Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 298

After Uchiha Madara didn't interfere with Tatsun's actions, the time he took to fully use his full body became faster.The dark purple giant crow-tengu-shaped weapon also has a pair of huge wings behind it. Uchiha Tatsuno's Suzano is different from the others.Uchiha Tatsuno's Suzano has the most weapons of all Suzano, covering almost all aspects of weapons.

With the powerful system, Uchiha Tatsu, no matter what kind of weapon can be copied in the system store.Whether it is Uchiha Itachi's ten-fist sword or Uchiha Sasuke's Tianzhi Majia ancient bow, you can have it if you want to.

However, these so-called top ten divine weapons are not the most suitable for Chen's complete body, and Yin Jianchen feels that the most suitable weapon for his complete body is still in development.So until now, what he held in his hand was still two long knives condensed from the flames of the sky.

At this point, the two full bodies of Susuo Nohu stood face to face, looking at each other vigilantly, with a great momentum, as if they wanted to overwhelm each other in aura.

Chapter 521: Xu Zuo changed his fate (Thanks to Starlight for the reward)

The situation seems to have returned to the situation where the two were in stalemate at the beginning.With the same moves and the same ability, the rhythm of the two has returned to zero.

Uchiha Madara looked at Chen coldly. He knew that since Chen exposed his kaleidoscope writing wheel, the dominant position he had deliberately occupied had disappeared.Especially after he successfully evoked the complete body of Suo Nenghu, the gap between them almost narrowed to zero, even in a sense, Chen was even slightly stronger than him.

Uchiha Madara knew very well in his heart that if he continued like this, he would definitely lose. After all, Chen is much younger than him, and his current state is only maintained by some secret technique. As a person who dominated the entire Ninja world decades ago, Madara would never allow himself to fail, failing in front of the juniors of his family!

Constantly releasing the pressure in his body, Uchiha Madara vigorously lifted his whole body, and constantly exerted pressure on Uchiha Chen, trying to gain the upper hand in this second aura of the showdown and regain his defeat.

I have to say that Uchiha Madara faintly has an advantage in the two-person showdown.Relying on decades of control over the entire body of the body, as well as the momentum accumulated over the decades, Uchiha Madara gradually had signs of overwhelming Jin.

Obviously it can be seen from the above of the two Suzuo.Although Uchiha Tatsuno's Susao at this time looked like he was still very vicious in his claw dancing, in fact, anyone who knew it would understand that this was a sign that his heart began to become restless.

Based on Susano's use, Uchiha Tatsumi is still not as sophisticated and vicious as Madara.

Uchiha Tatsu frowned and looked at Uchiha Madara, who was still unmoving in front of him. He was secretly anxious. He could see the situation of the two people by himself now, but it is useless to see it alone. If there is no solution, Then Chen will become weaker and weaker in this duel, and will eventually be suppressed by Madara. You can imagine the result afterwards.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara's face had a scheming smile.He glanced at Uchiha Tatsu faintly, but did not speak. At this time, just keep smiling. Keeping this smile can bring a great sense of oppression to Uchiha Tatsu. If you speak again at this time, On the contrary, it has fallen behind.

Uchiha Madara, who had a gloomy face from the beginning, finally turned from cloudy to fine, and after showing the winner's smile, it seemed that even Uchiha Tatsumi looked pleasing to his eyes.

With a light sip, Uchihatatsu's hands were sealed, and at the moment when these hands started to move, Susano Nouga, who controlled his full body, stepped back quickly, but the movement of his hands did not stop.

Sure enough, in the first time Uchiha Tatsuno started to move, Uchiha Madara took the lead and made the move first.The four long swords in the hands of the complete body Suo Sano aimed at Uchiha Tatsumi, and a jump at his feet, actually swooped toward Uchiha Tatsumi at a rapid speed.

Uchiha Tatsu, who was prepared for a long time, fought with both hands, and the full-body Susano Nochi's long sword condensed from two Amaterasu flames in his hands was pressed against his chest, which would block Uchiha Madara's attack.

However, the Indian style in Chen's hands has not yet ended. I saw that his hands are still like butterflies wearing flowers, constantly flipping his hands, conjure up an unprecedented Indian style, if I didn't know this moment, Chen would definitely not The one who made the joke, maybe Madara thought Chen was just playing with his fingers there.

This side has a hundred sings and eight sequential seals. Even if Uchiha Tatsuki’s hands were fast enough, they lasted for half a minute. After the seals were completed, Tatsuki resisted the twitching hands. , His hands suddenly folded, his eyes widened and he looked at Uchiha Madara. The chakras all over his body were prosperous, and even the ten-tailed chakras were mobilized a lot, and he was all red.

"Yin changes fate, yang usurps, yin and yang takes the world for good, and changes my true fate! Suzuo can be changed!"

Under Uchiha Madara's stunned mouth, Tatsun's complete body Susano became illusory like a bubble, as if it might disappear at any time.He tentatively swung his long sword towards Tatsun, and a half-moon-shaped sword light rushed straight at Uchiha Tatsumi, as if he wanted to take advantage of this change to kill Uchiha Tatsu first.

