“I’m going to appoint you as the sixth Hokage!”

Tsunade said with a smile while looking at Kakashi in front of her, but Kakashi was so scared that he stood up after hearing this.

“Hokage-sama, what did you just say?!”

Tsunade smiled slightly, looked at Kakashi and said, “After preliminary discussions with the village’s top leaders, I have decided to recommend you to the Daimyo as the sixth Hokage!”

Kakashi couldn’t help but smile. It would be a lie to say that he wasn’t surprised. After all, the Hokage was the most respected person by every Konoha villager, and the young Kakashi had also dreamed of becoming a Hokage!

Tsunade looked at Kakashi’s expression and comforted him: “I know you are surprised, but this is a decision I have thought about several times!”

Kakashi asked puzzledly: “Hokage, why don’t you just appoint Naruto as the sixth Hokage? After all, he is the key to ending the Ninja War. Moreover, Naruto has traveled from the future and has a better understanding of the threats above the stars. Appointing him as Hokage can better prepare for the future!”

Tsunade nodded and said: “I have also considered your idea. I have also discussed this matter with Jiraiya. We believe that Naruto’s current decision is made from the perspective of the Ninja World, so his status is actually above the five major countries. In fact, his strength is also like This!”

“And the Hokage deals with most of the affairs of Konoha Village, so it is too early for Naruto to be the Hokage now. His current task should be how to unite the power of the five major countries!”

“Give him the position of Hokage, he can’t avoid suspicion when he speaks, and he exists for the interests of Konoha!”

“The other four shadows don’t have any ideas, and they will definitely support Naruto, but it is inevitable that some ninjas in their respective villages will think so!”

“Therefore, I decided that you should take the sixth generation, and when the time is right, you can appoint Naruto as the seventh generation!”

“By the way, I heard Jiraiya say that you should have been the sixth generation and Naruto the seventh generation.”

Kakashi nodded, what Tsunade said made sense.

But after thinking about it, Kakashi still had doubts. He looked at Tsunade and asked: “Tsunade, you are doing well as the Hokage now, why are you so anxious suddenly…”

Tsunade sighed a little embarrassedly, and then covered her forehead, as if she had something to hide.

Shizune looked at Tsunade’s expression, hugged the pig, smiled and said: “Kakashi, you don’t know, just last night, Jiraiya-sama successfully proposed to Tsunade-sama with the help of Naruto!”

Shizune said happily: “So soon, Tsunade-sama will marry Jiraiya-sama. You also know that once this twilight love gets married, they must be prepared to have children, so, you know!”

Kakashi said, “Oh, so that’s it. He said that the fireworks last night made him unable to sleep in the first half of the night, so he got up and watched the intimate paradise again.

“So that’s it, so that’s it!”

Kakashi muttered.

After Tsunade-sama is pregnant, it is indeed not suitable to continue working. This is not good for the development of the child. Although Tsunade-sama has the Hundred Healings Technique to maintain youth, she is an elderly pregnant woman after all. Preserving the fetus during pregnancy is the most important thing. It seems that someone should be found to take over.

So, Kakashi looked at Tsunade and said seriously: “Hokage, I have no opinion and respect the decision of the village’s top leaders!”

Tsunade smiled with satisfaction and said: “Okay, if there is no problem, I will take Shikaku and Shizune to find the daimyo and recommend you to become the sixth generation Hokage. After passing, the daimyo will issue your appointment soon!”

“As for your position as the training captain of the ninja coalition, you will take over temporarily. When you take office as Hokage later, you can find a suitable candidate to hand it over. What do you think?”

Kakashi nodded and said: “I have no problem.”

Tsunade nodded and said: “That’s good.”

After chatting for a few more words, Kakashi walked out of the Hokage’s office and came to the street. Walking out of the shadow of the house, the sun scattered down, Kakashi subconsciously turned around, squinted his eyes and looked over, his eyes went directly to the cliff, and his eyes met with the fourth generation Hokage’s Hokage Rock.

