The three of them walked like this, one in front and two behind.

At the next intersection, here, Kakashi saw the mark that he and Naruto agreed on when they left last night.

If they were ready, they would put a big stone at the intersection with a kunai stuck in it.

“Well, no problem.”

Kakashi turned around and gave Obito an OK gesture.

Obito understood, and Lin also found something wrong at this time. Why did Kakashi give Obito an OK gesture? So Lin looked at Obito.

Obito smiled and took out a headscarf and said to Lin: “Lin, cover your eyes with this headscarf.”

Lin looked puzzled and said: “What are you going to do?”

Obito smiled and said: “Oh, Lin, just cover your eyes!”

Lin looked at Obito’s anxious look, sighed and said: “Okay, okay, I’ll cover my eyes!”

As she said that, Lin covered her eyes.

Obito was very happy, and then took Lin’s hand and said: “Lin, you are not allowed to peek, I will take you forward.”

Lin nodded and followed behind Obito.

“Obito, are you hiding something from Kakashi? What are you doing?”

Obito smiled and took Lin’s hand and walked forward, saying: “Lin, you will understand when we get there.”

Turning a corner and walking forward, Obito saw Kakashi ready at the intersection and waving.

As he walked, Obito looked back at Lin and said, “Lin, I will take you to a position in front, and then I will let go of your hand. Don’t worry, wait until I tell you to take off the headscarf covering your eyes, then take it off.”

Lin smiled slightly and said angrily, “Why are you being so mysterious!”

Obito smiled and said, “You will know in a while.”

Obito held Lin’s hand and walked forward. When they reached the designated position, Obito let go of Lin’s hand and said to Lin, “Lin, wait for me to call you, okay?”

Lin nodded.

Then, Lin heard the sound of running, which gradually faded away.

Here, Kakashi, Naruto, and Captain Yamato have already arranged the surroundings, all of which are blooming cherry blossoms.

Everything is ready.

Obito walked to the other end of the cherry blossom path, took a deep breath and exhaled, then used the transformation technique to transform into Obito as a child.

Kakashi was slightly stunned, although he looked at Obito gently.

Obito, you are finally back.

Obito looked at Lin at the other end and shouted: “Lin, take off your headscarf.”

Lin was slightly stunned. This voice was so familiar, it seemed to be the voice of the young Obito. Lin hurriedly took off her headscarf and looked up, and found that cherry blossoms were blooming everywhere around her.

The breeze blew, and the cherry blossom petals fluttered in the air.


Lin reached out and caught the flying petals, with a smile on her face.

Obito’s voice came again: “Lin!”

Lin looked up, and then her eyes were slightly stunned, a little surprised.

“It’s Obito! It’s the young Obito!”

Obito smiled and walked towards Lin step by step. Lin covered her mouth. She guessed that Obito must have come to surprise her. All this was prepared by him.

Obito walked in front of Lin, smiled at Lin and said: “Lin, actually there is a sentence that has been in my heart for a long time, and I have never said it. Now I think about it, I really regret it!”

Then, the young Obito smiled bitterly and said: “I don’t know why, when I saw you at that time, I was very nervous, very shy, and felt very scared inside, for fear of making you angry and unhappy, so that I never dared to say that sentence to you.”

“That’s why, after putting on that mask, especially when I went to capture the three-tailed beast, I lay on the body of the three-tailed beast, looking at the sky, I was thinking, what a pity, I like you so much, but I didn’t say that sentence to you in person!”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Lin looked at Obito, and murmured with moving eyes: “Obito.”

Obito took a deep breath and exhaled, with tears in his eyes, looking at Lin, and said sincerely: “Lin, now you are in front of me, I want to say that sentence to you, Lin, I like you, I like you from the first time I saw you!”

Obito looked at Lin and finally said what he wanted to say most in his heart.

In fact, this sentence should have been said when he was a teenager, but due to various coincidences, it was not said until now.

Rin was deeply moved and cried with joy: “What did you say? I can’t hear you!”

Obito opened his hands, put them to his mouth, and then shouted to the sky: “I said, Rin, I like you!!!”

The heart that is no longer a teenager said what he should have said when he was a teenager!

Rin was deeply moved.

She knew that Obito liked her, but Obito never said it, so she didn’tWhat more can I say!

In fact, Lin also likes Obito, and Lin also expressed her love. When Obito was injured, Lin told Obito not to lie to herself, and that no matter what happened, she would always watch him and pay attention to him.

Obito was so moved at the time that he didn’t notice that this was actually one of Lin’s confessions.

Obito has always liked Kakashi.

Actually, it’s not. Lin’s admiration for Kakashi is similar to her admiration for the strong in her youth.

Kakashi has good academic performance, so Lin admires Kakashi very much.

But love is another matter. Lin still likes the sunny and cheerful Obito who always wants to be a Hokage!

Obito looked at Lin and said, “Lin, I am in front of you at this moment, so I hope you can give me a chance to love you!”

As he said that, Obito knelt down on one knee and took out the ring that Naruto bought for him. In the end, Obito still chose diamonds because diamonds will shine under the sun.

“Lin, marry me!”

Lin covered her mouth in surprise.

Lin liked Obito’s expression, but she was stunned by his proposal.

How could it be?

Why was Obito so sudden!

Obito looked at Lin and shouted again: “Lin, marry me, are you willing?”

Lin looked at Obito and said with emotion: “But, Obito, I am a reincarnated body, we can’t get married together!”

Obito stood up all of a sudden, took Lin’s hand and said: “I don’t care, Lin, I like you, I love you, I have missed such an important opportunity to protect you, I don’t want to miss it again, give me a chance, I will protect you well!”

“Even if you are a reincarnated body, so what, we go to a place where there is no one, we live together, isn’t it!”

Looking at Obito’s silly face, Lin chuckled.

“Okay, okay, I promise you, I promise you!”

Obito was surprised and said, “Really?”

Lin stretched out her finger and said, “If you don’t let me wear it, I will regret it!”

Obito nodded hurriedly and said, “Okay, okay, I will put it on you right away!”

As he said that, Obito quickly put the ring on Lin, and Lin took it and put it on Obito as well.

“Obito, I promised not to regret it!”

Obito laughed and nodded repeatedly, saying, “Absolutely not regret it!!!”

Kakashi, Naruto rushed out directly, holding the spray flower and twisting it, spraying it directly above the two people.

“Bang! Bang!”

“Oh oh oh! Kiss one, kiss one!”

Yamato also ran out and cheered behind Naruto.

Obito and Lin smiled at each other. Lin was a little shy. Obito was bold this time and hugged Lin and kissed her directly.

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