The studio of the lecherous sage and Sai was officially established, and for Naruto, it was also a matter of understanding.

Tenten suggested that they go out for dinner together in the evening. Everyone agreed, only Neji was anxious to go home, but was interrupted by Tenten: “You are at home every day, and I don’t see you helping much. Does eating a meal take up much of your time!”

Ningci was speechless.

Naruto laughed, it seems that only Tenten can cure Neji.

When thinking about what to eat in the evening, Naruto suddenly felt in his heart that it was Sasuke who was calling him.

Damn, what is this guy doing, so hungry, the sun hasn’t set yet, and he is calling me over again. Naruto sighed, feeling helpless.

Li saw Naruto sighing and asked, “Naruto, what’s wrong?”

Naruto smiled and said, “Nothing.”

Then, Naruto looked at everyone and said, “Everyone, I’m sorry, I may not be able to go tonight. Someone wants to see me for something, so I have to go. Sorry everyone!”

Naruto looked apologetic, and said with a pity, “Naruto, you’re not coming?”

Naruto scratched his head and said, “I really can’t come. I have something to do. You guys go eat.”

After saying that, Naruto waved goodbye to everyone, and then left directly. Everyone saw Naruto’s back and knew that he must have encountered an emergency.

Li wondered, “What happened to Naruto? He’s so anxious!”

Sai thought for a while and said, “It should be Sasuke or Hinata! Only the things about these two people will make Naruto so nervous.”

Jiraiya nodded and agreed with Sai’s opinion.

Ningci looked at Tenten and said, “Naruto is gone, are we still going to eat tonight?”

Tenten: “Eat, why not, Naruto doesn’t say anything, let’s go eat! Right, Jiraiya-sama!”

Jiraiya laughed and said, “That’s right, Naruto is gone, we still eat, I suggest, how about barbecue?”

Tenten nodded and laughed, “Yeah!”

Ningci covered his forehead, it seems that he can’t escape this meal.

Here, after Naruto went out, he instantly teleported and came to Sasuke with Flying Thunder God.

With a whoosh, he landed directly. Naruto looked around and found himself in a box. Sasuke was sitting on the sofa, holding a wine glass, bowing and smiling at him!

“Naruto, come, sit here!”

Sasuke patted the seat next to him. Naruto glanced at the wine on the table, and then looked at Sasuke. At this moment, he was full of red light, and it didn’t look like he came to him to recover his energy.

“I say, Sasuke, what are you doing?”

Naruto sat down, Sasuke brought Naruto a wine glass, then poured the wine and handed it to Naruto, Naruto continued, watching Sasuke drink again.

“Stop pretending to be cool, talk.”

Sasuke shook the wine glass, then drank it all, looked at Naruto and smiled: “Take it!!!”

Naruto: “What do you mean by take it?”

Sasuke’s face was slightly red, and it was obvious that Sasuke had drunk a lot before Naruto came.

“What else can I take down? With your help, I have already dealt with them!”

Naruto thought about it, and then said in surprise: “You mean… Sakura and Karin have been pregnant by you?”

Sasuke smiled, and then said confidently: “It shouldn’t be a big problem!”

Naruto gave a thumbs up and said: “Fuck, awesome Sasuke, you have made it!”

Sasuke drank another glass, and then sighed: “According to my attack speed, I should have hit both of them. If I don’t hit this one…”

Sasuke shook his head and poured himself another glass of wine.

Then, Sasuke raised his glass and said to Naruto: “Come on, clink glasses with me!”

Naruto nodded and said: “No problem.”

The glasses clinked together, and Naruto and Sasuke drank them each.

After wiping the wine from his mouth, Naruto looked at the wine in front of him and searched for it. There was no snack at all.

“What’s going on? It’s already evening and there’s nothing to eat!”

Sasuke snorted with a smile, then pressed a switch next to him. Suddenly, the light at the door of the private room outside came on, indicating that the people in the room needed service!

A tall waitress walked in.

“Hello, what do you need?”

Sasuke pointed at Naruto and said, “Menu, let him order!”

The waitress took out the menu and handed it to Naruto. When Naruto took the menu, the waitress said happily, “Um, please, are you Uzumaki Naruto?”

Naruto looked up and nodded with a smile.

“Oh, it’s really you. Excuse me, can you sign for me?”

As she said that, the waitressThe waiter took out a piece of paper and a pen and handed it to Naruto. Naruto was used to it. After all, after he became famous, many girls asked him for autographs and gave him gifts. There were too many.

“No problem.”

Naruto took the paper and signed his name: Uzumaki Naruto.

After signing, Naruto took the menu and ordered some dishes. The waitress recorded it on the side. Looking at Naruto, her face turned red.

“Is that all?”

Naruto nodded and said to the menu: “Yes, that’s all!”

“Okay, wait a moment, I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready.”

The waitress took the menu and walked out excitedly. At the moment she closed the door, she didn’t forget to take another peek at Naruto. All of this was seen by Sasuke, who couldn’t help but sneer.

Naruto was holding a wine glass, ready to take a sip, when he heard Sasuke’s sneer, he looked at Sasuke and asked, “What are you laughing at?”

Sasuke sighed, “Oh, I was thinking, you and I now are completely opposite to you and me when we were kids!”

Naruto: “What do you mean?”

Sasuke: “Look at how popular you are now, people come to you to sign, and the little girls blush when they see you, with a shy face!”

Hearing his brother Sasuke’s teasing, Naruto laughed from the bottom of his heart, took a sip of wine, and responded, “What’s the matter? Are you envious? Really , you are allowed to be a womanizer, but not me!”

Sasuke laughed again, then picked up the wine and shouted: “Come on, I’m relaxed today, drink with me!”

Naruto looked at Sasuke and asked in confusion: “I remember, you don’t like drinking!”

Sasuke smiled and said: “People always change!”

Naruto savored Sasuke’s words, then looked at Sasuke now, and laughed from the bottom of his heart: “Indeed, people always change!”

After a while, the dishes were served.

Naruto and Sasuke ate and drank, and the two talked about many things.

From childhood to now.

Even, they talked about Naruto’s previous life, that is, many things before he was reborn.

Sasuke held the wine glass and said thoughtfully: “Naruto, do you think we can change this ending and defeat the Otsutsuki clan in this life?”

Naruto seemed confident this time and answered Sasuke with Jiraiya’s words to enlighten him.

“Even if I still can’t change the ending this time, I’m not afraid, because I have made up for too many regrets. If I really wait until that day, I will have you by my side. Even if I die in battle, I will have no regrets!”

Naruto drank it all!

Then, leaning on the sofa, he sighed: “I didn’t understand why the lustful sage liked to drink before, but now I understand that this thing can paralyze oneself and make people forget many things temporarily!”

Sasuke looked at Naruto lying with his eyes closed and smiled slightly.

Naruto, who has the Nine-Tails Chakra, how can he get drunk if he doesn’t want to get drunk.

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