmosphere gradually became serious.A gust of wind blew by, bringing an amazing howling sound.

Chapter 513: Clash with Madara

At this moment, the atmosphere on the scene gradually began to become dignified. In the midsummer season with a touch of autumn, it should have been a slightly sultry climate. Under the confrontation between Uchiha Tatsumi and Uchiha Madara, even this The temperature between the world has also dropped a few minutes.In the originally clear sky, I don’t know when a cloud drifted over, covering the sun, and for a while, the whole world seemed to be shrouded in darkness. It seemed that all the creatures were imprisoned by the two, unable to break free and unable to break free. quiet.

The two confronted each other quietly, and no one took the initiative to take the initiative. They seemed to be looking for each other's weakness and wanted to take advantage of it.It can be said that at this time, if anyone moves first, it is equivalent to losing in the first wave of confrontation between the two.The battle between the two is not only about finding weaknesses, but more importantly, patient competition.

Time passed by one minute and one second, but the two still hadn't moved, and the aura of the two people's continuous cohesion and superposition was about to reach a peak.If this continues, it might really explode.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara has already put away the contempt in his heart. It is nothing else. It is not easy to be able to stand up with himself for such a long period of time with Chen's qi training skills. By the way, Kanchen's appearance is not particularly big, at most he is in his teens or twenties. It is not easy to reach this height at such a young age.I think he didn't have Chen's strength when he was Chen's age.

He looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with approving eyes. Although Madara has left the Uchiha family, at least he is still a member of the Uchiha family. He ignores most of the people in the family. There is only that kind of genius. , Madara will maintain an attitude of appreciation, after all... only genius can help him in his plan.

Gradually, cold sweat flowed from the two foreheads. This is not just about the victory or defeat between the two, but more importantly, the issue of face.Whoever does it first will have a very bad face.

However, in fact, it is impossible for them to remain in such a stalemate. Not only Tatsun himself knows, but Uchiha Madara also knows very well. The purpose of his search for Tatsun is obviously very clear. It is impossible to waste himself because of Yu Tatsu's anger. Once a chance to be fully utilized, he only had three opportunities to fully utilize his strength. Uchiha Madara, who was not very physically good, could not cherish this opportunity. You must know that his current plan has just been set, and even Has not been on the right track.

Seeing that his own body is gradually dying, the successor is hard to find. Before the plan begins, he must give himself a chance to fully develop his strength.

Sure enough, the eyes of the two met again. This time, they found each other's eyes were no longer temptation, but full of urge to try.

Just between the sparks and flints, Chen moved, Madara... also moved.

Accompanied by two "swishes", the fists of the two people collided.

Although Uchiha Madara is not a ninja who focuses on physical skills, his physical skills should not be underestimated.

Two people come and go, but they have already fought dozens of moves in the blink of an eye.

The speed is so fast that it is too fast to see clearly with the naked eye.Whether it's Uchiha Tatsumi's punches or Uchiha Madara's kicks, they have a unique charm.

"Boom boom boom."

Fists hit the flesh, and the muscles collided with each other to make a dull sound.In the first round of the battle, Tatsun and Madara had a tacit understanding of neither using ninjutsu, and both were using physique to bombard each other.

In terms of physique, although Tatsumi has become the Ten-tailed human pillar power, has the bonus of the Ten-tailed power, and after drinking the pulse, his physical fitness has been improved, but Uchiha Madara is also killed from the army. Wearing, honed physical skills, even if the strength of the body is not as strong as Uchiha Tatsu’s toughness, it has never been so bad. After the strength is restored, Uchiha Madara, who has a wooden escape, is not so easy to be able to do it. Defeated it.

With a punch to Uchiha Tatsu, Madara stabilized his body on the spot, and took a breath to hide his two slightly numb hands behind him. He laughed and said: "It's been a long time since I died between the pillars. It’s been a long time since I played so fun, boy, you are very good!"

With a soft snort, Uchiha Tatsu couldn't comment on Madara's words.Chen regarded his praise as if he hadn't heard it.Madara is very harmful. Although in terms of blood relationship, Madara may really be a person above his grandfather's generation, but Tatsuno has long no longer regarded him as a member of the Uchiha clan. People who are just for their own sake are not worthy of being a member of the Uchiha clan.

Even if he has more reasons, he has more excuses.He was a poor worm who was deceived by Hei Jue. For his own vague infinite monthly reading plan, he even voluntarily gave up his family. This was what Uchiha Tatsu could not bear.

Chen respects Madara's strength. Although he is a strong man, he is not a good tribe.Can be an opponent, but not a friend.

Chen Leng smiled coldly, shook his numb arms, stepped on his feet, and flashed on his body again.

Madara's face became vigilant again, his eyes looking at Uchiha Tatsun were a little ugly.The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was no other way but to meet him again.

Invisible, Uchiha Madara gradually fell into a disadvantage.Under Tatsun's successive offensives, Uchiha Handa retreated steadily, following Tatsun's slamming blow.Madara was careless for a while, and was blasted by Chen's punch, and the whole person ate it abruptly, like an arrow from the string, falling straight from the air.


With a violent sound, Uchiha Madara fell heavily to the ground, smashing into a bottomless pit.

Chen was expressionless, looking at Uchiha Madara who was smashed out of the giant hole by him, Chen's vigilance did not decrease by half.Madara is not such a simple enemy who would be defeated by Chen, he still has his own means, this is just a contest between physical skills, barely a warm-up match.Without the main course, how could Uchiha Madara be defeated by Tatsun so easily?

Chapter 514: Confrontation with Madara 2 (Thanks to Huang Yefeng for the reward)

There are actually many ways to fly in the air. The most common ones are flying psychic beasts, the art of earth escape from light and heavy rock, and the power of reincarnation eye and heaven.