“Teacher, I seem to be a Hokage too!”

Kakashi sighed with emotion, and then suddenly felt something was wrong.

No! Minato-sensei has been resurrected, and he is in the village now. Even his master’s wife Kushina has been resurrected by Naruto, and Obito and Rin can see them now!

Thinking of this, Kakashi suddenly laughed.


When he thought about the day when he became Hokage, these people would definitely be there, KakashiXi was very happy.

That’s right.

Achieving success makes people happy, but letting the people you once cared about witness your achievements is even happier!

Just thinking about it, suddenly a strong voice came: “Kakashi! Kakashi! So you are here, I’ve been looking for you for a long time!”

Kakashi looked in the direction of the voice and saw Li pushing Kai in a wheelchair, jogging all the way to him.

After the war, because Kai used the ultimate move Night Kai, he directly caused a comminuted fracture of one of his feet. He could never stand up again and could only sit in a wheelchair!

Fortunately, Naruto’s Yang Shield was there at the time, otherwise, Kai would have died long ago.

Kai was pushed in front of Kakashi by Lee, and looked at Kakashi excitedly and said, “Kakashi, I’ve been looking for you for a long time!”

Kakashi asked in confusion, “What do you want to talk to me about?”

Kai smiled, then looked around, and then motioned Kakashi to half squat down, and then Kai approached Kakashi and whispered, “According to reliable information, Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama’s proposal was successful!!!”

Kai said mysteriously, looking at Kakashi’s reaction with expectation.

Kakashi said “oh”, very calmly.

What, talking about this, he just told him this in the Hokage’s office, and he also knew that after Tsunade-sama and Kakashi got married, they would have children!

Kai saw that Kakashi was very calm and looked dead, and he was not very surprised, because he knew that Kakashi looked like this in most cases.

Kai continued excitedly: “You know the fireworks last night, it was Naruto who brought Lee, Shikamaru, Ino and a group of people to set them off. By the way, the fireworks were provided by Orochimaru!”

“I never thought that I could witness the marriage between Jiraiya-sama and Hokage-sama in my lifetime. Hey! Kakashi, do you think these two people are a hundred years old together!”

Kakashi hurriedly covered Kai’s mouth with his hand after hearing this, carefully glanced at the Hokage’s office not far away, and then glared at him and said: “What are you talking about! Just send your blessings honestly, why do you care so much!”

Kai pulled Kakashi’s hand away and said indifferently: “I know, I know!”

Kakashi sighed, then stood up and looked at Kai and said: “Kai, I also want to tell you a secret, you promise me not to tell others first!”

Kai nodded.

Kakashi looked at Lee, who understood instantly, and then swore directly that he would not tell.

Kai looked at Kakashi in confusion and said, “Hey, what are you going to say? This is the first time I see you look so serious.”

Kakashi looked at Kai and said calmly, “I think… I’m going to be the sixth Hokage soon.”

A gust of wind blew between Kakashi and Kai, and the leaves falling in the wind witnessed the silence at this moment.

After a few seconds of silence, Kai chuckled and said, “Kakashi, this joke is not funny.”

Kakashi just looked at Kai without saying anything.

Now, Kai understood that Kakashi was not joking with him.

“Really? Kakashi!”

Kakashi nodded with a hum.

Kai suddenly fell silent, then lowered his head, clenched his fists, and trembled all over.

Kakashi frowned, bent down, put his hand on Kai’s shoulder and shook him, saying, “Kai! What’s wrong with you?”

Kai suddenly raised his upper body and said with tears in his eyes, “Li! Push me, go!”

Li was a little surprised. What did Teacher Kai want?

“Lee! Let’s go!”

Lee: “Oh! OK.”

Nodding to Kakashi, Lee pushed Kai away quickly.

Kakashi reached out to try to stop him, but Kai urged Lee to push him and run, disappearing at the next street corner.

“What happened???”

Kakashi was confused. How could Kai share his joy with him and act like this? It was really hard to understand.

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