Shikamaru’s home.

Shikamaru’s mother walked into Shikamaru’s room with tea, put it down, said hello to Naruto, and then left.

In the room, Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru sat on the floor around a small table. Shikamaru stroked his chin, looking thoughtful, while Sasuke took a cup of tea and drank it. After all, after a battle with Karin, he was really thirsty!

Naruto looked at Shikamaru and asked, “How is it? Do you have any good ideas!”

Shikamaru tutted, then stood up and said, “Wait for me!”

As he said that, Shikamaru came to the table next to the room, took out paper and pen, and then put them in front of Naruto and said, “Naruto, write down the current abilities and techniques of the Otsutsuki clan as much as possible, as well as the characters that have appeared so that I can analyze what kind of strength the people who come may have!”

Hearing this, Naruto picked up the pen and started writing.

The people who have appeared in the Otsutsuki clan so far are Kaguya, Momoshiki, Kinshiki, Urashiki, and Isshiki who has not appeared yet. The Six Paths Sage can also be counted as one, and the Six Paths Sage’s brother, Otsutsuki Toneri, can also be counted.

As for abilities, the Otsutsuki clan does not have the concept of jutsu. Naruto listed all the scenes that appeared in the battle so that Shikamaru could analyze them.

After writing it, it took about ten minutes, and Shikamaru and Sasuke were watching from the side without urging him at all!

Shikamaru picked up the paper and read it in detail, while Naruto picked up the tea on the table and drank it slowly. After a few minutes, Shikamaru finished reading it all. After reading it, Shikamaru looked at Naruto and asked worriedly: “Urashiki told you that the God of Otsutsuki might send people from several surrounding star fields to come here, right?”

Naruto nodded, and Shikamaru frowned and said: “It’s so troublesome!”

Sasuke said: “It’s really troublesome! The one we are going to fight may be more powerful than Momoshiki and Kinshiki, and we don’t know how many people the other side will have, and whether they will have some new abilities!”

After listening to Sasuke’s words, Shikamaru covered his forehead and leaned on the table, saying helplessly: “In the past, although our opponents were powerful and even involved some legendary figures, at least I have heard of it before, and after all, we are on this planet. Now, we have to face the opponents of this universe. To be honest, Naruto, I think it is a fantasy now! Does this mean that we will also travel in the universe in the future? ”

Naruto laughed, raised his hand and patted Shikamaru’s shoulder and said, “Don’t be so discouraged, my military advisor!”

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled, and said with emotion: “To be honest, my previous goal was to become Hokage, protect this village, and then contribute my strength to help the entire ninja world gain new peace! But now, I have no choice. I must face the Otsutsuki clan in the universe, otherwise, this planet will be harvested by them sooner or later!”

Sasuke looked at Naruto, his face was full of fortitude, and for a moment, Sasuke felt a little distressed and clenched his fist slightly.

Yes, Sasuke has always been by Naruto’s side, fighting side by side with him. Even when Naruto was stronger than him, he was very jealous and unhappy. But now, Sasuke hates himself for not being able to stand by Naruto’s side and share his worries.

Yes, now the strongest person on the entire earth is Naruto alone.

Shikamaru thought about it, looked at Naruto and said, “Naruto, I think Urashiki still can’t trust him completely. After all, he is a member of the Otsutsuki clan. If he betrays us at a critical moment, then we are finished. Therefore, we still have to participate in the war, and the Five Kage must also gather, and even the top ninjas in the entire ninja world must all gather together. At the critical moment, everyone can still hold on together, even if they all die in battle!”

Shikamaru said very firmly, with an expression of fearlessness.

Sasuke agreed and looked at Naruto and said, “Yes, Naruto, even if I can’t fight alongside you now, the tacit understanding between you and me can still perform a combination of special skills. At the critical moment, I can also block it!”

Sasuke raised his hand and patted Naruto on the shoulder.

After experiencing life and death, Sasuke’s emotions were no longer restrained. Facing Naruto, he still showed them.

Seeing his two close friends say this, Naruto was very moved and smiled and said, “With you, even if I lose, it’s worth it!”

Shikamaru heard Naruto’s emotion and punched Naruto and said, “What are you talking about? With me here, how can I lose! By the way, Naruto, the people sent by the God of Otsutsuki have not arrived yet. I think we should act immediately and can’t wait. You also have a key point now, which is to find Isshiki and take him’s chakra is sucked away!”

Sasuke nodded and said: “Yes, taking his power is also necessary for victory!”

Naruto pondered for a few seconds and said: “Well, I think so too.”

Shikamaru stood up and said: “Okay, it’s settled, Sasuke, you come with me, we will go to find the Hokage, and convene the Five Kage Conference immediately to gather high-end combat power!”

Seeing Shikamaru start to act, Naruto also stood up and said: “Okay, I will go out and act too!”

As he said, with a buzz, Naruto left directly and went to find Urashiki.

On a high mountain, Urashiki sat on the trunk of a big tree, looking into the distance, the sunset was all over the sky, and the sun was shining!

“Ah, this planet is still very beautiful when viewed this way, no wonder that Uzumaki Naruto is so reluctant to leave! Hmm? ”

Urashiki frowned, tilted his head to look at the space next to him, and with a chirp, Naruto walked out of the vortex of time and space.

“Are you still in the mood to appreciate the scenery?”

Naruto smiled and looked at Urashiki, who said calmly: “I’m just trying to understand the thinking of you earthlings! Tell me, you came to me so soon, is there something wrong?”

Naruto nodded and said: “Yes!”

Urashiki looked at Naruto and asked: “I guess, you want me to help you find Ishiki?”

Naruto’s mouth corners rose unconsciously, walked to Urashiki and praised: “Urashiki, you already have the potential of a companion!”

Urashiki snorted coldly: “I don’t have such potential. I’ll only help you find it, but I won’t show up, you go and deal with Ishiki yourself!”

Naruto nodded: “No problem, you just need to help me find it! ”

As he spoke, Urashiki stood up, and then a vortex of time and space appeared in front of him, “Follow me!”

Urashiki jumped up and jumped into it, and Naruto followed closely behind.

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