Facts have proved that this is all fake. After the sword light comes into contact with the Suzuo Nohu on the side of the bubble, it magically decomposes on its own, turning into a pure chakra energy, which is gradually absorbed by Chen's Suzu Nohu.

Now Uchiha Madara can be regarded as giving up, quietly watching the changes in Chen's body, although he also felt a little uneasy in his heart, he couldn't try!The vigilance that has been cultivated throughout the years is a faint hint. It seems that the bubble-like Suzuo can be very dangerous and cannot be touched.

After decomposing and absorbing the sword light released by Uchiha Madara, the Suzano enveloping Tatsun seemed to be opened up, constantly plundering natural energy from all directions. The natural energy within one kilometer in a radius is like It was swarming around, forming a whirlpool above Uchiha Tatsuo's head, underneath the whirlpool, natural energy was continuously infused on Susano, and all that energy was not left was absorbed by it.

The pulling force slowly grew stronger, and even Uchiha Madara who was not far away could sense the gravitational force that wanted to plunder and absorb Chakra in his body.He gave a mocking smile, full of momentum, and forcibly suppressed the gravity.However, after doing all this, he looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with a solemn expression.He didn't know what Tatsun was doing, but he knew that if Tatsun continued to do it like this, he might force Uchiha Madara's hole cards out, which Madara would never allow.

Gradually, Suzuo, who had become foamy, began to gradually consolidate his body after absorbing a huge amount of natural energy.Starting from the foot, it was originally a deep purple, and in the process of solidification, it gradually turned into a deep black, and then slowly clarified from the deep black to a scarlet color like blood.

Starting from the feet, slowly walked along the legs to the waist, following the chest without the head.The original dark purple Suzano suddenly turned scarlet.From the outside, there was no change except for the change in color, but Madara knew that the energy contained in this complete body must be comparable to the previous pediatrics.

PS: Thank you [I am Starlight] for the 100-point reward!

Chapter 522: Eight Gates Suzuo

At this moment, the energy contained in Susano is far from comparable to the previous ones. The previous Susano was faintly suppressed by Uchiha Madara. The energy contained in the body was barely the same as Madara’s complete body. As long as the court resisted, then Chen's complete body, Susano, was at least ten times more than before.

Not only did the color of the body become scarlet, but also the subtle changes in various positions. If you don’t look closely, you won’t be able to find the difference. But Uchiha Madara is not a person with poor eyes, and can see clearly. The changes that have taken place in Suzuo Noshi.The armor of the whole body became more detailed and compact, the line of muscles became more obvious, and the faintly bulging chest was obviously becoming more developed.In addition to Chen's complete body Susanenhu, he was also surrounded by a layer of materialized chakra flames. The scarlet chakra flames, like a coat of tail beast, were burning.

This is the ninjutsu invented by Uchiha Tatsuta ingeniously.He once thought, since humans can open the Eight-door Dunjia, then whether the complete body Suo Nenghu created by the kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes can also open the Eight-door Dunjia.Because he feels that even the full body of Suzuo Nohu is much weaker than he imagined. He vaguely feels that Suzuo Nohu's power should be more than just a little bit. As for why this is so, probably because there is no one. To further develop other forms of Suzuonenhu.

From Chen's point of view, there is actually no difference between the complete body of Suzuo and human body functions. There are bones, limbs, meridians, and even the head. In Chen's view, eight doors can actually be opened. Dunjia's.

So on a whim, Chen began to conduct a series of discussions on how to open the Eight Door Dunjia completely by Suzuo Nenghu.It happened that at that time Uchiha Tatsun just caught all of the tail beasts, and the remaining few were in the hands of Akatsuki. At that time, in order to strengthen his strength and have greater confidence in the next war, Uchiha Tatsuno started. A series of methods to destroy oneself.

First, he exchanged the eight-door Dunjia training method with the system, and after training on his own body, he got a lot of results before starting to experiment with Suzuo Nohu.As a result, he didn’t know until he experimented that although Suzuonoh also has bones, limbs, meridians and even the head, all the body tissues of Suzuonoh are composed of chakras, and they do not have any normal functions. Abilities and even actions are based on Uchiha Tatsu's consciousness, how could it have his own bodily functions?

In the first experiment, Uchiha Tatsu has suffered a lot. Not only does he have no meridian and organ functions, but also unable to operate, but even Chakra can't smoothly operate within the complete body. , In desperation, Uchiha Tatsuno had to temporarily give up the development of the complete body.

Until a certain time, I thought of the EVA I had seen before, and I thought of the first machine that had runaway inside.It seems to be a bit similar to his complete body, but the biological weapon has the power to run wild and becomes more powerful.Chen was pondering why this was, and couldn't figure it out for a long time, until later did he think of the reason for resonance.The resonance between man and machine allows the machine to run wild and have more powerful strength.

Chen, who grasped this clue, devoted himself to this research.However, this time the difficulty lies in how he can resonate with the complete body Susanou.

