Naruto Power System

Naruto Power System Chapter 299

Holding the quaint long sword in his hand, Uchiha Tatsu looked around, and found that he couldn't even call the name of the long sword. Chen didn't even know his origin.

However, Uchiha Tatsumi could guess that the simple, long-lasting breath that radiated from this long sword was absolutely unusual.

Gently waved twice, unexpectedly took advantage of it.The corners of Chen's mouth rose slightly, as he said that someone gave a pillow when he just wanted to doze off.Chen also wanted to say that his Susao could not have a handy weapon. He could only use the long sword condensed by Amaterasu Flame as a substitute. He was innately inferior to the weapon, but he did not expect how long it would take. This weapon would not Please come.

Taking a step forward and stepping on a deep pit on the ground, Uchiha Tatsuno's Susano seemed to have disappeared in this world, so fast that he couldn't see clearly with the naked eye.

In just one step, he crossed the distance between the two of them, slashed out, and slashed on Uchiha Madarasu Sano.

Madara's face was calm, and the two swords at the front end crossed and tried to hold the long sword that Uchiha Tatsuh threw, and the other two hands stabbed from the bottom up, seeming to want to pierce Susano's chest in one fell swoop.

However, the idea is full, but the reality is the backbone.At this moment, Suzuo Nohu is no longer the inferior product that was faintly restrained by Madara before, but after strengthening, Suzuo Nohu has strong power.With a slash, Uchiha Madara held it with two swords, but the power from the long sword made him horrified.

After a stalemate for less than a second, Uchiha Madara was knocked into the air by Tatsun’s long sword, and his entire body flew upside down several meters with the full body of Susano until he reacted and quickly inserted the knife. On the ground, preventing him from continuing to fly backwards.

Standing up again, Uchiha Madara took a deep breath, his eyes flickering a little.Too strong, Uchiha Chen's power is too strong.This is just a simple swing of the sword with the power of the flesh.If it were to cooperate with Tatsun's exquisite ninjutsu, this could be a disaster for Uchiha Madara.

Gritting his teeth, Madara's eyes gradually became firmer.He looked at Uchiha Tatsumi, sighed lightly, and said: "I didn't want to use this trick originally. Even if I am, I will be very weak after using this trick. You forced me!"

Speaking of the end, Uchiha Madara's tone suddenly became cold, he glanced at Uchiha Tatsumi, and then both eyes widened and his expression became serious.

In his pupils, the eternally rotating kaleidoscope of writing wheels gradually disappeared, and replaced by the six circles overlapped one by one, which is the reincarnation that evolved after successfully absorbing the inter-pillar cells. eye!

I saw Uchiha Madara's hands knotting, and suddenly he slapped to the ground.

"Mu Dunmu Clone Technique!"

On his side, six wooden avatars that also opened the full body Susanou.Then Madara's real body shrank back, and his main body Suzano Naka gradually began to disintegrate, but did not completely disintegrate, the wings behind it disappeared, and replaced by a head that reappeared behind it.

The two hands that were originally under the armpits slowly moved to the shoulders, flush with the previous two hands.It's as if two people are standing back to back.

However, the six wooden avatars of Uchiha Madara were divided into southeast and northwest, standing around Uchiha Tatsumi.

The two wooden avatars are responsible for Jieyin, and the remaining four are responsible for entanglement of Uchiha Tatsumi’s actions without allowing him to have any interference, nor for close combat, just split the four quarters. Isn’t it the past to harass, never let Tatsumi take advantage of it? .The six avatars were clearly assigned to work, and for a while Uchiha Tatsu was dragged by them.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Four: Really Obstructing the Star

Although he was stopped by Uchiha Madara's wooden clone, Chen did not seem to be anxious to break free.He had a good time fighting with Uchiha Madara's four wooden avatars, and he wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Uchiha Madara.

The two wooden avatars standing on the side had more seals in their hands, and they snapped toward the ground.

"Mu Dun Shujie is born!"

The two of them displayed the Tree World Birth at the same time, and towering trees continued to rise from under Uchiha Tatsun’s feet, but what was unexpected is that when those trees tried to get close to Uchiha Tatsun, they were completely exposed. The burning chakra coat surrounding Suzuo Nohu's body was ignited, and he couldn't get close at all.

Originally, the two Mu Dun clones planned to trap Uchiha Tatsumi in the tree with the tree world birth, but they didn't expect that Mu Dun could not even be close.

"Damn..." Among them, Madara Mudu snorted softly, folded his hands together, and then continued to extend the seal style just now. He who had already formed a seal could only change his formation after seeing that ordinary Mu Dun could not help Chen. Can no longer use the ordinary Mu Dun to deal with Uchiha Tatsumi.Seeing him continuously shaking his hands, the twelve seals seemed to be played out by him.In less than two breaths, he made more than twelve seals.

"Mu Dun Hua Luo Wanxiang!"

The towering tree that had become sluggish, grew rapidly after being nourished, bloomed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became hard as iron.At this time, the other wooden clone just happened to finish the seal, and suddenly took a shot on the ground.

Driven by this force, the big tree that had stopped its growth trend grew stronger again.This time, those big trees will never be burned down when they are close to Uchiha Tatsu, although there will still be a small part of burnt marks, but the entire tree will not be burned.

