Naruto came back carrying a refrigerator.

Jiraiya was discussing the adapted plot of the novel with Sai. He heard the sound of someone coming upstairs, looked up, and saw Naruto carrying a refrigerator.

“Oh my god, Naruto, why did you buy a refrigerator?”

Naruto put the refrigerator in the kitchen, put it away, and said with a grin, “I was on the way just now. I thought about it and felt that I bought this refrigerator. It was right to buy it!”

Naruto opened the refrigerator door, took out the wine from it and threw it to Jiraiya: “You lecherous sage, take it!”

Jiraiya took the wine, took a sip, and was very happy.

Naruto took out two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator, came to Sai, and handed one to Sai.

Naruto unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip and said, “I was thinking of buying a refrigerator. When you are hungry, you can buy something and put it in the refrigerator. In this way, you can eat it directly when you are hungry!”

“But on the way, I thought about it and decided to buy this refrigerator. Think about it. This place can not only be used as a studio, but also as a place for our future gatherings!”

Jiraiya held the bottle and looked at Naruto meaningfully.

Sai asked puzzledly, “Why can it be used as a gathering place?”

Naruto smiled and said, “Sai, after you get married, you will understand what I said. You can’t go to bed every day. With this place, we can occasionally gather and have fun. It’s a very good choice!”

Jiraiya smiled. He completely understood what Naruto meant. He took the wine and clinked it with Naruto. The master and apprentice communicated directly.

“Oh, by the way, Sai, I forgot to tell you that Tiantian opened a shop. She wants you to draw a picture for her. When her shop is ready, she will hang it in her shop. So let me ask you to draw it for her when the time comes!”

Sai nodded and said, “No problem, I can help you with this!”

Naruto smiled and said, “Okay, she will come to us later anyway, you guys go ahead and do your work, I’ll lie down for a while, I was a little tired last night!”

As he said that, Naruto lay directly on the mat.

Jiraiya glanced at Naruto and said, “Naruto, you shouldn’t have been with Hinata last night, right?”

Naruto sighed and said, “No! Sasuke had some private matters last night, so he asked me for help, which delayed me for a while, causing me to be a little tired! No more, you guys go ahead and do your work, I’ll take a nap.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Naruto closed his eyes and rested.

I came here right after getting up, and I was busy. Although I had the Nine-Tails Chakra to quickly restore my energy, Naruto didn’t want to use it. After all, it wasn’t time to fight, so it was better to let my body be natural!

Seeing that Naruto closed his eyes to rest, Jiraiya didn’t continue discussing with Sai. So, Jiraiya was going to write the latest intimate paradise, because the publisher was urging him to submit the manuscript.

Sai began to modify the draft according to the ideas and directions just discussed with Jiraiya.

There is one advantage of painting with ninjutsu. As long as Sai activated the chakra, the original draft would turn into ink, be absorbed on the pen again, and then start painting again.

In this way, time passed slowly.

Here, Naruto, who was sleeping, suddenly frowned, and then his whole body began to twitch.

Jiraiya and Sai noticed it. After the two looked at each other, Jiraiya put down his pen and said, “Naruto? Naruto!”

Naruto was still twitching and even uttered a terrified cry. Jiraiya knew that Naruto might have a nightmare, so he stood up, walked over, squatted, and stretched out his hand to wake Naruto up. As a result, Naruto opened his eyes and punched him. Fortunately, Jiraiya reacted quickly and caught it directly.

“Naruto! It’s me!”

Naruto’s eyes widened, he gasped, and his face was still in shock.

Jiraiya grabbed Naruto’s hand, slowly put it down, and said in a deep voice: “It’s okay, it’s okay!”

After Naruto took a few deep breaths, he calmed down.

Sai came forward and greeted: “What’s wrong? Naruto!”

After Naruto took a few breaths, he felt better. He murmured: “I had some nightmares. It’s okay. It’s just a nightmare.”

Jiraiya looked at Naruto deeply, and then comforted him: “Did you dream about some things you experienced before?”

Naruto looked up at Jiraiya, and then nodded.

Jiraiya patted Naruto on the shoulder and said: “Relax, as the saying goes, what people think about is what they dream about in their sleep, so you don’t have to worry too much about it. Just do what we should do. Look, as you said, your appearance saved my life!”

“If that day really comes,Naruto, Master will fight alongside you. If we really lose, we will die together. What’s the harm? ”

When Sai heard Jiraiya say these words, he put down the drawing board and looked at Naruto and said, “Yes, Naruto, when that day comes, we will accompany you!”

Naruto had tears in his eyes.

He didn’t expect that he deliberately relaxed these days and wanted to forget those things. As a result, he reminded himself in his dreams. Perhaps, he had never let go of these things in his heart!

Since he couldn’t let go, he would face it calmly.

Just as the lecherous immortal said, there are too many people accompanying him in this life.

Because of his rebirth, he changed the fate of too many people.

Jiraiya, Neji, and other important people of his appeared beside him. With so many people accompanying him, what was he afraid of?

Thinking of this, Naruto’s confidence returned.

Just as he was about to get up, a voice came from downstairs.

“Is anyone there? Is anyone there? Naruto!!! ”

There was a knock on the door, Naruto got up, Jiraiya and Sai followed, and went downstairs together.

When they opened the door, they saw Tenten, Neji, and Lee.




Three greetings rang out, and the three people greeted Jiraiya-sama at the same time. Jiraiya laughed and said, “Come on, come in!”

After that, Tenten and the others greeted Naruto and Sai, and Tenten directly stated the purpose of their visit. Sai nodded and said, “No problem, tell me what type of painting you want to do! ”

Ten-Ten happily explained to Sai. As for Jiraiya, he had no topic to talk about with the younger generation, so he went upstairs to write a novel.

Naruto took Neji and Lee for a walk downstairs, then went upstairs for a walk, got drinks for a few people, and they went downstairs again, standing at the door and chatting.

Ningji said with a bottle of wine: “I really don’t understand why you support them to open a store.”

Naruto shrugged and said: “You have to find something to do, either busy living or busy dying.”

Ningji took a sip of the drink, looked at Naruto and said: “Didn’t you say there will be battles in the future? Talk to Kakashi, oh no, the Sixth Generation, and let me go to the joint training center of Konoha to participate!”

Naruto looked at Neji and asked in confusion: “What’s wrong with you? Why suddenly………”

Li smiled and said: “Because Tiantian said that after the store is ready, she asked Neji to look after the store with her. ”

Naruto looked at Neji with amusement. Neji had a dark face and drank his drink in depression.

Naruto laughed and said, “What’s wrong with watching the store? Really, Neji, you have to change your mindset!”

Naruto was very relieved that this beautiful scene was finally about to appear.

In the world before Naruto was reborn, Neji died in battle, and Konoha had a proprietress who was always single and guarding the ninja tool shop!


It may become that there is a proprietress with a white-eyed husband accompanying her to watch the store.

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