Chapter 323 The Summoning Beast Who Dare to Shoot

The line giant’s huge fist slammed down, and Nan Wu, who used Xianshu·Toad to slash, broke away somewhat. Toad Wentai immediately led him and jumped away.

“You can let you go if you come out, but since you are going to be an accomplice, then don’t blame me for being impolite. Giant whip fist.”

Sasori sneered too at Toad Wen, and immediately the fist that the line giant slammed stretched out, and it hit Wen Tai’s abdomen fiercely like a whip, and then Wen Tai banged out.

“You are too ruthless! My uncle didn’t dare to make a move, you actually did it too! I’ll flash it first, you can do it yourself.

Wen Tai fell to the ground with his stomach upside down, the pipe in his mouth flew out, and a mouthful of blood came out, and immediately screamed at Sasori.As the big brother of the toad family, he knew exactly what kind of existence it was, especially After the old Toad Sage made his evaluation of Sasori, he was even more afraid to make a move, so from the moment of appearance until now, Wen Tai’s role is a platform and a powerful Summoning beast. I did not expect that he had just made a move to help Nanwu dodge , Was immediately attacked.

However, Wen Tai was very acquainted and immediately said to Nan Wu, and then returned directly to Mount Myōboku. The punch of the line giant just now was considered merciful, and if Wen Tai did not go, it would not be that simple straight punch.

“Wen Tai!”

Nan Wuyi immediately panicked when he saw Wen Tai vomiting blood and exiting the game, but he reminded Nan Wu with a ridiculous smile: “Don’t worry, you can’t die. You should worry about yourself. Adjust the defense of Sage Mode to Highest.”

When Nanmo hadn’t recovered from what he said just now, the fist of the line giant at Sasori’s feet suddenly rose with a blue-black flame, it was the ghost of Matatabi!

“Huo Lie·Hammer Blast,

The fist wrapped in flames suddenly turned into the appearance of a warhammer, and immediately hammered down at Nan Wu.

The next moment the giant’s warhammer hit Nan Wu, there was a violent explosion, and Nan Wu suddenly fell into the ground like a meteor.

“White Snake Fairy Art·Transfiguration Fairy Snake!!

Just when Sasori flew Nanmo out, Mitarashi quickly knotted his hands and quickly completed his white snake fairy technique.A dark cloud began to appear above everyone’s head, and a black Uzumaki began to condense, lightning and thunder. After a while, a big white snake larger than the line giant suddenly opened a huge mouth from Uzumaki and swooped down at Sasori, with a shocking momentum.

“The power of this trick is not bad, Wasteland: Ten directions line waves.”

Sasori squinted at the white giant snake that appeared in the air, and nodded immediately. In a blink of an eye, dozens of waves that looked like ocean waves surpassed the exhaustion, and wrapped the white snake like a rope.


Sasori whispered softly, dozens of lines began to spin quickly, and the white snake screamed in pain, and the sound of “boom” exploded into countless natural forces dissipated in the air, and Mitarashi, the operator, also Spouting a mouthful of blood, one head fell on Manto’s head.Manto put Mitarashi on the ground, took a look and then left the field automatically.Manto is Orochimaru’s Summoning beast, he is not stupid enough to make Orochimaru even too stupid. The surrender fights.

Killing Nanmu and Mitarashi in an instant made Hatsune never recover. When she wanted to make a move, she was already standing in front of her.

“Retreat yourself, the battle is over.”

“Then I will go first, sirs.”

Stomping lightly, Katsuyu nodded under Hatsune’s feet, greeted everyone, and left the scene.



The sudden change made Hatsune completely unsure of how to react, but when she realized that she should treat Nanmu and Mitarashi, Sasori suddenly shot her, tied her up with several threads and hung her in the air.

“I said, I will punish you lightly, after all, you are a girl.”

Sasori slapped Hatsune’s pi fiercely, and Xuan even laughed at her.

“You are too ruthless!”

Anko jumped over from a distance at this moment, and drank severely at Mom with a cold face.

Although she had long guessed that the three of them would lose, and that they would lose miserably, she didn’t expect that she would not show any mercy and directly beat everyone like this.

~ I didn’t even use one-tenth of my strength. I just made two moves. And if I didn’t beat these wolf cubs harder, they would never know that the sky is so great. ”

Sasori waved his hand. He had no right to use it at all just now. If he uses his full strength, I am afraid that this area has become a wasteland.

Sasori shot this time just to teach them a lesson, lest he really think that he is the best in the world.

Of course, the more important thing is that Sasori just wants to find someone to try new moves. Just now, Sasori’s ability to use the String-String Fruit is all new applications after the third stage of awakening. Sasori has always been He didn’t find the right person to practice his hand. Now someone sent it to the door, he was naturally happy. It doesn’t matter if these people are his children, just let him know how to have the right to speak.


Just when Anko was preparing to treat everyone, there was a beast-like roar almost at the same time where Nanmo and Mitarashi fell in the distance.The next moment two monster-like figures rushed out and roared in the direction where Sasori was. Get up and create.

“Ming, open the curse and pull? Another use of the power of nature is more unstable than the obvious mode, but more violent. It seems that I am going to work hard, but I suddenly have no interest in playing.

Mommy stared at the two figures rising into the sky. Obviously, this was one of the products of Orochimaru’s curse seal. Nanmu and Mitarashi obviously had special curse seals on their bodies.

Sasori, who already knew Mitarashi and Nanmo, suddenly lost the mood to continue fighting with them, and immediately raised his hand.

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