The towering trees that were as tough as iron slowly surrounded Uchiha Tatsumi, but did not stretch out the branches to harass. The flower buds on those branches suddenly opened, and a pink gas-like powder was sprayed from the inside.The rich and diffused smell was blowing towards the place where Uchiha Tatsu was in the wind.

But the result of things was unexpected again.Although the tree was strengthened, the powder was not strengthened, and it was burned out when it was close to Suzunohu.


Uchiha Tatsumi was in the midst of Susano, looking at the two Mudan clones with a smile.It seemed that they were mocking these two guys' ninjutsu at all, it was just a joke.

"Can you do it?" I saw one of the wooden clones surrounding Zhuchen suddenly frowned and spoke behind him.

The two wooden clones were frustrated by the restraint of ninjutsu, and now they were ridiculed by the same wooden clones as themselves. They became angry immediately, without even looking at him, coldly snorted: " Don't care about my affairs, just do what you should do!"


The character of the clone is actually the same as the character of the main body. Originally, Uchiha Madara was a very arrogant and slightly irritable person. Suddenly he was ridiculed and provoked, and the two subconsciously wanted to fight.

"Enough! We still have tasks to complete!" The wooden clone next to it really couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but dissuade it.

"Huh..." The two snorted at the same time, no longer talking, but turned their heads to look at Uchiha Tatsumi, looking at the angry anger in their eyes, as if they wanted to vent all their anger on Uchiha Tatsumi. same.

Shrugging helplessly, he was not interested in Uchiha Madara's arguing with the wooden clone. He was that kind of arrogant temperament, and it was a matter of course for the two wooden clones to quarrel.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara's body had already left Suzano Nohu's body, gradually rising into the sky, standing on top of Suzano Nohu's head.On the double-body side of Suzuo Nohu, his hands are combined, one is printed on the end, and the other is printed on the end, while Uchiha Madara's body is still printed on the end.

The Chakra inside the body began to surge frantically toward the outside of the body following the Uchiha Madara's seal.The reincarnation eyes in his eyes began to gradually spread, and he looked forward blankly, as if he didn't even care about the dispute with his Mu Dun clone.

Finally, as if waiting for something, Uchiha Madara’s originally dignified but loose eyes suddenly turned around. He looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with scorching gaze, his mouth raised a slight arc, and smiled lightly: "This Let me see how you hide!"

There was a sudden pause in the movement in his hand, letting go of his hands, and reaching for Uchiha Tatsumi.

Suddenly, it was still clear and the cloudless sky was overcast for an instant.All the clouds around him gathered frantically in this direction.

The sky gradually darkened, and after the clouds had completely enveloped the world, the place had completely turned into a dark night.

"The secret technique, the heavenly obstacles, shake the stars!"

At this moment, the center of the cloud suddenly became a little turbulent. In an instant, I saw that the cloud that originally covered the sky was swept away by something. When I fixed my eyes, it was a majestic and majestic meteorite, that meteorite. It was falling continuously at a speed beyond gravity, and below this, it happened to be Uchiha Tatsuno's Susao.

The meteorite flew from the outer sky with a hot flame all over it, seeming to have locked Uchiha Tatsun.After clearing the clouds, he came straight to Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Sure enough..." Uchihasatsu couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly as he looked at the huge meteorite that was descending rapidly towards him.

"The way of heaven is reincarnation, who is forgiven by the heavens!" At the beginning, Uchihatatsu threw a meteorite at Shigeru Hagi, but did he think that in the near future, he will also face the fate of being thrown by someone?

At this moment, in a mountain village not far away.The villagers who were plowing could not help but become very curious when they realized that the sky was gloomy. When they raised their eyes to the sky, they could not help but cracked physically and mentally and called out loudly.

"Not good! Run!"

"Run! God's punishment is coming!"

Wherever the villagers have seen the scene of a meteorite falling to the ground, it is only their country, they do not know why this place has attracted the punishment.

Those older generations have inflexible hands and feet, knowing they can't escape, they can only kneel on the ground and pray to their gods.

Chapter 525: Crisis

They can only keep praying to God, hoping that God can forgive them for the sake of their prayers so piously, and escape the disaster of this meteorite fall.

The reason why ignorant people are pitiful is their ignorance, ignorant people always like to make excuses like this or that, and they never even listen to friendly suggestions. When a path is dark, despair is never someone else. Give it, but keep it for yourself.Constantly praying for others, it is better to beg for yourself, instead of placing hope on something illusory, it is better to work hard and try to save yourself, just like those young people, although they obviously can’t escape, they still haven’t given up Hope, but more active efforts to find a way to survive, miracles will only be left to those who are confident and prepared.

Far away in the small house in the mountain village, Meow Meow and Bae Bae are shrinking in the arms of their mother Cheng Chuan Luzi, Ba Ba buries their heads in the arms of Cheng Chuan Lu Zi, clutching her clothes tremblingly, and Miao Miao was curiously looking at the meteorite burning like flames in the sky, with one hand on his chin, smashing it, smashing his mouth, it seemed to feel delicious.

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