Chapter 322 Can’t Bear to Break Your Fantasy

Nan Wu, who entered Sage Mode, took the lead. He had a knife similar to Wen Tai stuck in his waist. While using Sage Mode to move quickly, the knife in his hand suddenly slashed towards Sasori’s head.

But Nan Wu’s knife suddenly slid to one side automatically, slashing the air with one blow!

Nan Wu’s pupils shrank. At that moment, his brain seemed to be drawn by something, and he immediately slashed to the side instead of the direction of the knife. The weird situation immediately made Nan Wu think of illusions, but Sasori’s eyes were just ordinary eyes, and they did not appear to perform illusions.

Just a tentative attack has already made Nan Wu understand that Sasori’s strength is far beyond his belief!

“Remember that there is no god in this world, and there is no person who can predict the future. If you want to change the world, you can only rely on strength. It is okay to practice in Mount Myōboku, but don’t be fooled, you can’t change the world, at least 04Before you can beat me.”

Just when Nan Wu wanted to change his move and continue to attack, he found that his body suddenly couldn’t move.

Mom patted Nan Wu’s face with a mocking smile. Nan Wu’s self-righteous savior character is the most disgusting.

Nan Wu’s complexion became extremely ugly.Although the movement of slapped him on the face was very light, it was like slapped him severely, making his whole face flushed, but he still couldn’t. move.

“Now is not the era of First Generation Ninja Emperor! Sage Art·White Snake Breath!”

When he was exhausting to educate Nanmo, Mitarashi suddenly leaped out of Nanmo’s back, knotted his hands, and opened his mouth to spray a breath of green poisonous mist at Sasori.

Sasori kicked Nanmu in the stomach and knocked him on Mitarashi.

Wan She and Wen Tai caught the two of them separately, ready to launch an official attack!

The poisonous fog swallowed in an instant, but it stood in the poisonous fog like a okay person, and all the surrounding vegetation dried up and died the moment it was touched by the poisonous fog, as if it was sucked out of vitality in an instant. Same!

The White Snake “The Immortal Poison is nothing more than that, not even as good as the ghost fire of Matatabi, and other flames can ignite my line.”

Sasori took a deep breath, and suddenly all the poisonous mist was like a whale swallowing into the sea. He was sucked into his mouth and shook his head, a little disappointed in the power of the white snake fairy.

“Ninja Fist!”

At the moment the poisonous mist disappeared, Hatsune suddenly fell from the sky, screamed, and hit Sasori’s head with a fierce punch. Suddenly, Sasori’s entire body was punched into the solid ground, and even the ground was completely shattered. crack.

And the Ninja that Hatsune called is obviously not Sasori, but the current Ninja Tsunade. Just looking at the destructive power, Hatsune has indeed inherited Tsunade’s mantle.

“Sage Art·Toad Hall!”

Just as Hatsune finished the attack, Nanmu had appeared above the two of them, his palm suddenly turned into that of a frog, and once again he slapped the position where Sasori was hit.

Suddenly, the whole earth sank deeply again and the cracks of the earth even spread from the place where everyone was, to the blood ninth village in the distance!

“Sage Art·White Snake Technique!”

The attack did not end, Mitarashi Shuangtang pressed on the ground, and suddenly a burst of white energy rushed out of the ground, as if a white giant snake came out of the ground, and on the Shekou, what was pushed out was continuous suffering. Sasori attacked violently three times.

“Sage Art·Toad cut in one word!”

Nan Wu had already made preparations in mid-air.

I saw that he was holding the handle of the knife in one hand, half squatting and preparing to release the knife.When Sasori appeared, Nan Wucai, who had been petrified, suddenly yelled, and he was slashing with a knife that had been gathering momentum. out.

A huge sword energy containing immortality suddenly slashed out from Nan Wu’s sword, and suddenly the entire world seemed to have only this sword.

Although the momentum of the sword air was huge, it passed Sasori silently without any change. Similarly, the sword passed through the distant hills and a whole piece of tall trees silently.


There was a sound of the scabbard of a long sword, Nan Wu slowly exhaled, and the knife was closed.


With the sound of the scabbard sound, a whole piece of light sounded at the same time, the next moment the mountain that was pierced by the sword in the distance, the trees were all cut at the waist, and it collapsed!

Everyone looked at the air in the air, and as expected, like the mountain and the trees, Sasori’s body was also severed!

Immediately the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment the three of them traveled suddenly, it was not their own enemy who was cut into two pieces in mid-air! It was the First Generation Ninja Emperor! Own father!

Hatsune immediately rushed up in a panic.While inheriting Tsunade’s strange power, she also inherited Tsunade’s medical ninjutsu, but she had never cured a person who was severely cut by Xianju, and she didn’t know if it could be cured. .


When Tone caught it, it was discovered that the severed Sasori did not shed any blood.

Sasori smiled at Hatsune who caught him and said softly, “Just at you, wait for your punishment to be lighter.”

When Hatsune hadn’t figured out what was going on, Sasori in her hand became countless silk threads and disappeared.

“The cooperation is very tacit, and the attack is very strong, but if you don’t even know whether the enemy is real or fake, it doesn’t make sense even if the attack power is strong.

The eyes of the three people were looking behind them almost at the same time, and only then did they find that the head of the line giant summoned before was looking at the three with a ridiculous smile.

The three of them fighting hard just now are not Sasori’s real body at all!

“Since I have already let you take a shot, then I am going to take a shot now. It shouldn’t be a chance to not give you a shot. But by the way, you guys have worked so hard for so long, and I really can’t bear to break what you think you can beat. My fantasy.”

Sasori chuckled, and the next moment the line giant under his feet suddenly shot with a grinning smile!

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