Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 295

The ninjutsu of the two people was cancelled out at the same time. Although it did not cause any harm to the two of them, the degree of horror that it caused to Uchiha Tatsumi could not be increased.

Originally, he relied on his strength to be higher than Uchiha Madara a little despised him, but he did not expect that Uchiha Madara would give him a blow in the next second.The water dragon bullet technique is A-level ninjutsu, but Uchiha Madara’s powerful fireball technique is just a mere C-level ninjutsu.

Although part of the reason is because the terrain here does not have a lot of water for Chen to borrow, the amount of water produced by Pingchen’s own Chakra is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination, and even comparable to the second-generation Hokage. The man who signed a contract with Dahai.

However, this powerful A-level ninjutsu was offset by Uchiha Madara's only C-level ninjutsu.Chen looked at Uchiha Madara's eyes gradually becoming more dignified, not as big as before.

Tatsun couldn't help but snorted, and subconsciously admired: "As expected, Uchiha Madara, a ninja who was once famous as the god of the Ninja world, Huo Dun's attainments is simply the pinnacle."

In the face of Uchiha Tatsu's praise, Madara didn't make any expressions, even he faintly felt that this was already an insult to him.Just ask a ninja who has been famous for decades to be praised by an unknown junior. No matter how you say it, it is not a commendable thing.

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, and the three-gouyu writing wheel in his eyes slowly turned. Uchiha Tatsumi is young, but it does not mean that his strength is weak. If anyone dares to despise Uchiha Tatsu because of age , Then he will be brutally beaten by Chen.

In the face of Uchiha Tatsumi, even Uchiha Madara had to open a kaleidoscope to write round eyes. Now he no longer regards Tatsumi as a junior that can be recruited, but regards him as a rival like Senjujuma treat.

The pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheels stared at Uchiha Tatsu firmly, but the movement of Madara's hand still did not stop.

I saw the eternal kaleidoscope in Madara's eyes began to rotate, but his hands quickly began to seal.

"The technique of instantaneous body!"

"Fire escape dragon flame singing technique!"

Uchiha Madara disappeared in front of Tatsun in the blink of an eye. With that flexible and elegant instantaneous technique, if Tatsune's pupil power had not been restored, she might only catch a faint figure.As the saying goes, the world of martial arts is only fast, and Uchiha Madara’s figure keeps flashing, surprisingly leaving four afterimages in place. For those with poor eyesight, I’m afraid Madara would really think that Madara is four people. , Attacking Uchiha Tatsumi from all directions at the same time.

Uchiha Madara in four directions placed the completed hand under his mouth at the same time, and spit out four fire dragons from his mouth with a violent breath, attacking Uchiha Tatsu from four directions simultaneously.

There are sixteen fire dragons in all directions. Looking at it this way, it seems that there are only fire dragons in the world except for Uchiha Tatsumi.The sixteen fire dragons have blocked all the directions of Tatsun's dodge. If there is no accident, then Uchiha Tatsun has no other way except for hard resistance.

But, Chen really has no other way?

Feeling the raging heat waves coming from all directions, Uchiha Chen felt a little strange in his heart. After all, afterimages are always afterimages. Afterimages are not like shadow clones and other clones. Afterimages do not have attacks. Power and attack methods, even the fake Dragon Flame Singing Technique, as long as you find the real body, you don't care about the afterimage attacks.

But after Uchiha Tatsuro sensed at that moment, he was surprised to find that the original four directions of Dragon Flame's singing technique turned out to be true.Even if the eyes can deceive people, at least that hot air wave will not deceive people.

Reaching out from the system space, ten kunai with detonating charms were thrown out, and each kunai headed towards a fire dragon.When he was about to approach Uchiha Madara's fire dragon, it exploded and detonated the roaring fire dragons rushing towards him in advance.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The scorching feeling of air waves will not deceive people. The system space detonation charms thrown by Uchiha Tatsuo are each detonated in advance by Uchiha Madara's fire dragon.

Chen's eyes condensed, taking advantage of the moment Yanlong was delayed by the detonation talisman, he slipped under his feet, and the instantaneous technique was performed at this moment, trying to escape the space surrounded by ninjutsu.

"Want to escape? No way!" Uchiha Madara coldly snorted, and the four figures flashed at the same time, all rushing towards Uchiha Tatsumi, trying to prevent Tatsumi from escaping from his ninjutsu encirclement.

However, Tatsun did not pay attention to the four figures that pounced on him. By this time, although he had a little doubt, he was not very concerned. He thought that Uchiha Madara was the only one who rushed towards him. All three are just afterimages.

Until this time, he still hadn't used the power of the kaleidoscope to write round eyes.I saw him put his left hand on his waist, palms facing down in a claw-like shape, and his right hand pressed the elbow of his left hand. He looked at Uchiha Madara with his eyes half-squinted, and countless landmine attribute chakras condensed on his left hand, squeaking. The call is like a thousand birds neighing.

Uchiha Tatsuno's momentum suddenly rose, his eyes condensed, and Uchiha Madara was locked in an instant.After his lock, Chen Leng smiled coldly, the blue and purple lightning in his hand was constantly beating, and after a pause, the whole person rushed towards the target he locked.

"Lei Dun Chidori!"

The bird in his palm neighed, roaring towards Uchiha Madara.As soon as a scream sounded, lightning flashed, Tatsun had already passed Uchiha Madara, the entire Chidori passed through the bore, pierced Uchiha Madara, and also pierced his disguise.

The spot that was locked and penetrated by Uchi Ha Tatsu stood stiffly in place, and then the whole person turned into a smoke and dissipated in front of Uchi Ha Tatsu.

At this time, it happened that the attacks of the other three figures had already come to him at this time.

"Boom boom boom!"

