Outer sea area.

On a small island country farthest from the Land of Water, there is a hidden village. There are about three to four thousand people living in the hidden village. Most of them make a living by fishing, and their living standard is very poor.

However, no matter how poor they are, they will respectfully go to a temple on the island every month to burn incense and worship Buddha!

Urashiki brought Naruto through the vortex of time and space and landed directly on this island!

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Urashiki directly used the Samsara Eye to open a shielding ripple circle, covering Naruto in it. The two people appeared at the edge of the island.

“We’re here!”

Urashiki said expressionlessly. Naruto looked around and found that the surroundings were all seawater. He frowned and said, “Where is this?”

Urashiki said, “According to you, this is the sphere of influence of the Land of Water.”

Naruto said “Oh” and realized it later. Then, Urashiki raised his hand and pointed to a mountain in front of him and said, “Do you see that mountain?”

Naruto said “Hmm”. The island in front of him was still very large, but at a glance, only the raised mountain in the middle could be seen.

“The person you are looking for is on that mountain!”

Naruto said “Oh” in surprise, then turned his head to look at Urashiki and asked, “Have you looked for him?”

Urashiki shook his head and said, “No!”


Naruto was very curious and asked the doubts in his previous life.

“Since you, Kinshiki, and Momoshiki all came to Earth to investigate Kaguya, and after learning that Kaguya betrayed the Otsutsuki, why don’t you find Isshiki? This way, there will be a witness, or an extra helper.”

After listening, Urashiki sneered and said, “Naruto, Naruto, what do you think is the key to convincing me to cooperate with you?”

Naruto answered without hesitation, “Your desire!”

Urashiki nodded and said, “That’s right! It’s my desire. I know that you may be using me, but I still choose to cooperate with you because I also want chakra, and I also want to evolve into a god!”

“Similarly, Momoshiki thought so too. He thought he could kill Kaguya and then harvest the chakra of the earth. Then, he would use the reason that Isshiki was dead to find Isshiki and devour him directly!”

“After all, devouring the chakra source of an Otsutsuki family is an irresistible temptation!”

Urashiki was almost drooling when he said this.

Naruto laughed and said, “So, this time, let you come?”

Urashiki tilted his head to look at Naruto, showing a meaningful smile and said, “No, Naruto, this time, I will give it to you, so that you can taste what is the original power of the Otsutsuki family. The Kaguya you absorbed, including Toneri, is essentially just the blood differentiated from the Otsutsuki clan!”

Urashiki took a deep breath and exhaled, stepped forward and said, “Follow me! Making you stronger is not completely without benefits for me!”

Naruto followed Urashiki’s footsteps and laughed, “Aren’t you afraid that I will become stronger and then kill you too?”

Urashiki smiled contemptuously and said, “You won’t?”


“Because you are aiming for the Otsutsuki clan. Without me, you can’t find the clan’s land!”

As he said that, Urashiki turned around and gave Naruto a smile that said I will eat you.

Naruto smiled with relief. It seemed that there was no need to doubt Urashiki’s intention to cooperate, because he was confident that he would defeat Naruto, so he would cooperate with Naruto’s actions.

On the mountain.

Outside the temple.

Naruto and Urashiki appeared here, standing on a big tree outside the temple.

At this time, many people were sitting cross-legged here, looking at a monk sitting on a cushion, who was telling the truth and enlightening everyone.

“Maybe the meaning of life is that it has no meaning at all!”

“Compassion used in the wrong place will only hurt yourself!”

“Each of us has dirt in our bodies, so we have to come here every once in a while to purify ourselves!”

After the monk finished speaking, a maid next to the monk saw this and put her hands together and said: “Thank you for enlightening us!”

Everyone below: “Thank you for enlightening us!”

Then, the maid played the piano and sang: “Once, I walked forward at a loss…”

Seeing this, the believers below shook their upper bodies left and right and followed the chanting.

Urashiki looked at the people in front of him expressionlessly, while Naruto frowned and stared at the monk sitting in the middle of the field, the venerable one mentioned by the waitress.

Yes, this is Jixuan!

In his previous life, he and Sasuke teamed up, but were defeated by this guy. Of course, this guy wasThere is not much chakra left, and he is almost dead.

Therefore, even if this guy turns into ashes, Naruto still knows him!

Urashiki looked at Jihyun and said, “The reason why you and Kaguya couldn’t find his existence is because Isshiki already exists in the form of a wedge in this human’s body. During Kaguya’s time, he was lurking all the time, without any chakra fluctuations at all. He slowly began to wake up after Kaguya died!”

“Of course, according to my investigation, the Six Paths Sage in his prime was aware of chakra similar to Kaguya’s, but Isshiki was very smart and quickly went dormant again, so the Six Paths Sage didn’t find it!”

Naruto nodded, then, Naruto hummed, carefully observed the surroundings of the temple, and then sighed, “So that’s it!”

Urashiki smiled and said, “It seems that you have discovered it! That’s right, there are barriers everywhere around this temple, which can effectively shield chakra fluctuations. In addition, the location here is very remote, surrounded by the sea, and the news is also very closed!”

“Therefore, this guy has been here for many years!”

Naruto exclaimed, looking at the people around him who admired Jihyun so much, he knew his prestige here!

Urashiki took a step back, smiled and looked at Naruto and said, “Naruto, next, it’s your business!”

As he said that, Urashiki went invisible and removed the shielding corrugated circle. Naruto’s figure was exposed at once. Everyone was concentrating on singing and did not notice Naruto. Only Jixuan frowned and quickly locked onto Naruto’s figure!

“This is it!”

Although Jixuan had been hiding here to hide himself, it did not mean that he did not know what was happening outside. He transformed himself into a venerable and used the faith of the temple to turn the residents of the entire island into his believers, who obeyed him without hesitation and served him.

From time to time, someone would go out to inquire about the news outside and then come to tell him.

Therefore, Jixuan recognized Naruto’s identity as an outsider at a glance, and this pair of samsara eyes, this is!!!

Ji Hyun stood up all of a sudden, and the singing stopped instantly. The waitress stopped playing the piano, looked at Ji Hyun in surprise and asked, “Your Excellency?”

Ji Hyun didn’t answer her. The waitress followed the Your Excellency’s gaze and saw Naruto standing on the big tree outside the temple. Everyone turned their heads to look.

Naruto smiled slightly, then jumped down and came to the crowd.

“Ji Hyun, oh no, Otsutsuki Isshiki, long time no see!”

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