Another day, Naruto stretched, smacked his lips, and then got up

After helping Sasuke recover last night, he just slept for an hour, and Sasuke called him again. Naruto had no choice but to go to Sasuke to treat him, which led to Naruto’s sleep quality that night.

As a result, Naruto slept until 11 o’clock in the morning.

“Sasuke is really fierce, he really doesn’t want to die.”

Naruto got up, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then walked out. Minato and Kushina had already gone out, probably to deal with some things about Naruto’s marriage.

On the refrigerator in the kitchen, there was a sticky note posted by Kushina.

“There is food in the pot. When you wake up, heat it up and you can eat it!”

Naruto felt warm in his heart, tore off the sticky note, and smiled: “Love you, mom.”

Opening the refrigerator, Naruto took out the milk. The date was not expired this time, because his mother was there, the milk would not expire, and it would always be fresh!

After heating up the food, Naruto had a breakfast. Oh no, it shouldn’t be considered a breakfast, but a lunch.

After eating, Naruto went out. Today he wanted to visit the studio of the lecherous sage and Sai.

When he arrived at the studio, Jiraiya and Sai were already there.

“Hey, Naruto, why are you here just now!”

Jiraiya came over and put his hand on Naruto’s shoulder. Naruto scratched his head and smiled, “Something delayed me last night, so I went to bed late and woke up a little late this morning!”

“Oh?! Did you go to see Hinata last night?”

Jiraiya looked at Naruto with a smirk on his face. Naruto waved his hand and said, “No way! A friend needs my help, so I was delayed for a while. How is it, lecherous immortal, have you handed over to the boss?”

Jiraiya nodded and said, “I handed over early. The boss gave us the key, moved the things away, and cleaned up for us. I looked and the boss left tables and benches upstairs. Basically, the downstairs is a little empty and needs to be decorated!”

Naruto nodded, thinking that he had to find a master to decorate it.

“Sai, aren’t you going to draw something and sell it? How do you think the downstairs should be decorated? Sai! Are you listening?”

Sai: “Ah! What did you just say, Naruto?”

Naruto laughed and said, “Sai, what’s wrong with you? Didn’t you sleep well last night? Are you still thinking about something?”

Sai felt a little depressed when asked, and waved his hand and said, “No, nothing!”

Jiraiya pointed at Sai and said, “This guy, just like you, came late this morning. When he came, he was absent-minded. I think he was probably thinking about something!”

Naruto: “Oh?!”

Naruto walked up to Sai and said, “Sai, tell me what you have to say. We are all companions and can help you if you have any difficulties!”

Sai felt warm in his heart. Naruto treated him as a companion. Sai understood this importance.

“It’s okay, Naruto, I just had a little brain wandering, and I was distracted, so I thought about other things, don’t mind it!”

Naruto scratched his head and said, “What are you thinking about?”

Sai looked at Jiraiya, then at Naruto, then sighed and said it directly.

“Well, Naruto, Jiraiya-sama, didn’t you always say that I would become a real man? Last night, I became one!”

Sai blushed after he finished speaking!

Jiraiya laughed and said, “You are really good, Sai. I was wondering why you were absent-minded this morning! You were obviously reminiscing about the scene last night, right? Hahaha, young man, I can understand, I can understand! After all, it was the first time to eat meat!”

Naruto also patted Sai’s shoulder and said happily for him, “Good boy, Sai, I have long seen that you are the type of person who is reserved and sultry. You did a big thing without saying a word. You are awesome!”

As he said that, Naruto hit Sai’s shoulder.

Sai chuckled and did not refute Naruto’s words.

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled, then sighed inwardly: “Sasuke, Sai, these two people’s names both have the word “Sa” in them, they are both ruthless people, one is more fierce than the other!”

Jiraiya sighed: “Oh, no wonder Sai came up early in the morning and said he would draw a picture for me and let me see if it has charm. I was wondering why he suddenly improved so fast, it turns out there is a reason!”

Sai smiled and said: “As long as Master Jiraiya is satisfied!”

Naruto looked around and said: “Sai, take a look at how the downstairs needs to be arranged, you draw a picture, and then I will go out to purchase it!”

Sai looked at it, then drew a picture of the effect in his mind and handed it to Naruto. Naruto nodded, and then took the picture outWent.

Before leaving, Jiraiya asked Naruto to go out and buy some wine and put it here, he wanted to drink it!

Naruto sighed and said, “Got it!”

Jiraiya smiled and took Sai upstairs. The two of them were going to revise the comic version of Kindred Heaven.

After Naruto went out with the picture, he came directly to Tenten.

“Hey, Tiantian, busy!”

Tiantian saw Naruto coming and greeted him happily: “Naruto, you are here, haha, what are you busy with, I am here to supervise!”

Naruto looked around and asked in confusion: “Huh? Where are Ningci and Li?”

Tiantian said, “Oh, they went out to buy food. After all, the masters haven’t eaten at noon, so let them go out.”

Naruto nodded, then handed the drawing drawn by Sai to Tiantian and said, “I told you yesterday that the shop of the lecherous fairy and Sai is on the first floor. Sai wants to change it to this look. Please help me find a decoration master to do it!”

Tiantian took the drawing, looked at it, and then looked up and smiled: “That’s no problem, it’s a piece of cake, it’s even simpler than mine.”

As he said, Tiantian took the drawing and found the masters who were still working here, and asked them to see if there were other masters who were free to go over and help.

The masters said that there were people, and they could call people over, just give them the position!

Naruto went up to tell the master the location of the shop, and then told the masters to come to him to settle the money after they were done!

Tiantian laughed and said, “Oh, Naruto, I really can’t tell, you are really a little rich man, you have money, honestly, is it Hinata who gave it to you!”

Naruto smiled and said, “My money is enough to buy a few Hyuga!”

Just kidding, 600 billion detonating talismans, what a concept!

While chatting, Li and Ningci came back with lunch boxes.

“Oh! Naruto is here!”

Li greeted Naruto enthusiastically, then put down the lunch box and said in surprise, “Why didn’t you say it earlier, I forgot to buy yours, Naruto, wait, I will practice running over and come back soon!”

Seeing that Li was about to open the four doors to buy food, Naruto stopped him.

“No, Li, I’ve already eaten, no need to bother.”

Li said a little disappointedly: “Okay then.”

Tiantian took the lunch box and greeted the decorators to eat. Then, he picked up the lunch box, looked at Naruto and said: “By the way, Naruto, after I finish eating, I will go to see Sai and Jiraiya-sama, and ask Sai for a painting by the way, and hang it in my store in the future!”

Naruto nodded and said: “No problem.”

After chatting for a few words, Naruto left. He was going to buy wine for Jiraiya-sama.

Arriving at the supermarket, Naruto bought some wine and some food so that Sai and Jiraiya would have something to eat when they were hungry while creating.

While shopping, Naruto felt that he had to add a refrigerator upstairs, after all, there was a kitchen on the second floor of the store he bought.

Thinking of this, Naruto went to buy a refrigerator specially, and did not bother others. He put the things he bought into the refrigerator directly, and then carried the refrigerator back!

This weight is nothing to Naruto!

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