Chen does not have a flying psychic beast, nor does he use the power of the reincarnation eye. What Chen uses is just the simplest earth escape technique.We must know that among these three flight methods, only the technique of earth escape from light and heavy rock is the most inconvenient.Although there is no need to resort to other media, the flexibility of manipulation is not comparable to the other two methods.

However, Tatsumi abruptly smashed Uchiha Madara in the place where he was least skilled.

Slowly lifting the blessing of the light and heavy rock art, Uchiha Tatsumi came to the ground again.Looking at Uchiha Madara who was still lying in the giant pit, Tatsumi smiled and taunted: "Get up, I don't believe that you were defeated so easily by me. Is this the same as the god of Ninja World Senju Is he the famous ninja Uchiha Madara?"

Just when Chen's fist hit Madara's body before, Chen could clearly feel that he did not hit Uchiha Madara's body. In Chen's eyes, the purple light on Madara's body flashed away.

Chen, who also has a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes, is very clear that Madara used Suzuo's defense to resist Chen's heavy attack at the very moment of the moment.

Lying in the huge pit, Uchiha Madara glanced at Tatsun diagonally, and then the whole person turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated in front of Uchiha Tatsu.

"Sure enough, he is the one who can force Shigeru Hagi to retreat. It is indeed very impressive." Behind Uchiha Tatsun, behind the woods, Uchiha Madara put his hands behind him, stepping out step by step, looking at Uchi Bo Chen couldn't help but exclaimed.

Who is Shigeru Hagaki?It can be said that the strongest person in Konoha Village in the post-pillar era is not under the second generation of Naruto Senjuan, and it is also the strongest pillar of Kinha Village after Senjuan and Senjuan. It was in the era of the front pillars, and in front of Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara, he was not inferior, and even the demigod Sansho Fish Hanzo was not his opponent.

Such a well-known person, even Uchiha Madara must be cautious of opponents, Chen with his super strength actually forced him out of the fairy mode, and even forced him back.

Uchiha Madara graciously expressed his praise for Tatsun, "How... Are you interested in starting the greatest career in the world with me? Follow me to contribute to the peaceful future of the Ninja world? "Speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Chen, indicating that as long as Chen agreed, he would be able to join their organization.

For Chen, he did not conceal his appreciation. His first plan when he came out this time was to think about whether he could recruit Uchiha Tatsumi. Even if he couldn't recruit, he still had to find a way to keep Chen from getting in the way. Own plan.He has lost too much for the plan of unlimited monthly reading. He must ensure that the plan of unlimited monthly reading can be carried out in an orderly manner, so that he can achieve his long-cherished wish.

Chen smiled and didn't answer. Madara's plan couldn't be more clear to him. He knew even the ending after this, but Chen didn't say anything. Sometimes the despair that others said was not. The despair he himself experienced was so painful, and Uchiha Bata was originally a stubborn person, and he wouldn't listen to what Tatsun said.

Ban Jianchen didn't answer his question and didn't care, but pointed out his finger and said, "Now you are worthy of me remembering your name, and it's worth for me to invite you to join my plan. , Don't let me lose my patience!"

Madara is not a very good lobbyist. He has always been arrogant. He would never use those words to persuade a person. He would only speak to a person with a rewarding tone. This is not just born with him. Temperament is the arrogance of a person who has stood at the pinnacle of the Ninja world decades ago.

For decades of condescending, he has long forgotten what is called Corporal Rexian. For him, this attitude is already his greatest honor to face Uchiha.

However, from Chen's point of view, all this has become a second-year performance, and Madan is nothing more than a middle-aged second-year old who has passed the second year but is still extremely middle-aged.Although he did have the capital for Yiban's strength, his second target was the wrong person.

Chen made a seal on both hands, and the seal pattern on his hand changed quickly.Originally planning to further display his half-slapped mouth to Chen, the brow frowned.Obviously, he knew that his mouth had failed.

What made him really wonder is that since Tatsun already knew that he was Uchiha Madara, how could he refuse so swiftly in the face of the solicitation from Uchiha Madara?You must know that if Madara stood up and spoke on the ninja world at this time, there would definitely be countless ninjas eager to join his organization, of course, more people want to deal with him.

Now that the talk was broken, or it was broken before the talk started, Uchiha Madara didn't speak again.Seeing that Chen Du began to release ninjutsu, Madara could not stand here as a target for Chen.

With a jump behind her, Madara's hands quickly closed together, and like Chen, both hands were quickly knotted like a butterfly.The Chakra in his body was urged by Madara to move along the meridians, flowing continuously in his body.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"The technique of water escape and water dragon bomb!"

The water dragon bomb was really alive in Tatsun's hands, roaring loudly at Uchiha Madara, opened its mouth, and bit on the giant fireball released by Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara’s powerful fireball art collided with Tatsun’s water dragon bomb art, and made a "chicking" sound. From the place where the two collided, water vapor continued to emerge. Uchiha Madara’s fireball continuously Tatsun’s water dragon bombs evaporate, but fire suppresses water, and water also suppresses fire. Similarly, Tatsun’s water dragon bombs are constantly extinguishing Uchiha Tatsu’s fireball technique.

There are constant heat waves coming from where water and fire meet.However, Uchiha Tatsu and Uchiha Madara were unmoved. The two looked at each other and quickly moved away. After losing the water dragon bomb and fireball blessed by the two Chakras, they exploded with a violent sound. , At the same time dissipated in this space.All that was left was the hot water droplets that landed on the ground from the air little by little.

PS: Thank you Huang Yefeng for his 100-point reward!

Chapter 515: Clash with Madara III (Thank you for the reward of being a starlight boss)

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