In fact, for every new ninjutsu development, the hard work and sweat of the first crab-eaters are indispensable.It took a full month before Chen reluctantly found a way to resonate between himself and the complete body. That is, the two enter the Eight Door Dunjia state at the same time, maintaining the same frequency, which is bound to rely on the power of the tail beast.

Just like the cooperation between the two pillars and Naruto, Susano was armored, and the nine tails were installed to form the prestigious Susano. This time, the power of the tail beast was used as Tatsu and the complete body Susano. The bond between almost.

Until this time, Chen saw the hope of developing this ninjutsu, and then became more concerned.

It took about another half a month for Uchiha Tatsumi to fully develop this ninjutsu.Can further liberate the power of Suzuo Nenghu.This fusion of the power of Hachimon Dunjia Suzano Uchihatatsu called it Susano's fate, not only changed the fate of Suzano as always, but also changed the fate of the surgeon forced by helplessness.

Normally, in the world of Naruto, there is no need to turn on the life-changing state at all, and Susano can handle almost most of the problems.This is Chen, if it is someone else, if you want to use Suzuo to change his life, I am afraid that all the chakras in the body will be overdrawn with one use.

After ninjutsu reached, Chen tried it once.The power of Suzuo Nohu is far beyond the complete body, and even the Suzuo Nohu of the prestigious fairy mode only fights against it. It can be said that Chen perfectly invented a unique skill at the bottom of the box. Collect the nine-headed beasts, his trump card is the tailed beasts and Suzuo Nenghu.

Uchiha Tatsu's eyes were red, and Chakra burst out of his body surface, and a trace of sparks appeared.This is the performance of too much chakra, causing overflow.

Although he has entered the state of Eight Door Dunjia, Chen is not like Xiao Li and Kai when he opens the Eight Door Dunjia and his whole face flushes red. That is a manifestation of his physical fitness barely reaching the opening of the Eight Door Dunjia, like Chen, Only his eyes were red, but there were no other changes in his body, except that the chakra coat that enveloped him became more vigorous.

"Okay, now we can start our next round." Tatsumi smiled, looking at Uchiha Madara with flushed eyes, and now he only resonates with the entire body Susanoh only to open the fifth door, unless Turn on the six modes and resonate again, otherwise Tatsun will not be able to open the eight-door resonance for the time being. However, even so, the five-door resonance has been completely different from before. To deal with Uchiha Madara’s complete body, Susano Still more than enough.

Madara's face was gloomy, he didn't expect Chen to have such a trick to press the bottom of the box.

Chapter 523: Try again

Knowing that he might not be able to beat Uchiha Tatsu, Madara has already retired at this time, but the pride of standing on the top of the Ninja world for a long time made him unable to move his feet at all, and in Madara’s view, he would not fight. Just thinking that running away is likely to cause him spiritual fear, at least he has to make a few moves with Chen.

Being timid before fighting is a big taboo for soldiers, so even if Madara is shocked at this moment, he can't show it. Madara can only pretend to show nothing. Although his face is gloomy, he has no other expressions surprisingly.After thinking about it for a while, Madara seemed to have figured it out. From Tatsun's point of view, Madara's face gradually calmed down, and even Tatsu surprisingly found that Uchiha Madara's mouth seemed to have an inexplicable smile.

Although I am curious why Uchiha Madara can still smile now, Tatsun is not worried about Uchiha Madara's hole cards.With his current state, even if the spots of the reincarnation eye are opened, he is not at all empty.

With a cold smile, Chen made a seal with both hands. The seal in his hand was just the first one, so he stepped over to the last seal. This is his original technique of forming a seal. Some ninjutsu that can't be released without a seal is just for him. I simplified it and removed the very cumbersome seal patterns in the middle. In addition, Uchiha Tatsu’s original knot printing speed was very fast, which made Uchiha Tatsu’s knot printing speed so fast, as if there was no knot printing at all. Just lifting it up, the Indian style is finished.

I saw the long knives condensed by the two Amaterasu flames in the hands of Zuo Zuo Nenghu, gradually dissipating between the heavens and the earth, and a mysterious and ancient sword appeared from the unknown space fluctuations, Chen Qi With his hand, Suzuo Nenghu who acted according to his will also raised the big hand accordingly, and the big scarlet hand grabbed the long knife.


A strong air current burst out of the void when Uchiha Tatsunoho's Susao was holding the long sword.The strong wind hung up bursts of stubborn air, like a small blade, blowing on everyone, as if it was raining blades, even the power of Suzuo Neng could not resist such a dense and strong attack.

Madara pulled out his hand and put the Uchiha fan on his chest and waved it towards the opposite side. Suddenly, the full body on his side, Sanoh, also seemed to pick up a huge energy Uchiha fan, and forced it towards Uchi. Bo Chen waved.

A blast of wind blew, just to rebound the damage and destruction caused by that burst of qi.

Uchiha Tatsumi's body was hit with a drizzle like a blade, but it didn't help.Not to mention the degree of defense of Suzuo Nenghu's own body, even those gong rains could not break through the chakra coat outside Suzuo Nenghu's body.

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