After the rain, the sun went down.

Shisui and Itachi left the empty area.

After walking out, they found that it was already dark. Looking up at the sky, they saw stars.

Shisui sighed and said, "We should go back."

Itachi nodded, then rolled up his sleeves, chakra surged, and urged Naruto to leave the Flying Thunder God mark under his arm. Seeing this, Shisui put his hand on Itachi's shoulder.

Here, Naruto, who promised Hashirama and Tobirama that they would be allowed to watch on the Hokage Rock after dark, was now accompanying the four Hokage on the Hokage Rock, overlooking the entire Konoha village.

Feeling something in his heart, Naruto knew that it was Itachi's mark responding, so Naruto made a seal.

With a buzz, Shisui and Itachi returned to Naruto.

Naruto smiled and said, "How is it? How do you feel?"

Itachi looked at Naruto gratefully and said, "Thank you, Naruto, for letting me go and see the past with my own eyes. Oh, by the way, I'll find a way to pay you back later if I borrow your money."

Naruto waved his hand generously and said, "No need. Speaking of which, you still owe money to the Akatsuki organization. I heard from Sister Xiaonan that the assets of the Akatsuki organization are very rich and they are all with her. My money was also given to me by my senior sister, and I spent it casually."

Itachi heard this and suddenly realized that it was like this. That was really rich.

Because the biggest rich man in the Akatsuki organization before was Kakuzu. After Kakuzu died, all the money was transferred to Xiaonan. So it seems that Naruto has a huge reserve of money, which is a great force for dealing with war.

You know, fighting consumes manpower, material resources, and financial resources.

Shisui looked at the four Hokage in front of him, and also walked over to admire the Konoha Village under the night.

The third generation Sarutobi saw Shisui coming back and smiled, "You're back."

Shisui nodded, and Itachi came over after hearing that.

Tobirama and Hashirama were still talking about the past, and the fourth generation was listening.

The third generation stood up, looked at his two former subordinates, took a deep breath and said, "The past is the past. I believe that you two will have a lot of gains and insights when you revisit the old place."

Shisui and Itachi nodded. They did gain a lot, not just spiritually, like Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan opened again.

Thinking of this, Itachi came to Naruto and said frankly, "Naruto, my Mangekyō Sharingan opened again."

Naruto was surprised and said, "Really!"

This was a pleasant surprise for Naruto. Originally, he planned to let Shisui use the illusion of Kotoamatsukami on Itachi, so that he could experience the corresponding pain again and see if he could open it again. Unexpectedly, he actually opened it himself.

"When did it open?"

Faced with Naruto's question, Itachi did not hide it and said, "When I went back and entered the house, I faced some scenes that made me feel emotional, so..."

Naruto nodded, patted Itachi on the shoulder and said, "It's all over. Next, look forward, that's the most important thing."

Itachi nodded.

The third generation waved and said, "Itachi, come and sit with us."

Itachi saw that Shisui was also sitting there, so he went over and sat down. He found that Hashirama was talking about the battle between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, and then talked about how the village was built and what happened in the middle. When it came to some key things, Tobirama was very unhappy to refute.

Minato laughed and said, "I never thought that there are so many secret stories about the establishment of the village. I have never seen such information in the history books recorded in the Hokage archives."

Hashirama laughed and said, "There were very few people present at the time of these events. In addition, I died in a hurry. Tobirama died on the battlefield. Naturally, no one told or recorded these old stories."

The third generation Sarutobi praised, "Hashirama and the second generation really did their best for the village. Unfortunately, under my governance, they did not do better, but regressed, and caused Minato to... "I'm so lucky to leave!"

Tobirama patted the third generation on the shoulder and said, "Monkey, don't belittle yourself. You are my chosen successor. My vision is not wrong. You have a good sense of the overall situation. To be honest, if I were in your position, I might not do better than you in facing these things."

Minato also said, "Third generation, don't blame yourself. The reason why I sacrificed myself was for the future of the village. Considering the Nine-Tails problem and the identity of the masked man at that time, I had to use the Shikigami seal.

If I had known that the masked man was Obito, I would never sacrifice myself. "

Naruto listened on the side, but didn't

There is a speech.

He looked at the village, the lights flickered like stars in the night sky. When he used the Sage Mode to sense, he found that Hinata was not in the village. Originally, he wanted to see her, after all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

In this case, she should have gone to the battlefield.

Not only her, but all the chakras that Naruto was familiar with in Konoha disappeared.

The Fifth Ninja World War is imminent.

Thinking of this, Naruto came to the crowd and said, "Everyone, have you seen enough? If you have, we will go back."

Hashirama heard this and stood up and said, "Ah, enough, I am satisfied to be able to see the current Konoha again!"

Tobirama also stood up and said, "That, Obito, right? Humph, the evil Uchiha kid who killed his master, the Fourth Generation, and his mistress. I will kill him with my own hands!"

Shisui and Itachi: (They always dare not speak in front of the Second Generation.)

The Third Generation sighed, and the Fourth Generation scratched his head and said, "Obito used to be very good. The death of Rin changed him. "

The second generation sighed and said, "All the Uchiha I know are like this. Let's talk about Madara! He loved his brother so much before. Since his brother was killed by me, he has been crazy. Look, the trouble he left behind has made the ninja world uneasy now!"

Hashirama frowned: "Tobirama, watch your words. Madara is not easy either. You know how painful it is to lose your beloved brother!"

Speaking of this, Hashirama thought of his other brother, Senju Kawarama!

He was only 8 years old, but he was killed by the enemy. When he arrived, he could only cry while holding his body!

That feeling, pain, too painful!

Therefore, Hashirama can understand Madara's feelings very well. Therefore, when they first met, they quickly became friends based on this consensus.

Naruto looked at everyone and smiled, "Okay, okay, let's do it the same way as before. Let's touch each other's chakras and go!"

At Naruto's invitation, everyone present touched each other again as before, then Flying Thunder God and left Konoha Village!

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