The tall gatehouse is supported by two red pillars that are so thick that two people can hold it together. On the yellow tiles, there is a large cement plaque with the words "empty zone" written on it. Itachi came here with Shisui holding the ninja cat. "Really, I haven't been here for a long time!" Shisui looked at the gatehouse with a look of nostalgia. Itachi smiled and said, "Today, we are revisiting the old place!" As he said that, Itachi made a seal and transformed into a Konoha ninja. Seeing this, Shisui also transformed into a Konoha ninja. On the way here, they had agreed to return the ninja cat, that is, they found the ninja cat fainted on the roadside during patrol, and found that his whiskers were broken, so they sent him back.

It makes sense.

Itachi and Shisui walked in. There was no one on the street, not even a bird. It was emptier than the Uchiha clan land, because this was an empty area, where no one lived.

Itachi stopped at the door of an underground parking lot, and Shisui knew that this was the place.

The two walked in and passed through a long passage. It was very dark inside, and only the footsteps of Shisui and Itachi could be heard.

Shisui sighed, "This place is really the same, as always dark, giving people a feeling of depression."

Itachi laughed and said, "You know, when Sasuke came here with his father for the first time, he almost cried. After returning, he hugged me and complained for a long time, saying that he went to a very scary place today."

Shisui laughed when he heard it, "Really? Hahaha, so cute."

Itachi nodded. At that time, Sasuke was still very young, just beginning to understand, and knew how to pester him all day long. It was really cute.

Thinking of this, Itachi also smiled happily.

Because of the smiles of the two people, the depressing atmosphere in the passage was eased a lot.

"Hey, hey, you two, stop!"

Hearing the voice, Itachi and Shisui turned around and saw two ninja cats appeared behind them at some point, one with a trace of the word "干" upside down on its head, and the other with the word "忍" written on its head.

Itachi smiled slightly. He knew these two cats and greeted them: "Long time no see, Denhuo, Hina!"

The two cats were a little surprised when their names were called. They looked at Shisui and Itachi and found that they had no memory of these two people in their minds.

Denhuo asked vigilantly: "Who are you? Why do you know our names?"

Hina sniffed with her nose and asked in confusion: "I feel that your smell is so familiar."

Itachi frowned. Before he came in, he had changed the properties of chakra, including Shisui. They did not use ordinary transformation techniques, but transformation techniques that can change chakra properties!

Shisui said: "As the weapon provider of the Uchiha clan, as a Konoha ninja, we certainly know something!"

Itachi looked at Denhuo and Hina and said: "I am here to return your partner to you!"

As he said that, Itachi showed the ninja cat in his arms.

Denhuo and Hina looked at each other and realized that this was the guy that the cat lady had been looking for these days. How could he be in the hands of these two people!

Itachi said, "We have no ill intentions. We just found him during patrol and just happened to return him."

Dianhuo said, "Leave him to us."

Itachi shook his head and said, "We want to see Granny Cat. Konoha is fighting recently, so we are also looking to buy some weapons."

Dianhuo said with his teeth bared, "Don't you know that this is a weapon store exclusively for the Uchiha clan?"

Itachi nodded and said, "I know, but the Uchiha clan is gone, so you won't do business?"


Dianhuo gritted his teeth, but seeing that Itachi didn't move, after a few seconds, he had to compromise and said, "I can take you to see Granny Cat, but..."

Itachi smiled slightly, then took out a bottle from his arms and threw it over, saying, "Here, a souvenir, bottled Botanica!"


Hina pounced over and took away the bottle thrown by Itachi.

Shisui smiled slightly. He and Itachi bought this at the market before coming here. For this, he contacted Naruto and asked him for money.

Hina smiled and said, "Thank you for your care."

Denhuo said meaningfully, "It seems that you know a lot of information!"

As he said that, Denhuo walked in front and turned back and shouted, "Follow me, I will take you to see Granny Cat."

Following Denhuo and Hina's footsteps, Shisui and Itachi finally saw Granny Cat.

Granny Cat sat cross-legged together

On the carpet, there was a cat set, a cigarette holder, and cats all around.

Touching the long-lost ninja cat in her arms, Granny Cat frowned and said, "Where did his whiskers go?"

Itachi said, "I don't know. We found it when we were patrolling and found it was a ninja cat. We requested a corresponding lost record task, so we sent it back."

Granny Cat said, "Oh," and was a little confused, because the whiskers of this cat are a top-grade medicinal material and are very valuable!

But the Konoha ninja took the initiative to come to her house and send the lost cat back, so she couldn't say anything more.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Granny Cat took out some money and handed it over, saying, "This, take it as a thank you for your mission."

Itachi waved his hand and didn't take it.

Granny Cat asked in confusion, "Huh? What are you two?"

Seeing this, Itachi took out some money from his pocket and handed it to Granny Cat.

Granny Cat asked in confusion: "What are you doing? Oh, I heard from Denho and Hina that you two are going to buy weapons for Konoha, right?"

Itachi shook his head again.

Granny Cat hummed, took a puff of cigarette, and stared at Itachi. This man has been looking at her since he came in. Now, he doesn't want the money she gives him. He gives her money without telling her what he's doing!

Something is strange.

Suddenly, Itachi kowtowed and knelt down.

Granny Cat was slightly startled, "What are you doing?"

Itachi said sincerely: "Thank you for taking care of me all the time."

Granny Cat was very surprised when she heard this, and looked at Itachi and said: "What do you mean by this?"

Itachi smiled and said: "It's nothing, this little money is my gift, just as a tribute to you."

Granny Cat looked at this sum of money, this is not a small amount, just gave it for no reason, and said thank you for taking care of me, who are you?

Granny Cat sniffed it carefully, and then said, "You have covered up the original chakra breath!!!"

At this point, Granny Cat said with a burning look, "Who are you? What are you doing here!"

Itachi stood up, and Shisui also stood up when he saw this.

Granny Cat's mood changed, and all the cats around her instantly gathered around, blocking Granny Cat, standing up, baring their mouths, meowing, and looking at Itachi and Shisui fiercely.

Itachi smiled and said, "Granny Cat, goodbye."

With that, Itachi and Shisui turned around and left.

Just as they were about to leave, the ninja cats were about to attack, but they were stopped by Granny Cat.

Granny Cat smoked a cigarette and watched Itachi and Shisui disappear. The smoke from the cigarette pipe seemed to form a veil in front of her eyes, blocking the door to the truth.

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