The next day.

Naruto woke up from Hinata’s house. Looking at Hinata in his arms, Naruto smiled and kissed Hinata’s forehead.

The battle last night was still so fierce, but Naruto still lost and did not defeat Hinata.

No wonder.

Even if Naruto is strong, once the main body cannot withstand the rhythm of “Kaiten”, the other clones will dissipate with a bang.

After getting up and getting dressed, Naruto is ready to leave.

Hinata also woke up, sat up, looked at Naruto and said: “Naruto, are you leaving?”

Naruto nodded and said: “Yeah, I have to go and see Jiraiya’s wedding and our wedding. In addition, I have to see Sasuke and Obito. Anyway, there are many things to deal with!”

Hinata stretched and said: “Okay, you go and get busy!”

Naruto looked over and couldn’t help but sighed: “It’s really… so white… and…!”

Hinata noticed Naruto’s eyes, couldn’t help but chuckle, tilted her head and looked at Naruto and said: “Is it beautiful?”

Naruto hummed and nodded.

Hinata smiled and said: “Then you have to come and see it tonight!”

After a night, Naruto had recovered his fighting power and nodded immediately to indicate that there was no problem.

Afterwards, Naruto jumped out of the window and left directly.

Little did they know that this scene was just seen by Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi.

Hyuga Hiashi sighed.

Hyuga Hiashi laughed, patted Hiashi on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Brother, don’t be so depressed, this will happen sooner or later, why are you so sad!”

Hiashi rolled his eyes at Hiashi and said: “You raised a son, of course you said that!”

Hiashi looked at Hinata’s room and said: “Although Naruto is very good, you don’t understand the feeling of marrying a daughter. I always feel empty inside!”

Hiashi shook his head, feeling a little depressed, and then took Hiashi out fishing.

After middle age, people have to find something to do, otherwise, it’s really depressed.


Hiashi and Hiashi are fishing.

Hiashi looked at Hiashi and said, “Brother, I have an idea that I want to tell you about.”

Hiashi raised the fishing rod and said, “Brother, you tell me.”

Hiashi said, “Look, Hinata is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan and the future head of the family. This is true, but she is a girl after all, and she will marry Naruto in the future! As for Naruto, if he is an ordinary ninja, it’s fine. In the future, Naruto will definitely be the Hokage, right?”

Hiashi nodded. His brother’s analysis was good. With Naruto’s status, he will definitely be the future Hokage!

Not only do the villagers of the five major countries think so, but even the Daimyo of the Land of Fire has repeatedly emphasized that the next one will nominate Naruto as the candidate for Hokage.

Hiashi looked at Hiashi and asked, “Brother, what do you mean by that?”

Hiashi sighed and said, “As the head of the family, I can only work for another ten years at most. After ten years, Naruto will become the Hokage, and he will be too busy to handle the family affairs. At that time, Hinata will definitely be the head of the family!”

“But at that time, Hinata will inherit the position of the head of the Hyuga clan. How tired she will be!”

Hizashi hummed, and thought about it. Then he thought of something and looked at Hiashi and said, “You can let Hanabi inherit. Hanabi is no worse than her sister Hinata!”

Hiashi waved his hand and said, “Hanabi can’t do that. I know my daughter. Her personality is much worse than Hinata’s, and… , I think it’s not good for a girl to be the head of a family!”

Hiashi retorted: “Isn’t Hokage a girl? Konoha Village is also very good under her leadership!”

Hiashi waved his hand and said: “No! You overestimate Tsunade’s political ability! If Tsunade was not the apprentice of the third generation, not the granddaughter of the first generation, she could not suppress the elders of the third generation!”

“Especially when Akatsuki was still there, Tsunade had just taken office, and the third generation had just died. There were not many people in the whole village who were Tsunade’s own people. Everyone was watching, including the Hyuga clan, who were also watching!”

Hizashi was silent after hearing this.

Indeed, the Konoha forces headed by Danzo were indeed very powerful. When he was not dead, the Hyuga clan had to be in awe of Danzo!

Hiashi continued, “Later, Tsunade was able to stabilize the overall situation of Konoha thanks to Naruto. Without Naruto, Akatsuki would not have developed like this and would definitely attack Konoha!”

“Looking back now, Naruto joined Akatsuki at that time entirely for the peace and stability of Konoha. Because of his presence, Akatsuki would not do anything excessive to Konoha. On the contrary, it also restrained Obito and others!”

Hiashi nodded, and the resurrectionLater, he and his brother Hiashi had discussed these things all night.

Hiashi continued: “Secondly, we still have to thank Naruto. It is said that if there was no Naruto, Jiraiya would never come back! You and I both know that Jiraiya is one of the three ninjas, the apprentice of the third generation, and was originally a candidate for the fifth generation, but Master Jiraiya was unwilling to do it, so he gave it to Tsunade!”

“With Jiraiya, Tsunade has strong support and help in the village!”

Hiashi stirred the fishing rod and continued: “Finally, we still have to thank Naruto, because of his defection, he cut off Danzo’s hand hiding the Sharingan, and dug out Danzo’s transplanted Shisui’s eyes, which greatly weakened Danzo’s strength and made him cautious. As for the later, he was directly killed, completely eliminating Tsunade’s obstacles in Konoha Village!”

Hiashi sighed and said: “So far, Tsunade has been regarded as a man of her word in Konoha Village, without any political obstacles.”

Hiashi agreed with his brother’s analysis.

As the head of the Hyuga clan, his elder brother Hiashi has a strong political mind.

Hiashi looked at Hiashi and said seriously: “Hiashi, Neji once struggled with the idea of ​​a bird in a cage, but it was Naruto who woke him up with a punch, so Neji completely opened his heart and grew up to be what he is now!”

“You know me, I have always disagreed with the main family and branch family, so I want Neji to be the head of the family, what do you think?”

Hiashi was surprised and said: “No, big brother, you are breaking the rules of the Hyuga clan, the clan members, especially the elders will not agree!”

Hiashi raised his hand and said: “I know they will not agree, so I decided to use Naruto’s power to make the elders of the Hyuga clan speechless!”

At this point, Hiashi said coldly He laughed and said, “There are no rules that cannot be changed! When Hinata was forced to marry by the elders, it was Naruto who came down from the sky and used his powerful strength to intimidate the elders and made the Raikage village change his mind!”

Speaking of this, Hiashi smiled and said, “I can also let Naruto help me calm down. At that time, I will see who dares to oppose my opinion!”

Hizashi saw that his elder brother Hiashi had made up his mind and sighed, “Alas, I don’t know if Neji can take on this important task!”

Hizashi looked at Hiashi and said, “Oh, what are you worried about? Don’t you still have me? I will teach Neji. He is smart and can take over the affairs of the clan in a few years!”

Hizashi nodded and said nothing.

Hokage’s office.

Kakashi pushed the door open under the leadership of Shizune.

“Hokage, Kakashi is here.”

Tsunade clasped her hands together, supported her chin, and saw Kakashi coming. She smiled and sat down and said, “Kakashi is here, come and sit in front!”

Unlike in the past, there was a chair specially prepared for Kakashi opposite the Hokage’s desk.

Kakashi was confused for a moment, but he sat down without thinking too much.

As soon as he sat down, Tsunade looked at him and said, “I am going to appoint you as the sixth Hokage!”

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