It was completely a physical attack, and he slammed into the position where Uchiha Chen stood before.At this time, where did Uchiha Tatsuno not know what happened?He had only suddenly reacted to his heart now, no wonder he felt something was wrong before.

He was completely tricked by Uchiha Madara. What kind of afterimage is this? This is obviously Uchiha Madara's shadow clone technique.

PS: Thank you for my 100-point reward from Starlight!!

Chapter 516: Both lose and lose (thanks to Starlight for the reward)

Uchiha Tatsuno's face was already gloomy to the extreme at this moment. Tatsun, who claims to be top smart and possesses top strength, is now actually being tricked by an old guy who is about to pass away?

It turned out that Uchiha Madara's shadow clone was released in advance at the same time as Uchiha Madara's instantaneous spell. Uchiha Madara's shadow clone was left in place after a pause because of the concealment of Uchiha Madara's instantaneous spell. This created Uchi The wave spot instant surgery is too fast, as if there is an afterimage.

After the four shadow avatars were separated, Uchiha Madara flashed and hid himself, using the four shadow avatars to initiate fire escape ninjutsu.

And the seal style of the Yanlong singing technique of his real body knot is just an illusion, and there is no chakra flow.Only the shadow avatar was the ninjutsu he wanted to use in the first place.

Using the four shadow avatars as bait to lure Uchiha Tatsumi, I have to say that Madara's tactics were successful. He successfully deceived Uchiha Tatsun under his care and at the same time completely angered Uchiha Tatsumi.

Tatsumi stepped on the ground, and with the help of this recoil force, he quickly rushed behind him. Between the electric light and flint, the chidori that had not dispersed in Uchiha Tatsumi's hands cruelly penetrated the remaining three Uchiha Madara The shadow clone slowly dissipated the Chidori that had not been exhausted in his hands. No, it should not be said that it was dissipated.

It was that the thunder attribute Chakra originally accumulated in Tatsun's hand seemed to have spirituality, following Uchiha Tatsun's arm all the way up, and then gradually covered Uchiha's left arm.

Ever since, on Chen's left hand, countless thunder and lightning roared intertwined, and the sound of crackling continued.Chen Leng smiled coldly, made a fist with his left hand, and suddenly the thunder burst, stronger than before, thunder and lightning staggered on Uchiha Tatsun’s arm, but this is not over yet, in the case of Tatsun constantly outputting chakras, that The blue-violet chakra color gradually darkened, and there was no trace of blue in the blink of an eye. It was entirely composed of deep purple chakra lightning.

Uchiha Tatsun turned his head, his eyes were full of cold chill, his fist was clenched, and suddenly he punched the big tree not far from him.



As if it was really thunder in the sky, Uchiha Tatsumi blasted out with a punch, and the surrounding trees all suffered. Under Uchiha Tatsumi’s punch, they all turned into charcoal, and only that A trace of remnants remained in place.

After this, a huge skeleton with a very obvious dark purple stood in place.Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was Uchiha Madara's Susano!

As early as when Uchiha Tatsuo hit him with a punch, Madara realized that something was wrong.However, Chen's speed was so fast that he had no time to escape.Uchiha Tatsumi didn't even show any signs of this combination boxing beforehand. Tatsun did not say anything after he sensed Madara's body, and after a short period of time he accumulated his strength and struck him with a punch. There was no chance to escape.

In desperation, Uchiha Madara could only turn on Susano, and abruptly resisted Uchiha Tatsumi's angry blow.

Uchiha Madara took a deep breath, looked at the subtle scars on his Susano, and glanced at Uchiha Tatsu subconsciously.

Madara knows his own Suzuo best.Since Madara transplanted his brother Senna’s eyes and evolved into a unique eternal kaleidoscope, his pupil power has been greatly improved. Similarly, Susano’s power has also been greatly increased. After the increase in the kaleidoscope, Madara's Susao can hardly say that it can withstand the tail beast jade that stands at the top of the tail beast strength, but such as the one-tailed training bullet, the two-tailed tail beast jade, and the second and third generations. Tuying and their dust escaped the Metaverse, and he could still easily resist it.

This is so, under Uchiha Tatsu's angry blow, the originally indestructible Susanou barrier became fragile, and countless cracks were blasted straight out.

Uchiha Madara slowly dispersed and guarded his Susano.The faint purple skull gradually dissipated between the world.Uchiha Madara who looked a little embarrassed appeared.Looking at Uchiha Tatsu with embarrassment, Madara was very upset at this moment. He had known that he had already exerted all his strength from the beginning, but he did not expect that he would be beaten by a junior of his own family. call taxi.

However, he is this kind of cautious style. In any case, after knowing that Chen can single-handedly repel Hagaki Shigeru, he knew that Chen's strength should not be underestimated, but all of this is a black and white word. Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, Uchiha Madara still has to confirm himself to better grasp the attitude he should maintain.

But the most important point is that they have been fighting until now. However, Madara doesn’t even know the name of his junior who is fighting against him. It is only by the three-gou jade writing round eyes in his pupils that the junior in front of him can be determined. Own people.

"You... Junior, say your name!" Frowning, Uchiha Madara has lost his patience at this moment. Even knowing that the strength of Chen in front of him is exceptionally superb, Madara thinks that he still can't compare himself.Madara has now decided that since he can't get the help of this junior in front of him, he must do everything possible to destroy him!

This thought flooded Uchiha Madara's mind.

If he can't become his own acceptance, then he will be the biggest variable in Madara's plan, and he will become Madara's biggest enemy.

"This is the first time you have asked this question." Uchiha Tatsu didn't give Madara a good face. He stamped his feet, rushed forward and hit Madara's body with a punch: "Ask this kind of meaningless Question, do you think I didn't use enough strength to beat you!"

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