“Otsutsuki Isshiki?!”

Ji Xuan seemed unfamiliar with this name. After showing a puzzled look, he looked at Naruto in front of him, raised a hand to his chest, and nodded politely: “This donor, I don’t know who you are calling this name.”

Naruto smiled slightly and said: “Okay, I’m here, don’t pretend, I’m here to find you, Otsutsuki Isshiki, show up!”

Before Ji Xuan spoke, the waitress next to him stood up and shouted: “How dare you be so rude to the Venerable!”

After the waitress spoke, more than a dozen young and strong people in the audience stood up, looked at Naruto in the field and shouted: “How dare you disrespect the Venerable, get out!”

“Yes, get out!”

“Get out!”


The shouting sound came one after another.

The waitress looked at Naruto, frowned and raised her hand and said: “Wait!”

Everyone stopped immediately.

“You, are not from this island!”

Naruto smiled and nodded, “That’s right. Forget it, I’ll introduce myself. I’m Uzumaki Naruto, from Konoha Village in the Land of Fire!”


“He is Uzumaki Naruto!”

“Who is Uzumaki Naruto?”

“Don’t you know? He’s the great hero of the ninja world!”


The people on the island were talking about it. Although it was far away from the Land of Water and surrounded by the sea, people who went out to fish and sell fish from time to time were the source of information. The influence of Tsukuyomi was too great, and many people went out to inquire about the news. Therefore, some people still knew the identity of Uzumaki Naruto.

The waitress was also surprised when she heard that it was Uzumaki Naruto, and subconsciously looked at the Venerable.

Jixuan stared at Naruto carefully, and then said with some emotion: “So that’s how it is, you have changed a lot compared to before!”

Naruto smiled and responded: “Indeed, I have changed a lot. I have absorbed the blood power of the Otsutsuki clan, and I have also transformed a lot. Therefore, I came here this time, I think you also know my purpose!”

Jixuan was silent for a while.

Seeing this, Naruto restrained his smile, looked at Jixuan seriously and said: “Is it me who took action, or you who took the initiative to surrender!”

Jixuan heard this, put his hands together, smiled slightly and said: “Maybe, the donor is the one who came to free me!”

After speaking, Jixuan closed his eyes.

Naruto frowned slightly. Why doesn’t this guy feel like Otsutsuki Isshiki? Naruto remembered that this guy was very arrogant. When they fought, he looked at himself and Sasuke with a look of disdain. Why is he so polite today?

Forget it, don’t dwell on this. Since you are here, you should take the initiative.

As he said that, Naruto raised his hand directly.

“Tianyin of Wanxiang!”

With a chirp, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Jixuan was directly sucked over by Naruto. Just when Naruto was about to pinch Jixuan’s neck and activate the mark to absorb Jixuan’s blood power, a “wedge” suddenly appeared around Jixuan’s eyes!

“This is it!”

Naruto frowned, and it really appeared!

With a buzzing sound, the lines were symmetrically distributed around the eyes. The next second, Jixuan was like a different person. He broke free from Naruto’s Tianyin of Wanxiang, jumped up, came to the roof of the temple, and looked down at Naruto.

Naruto retracted his right hand and looked up. No, it was this look.

“Long time no see, Otsutsuki Isshiki!”

Naruto greeted again.

Isshiki Otsutsuki frowned slightly, then snorted coldly: “I didn’t expect that you, who absorbed Kaguya’s power, could find this place!”

Naruto heard this, smiled and waved his hands and said: “Ah, you are wrong about this, I really got help, otherwise I really couldn’t find you! By the way, this should be your secret base, you should have been planning here for a long time!”

Isshiki Otsutsuki sneered: “Of course! I know that you are very powerful now, but don’t forget, Uzumaki Naruto, the place you came to today is what I have been running for a long time!”

As he said, Jixuan jumped down and rushed towards Naruto!

Naruto smiled slightly, raised his hand and said: “Come on, I haven’t really fought well after absorbing the power of the Otsutsuki bloodline!”


Jixuan punched, Naruto raised his palm directly!

With a muffled groan, Naruto clashed his fists with his palms. He was impressed that Ji Hyun’s taijutsu was still as strong as in his previous life!

Once, Ji Hyun broke through Sasuke’s complete Susanoo defense with one kick. It can be seen that Ji Hyun’s taijutsu is even stronger than Gai’s eight-door taijutsu!

However, Naruto today has the complete power of the Ten-Tails Chakra, and has absorbed the chakra of Kaguya andToneri’s Otsutsuki bloodline power and physical fitness are not comparable to the past, so there is no problem in resisting Jixuan’s attack!

“Very good, come on!”

Naruto grabbed Jixuan, and then pulled him hard, throwing him directly into the air.

Just now, the air wave caused by the collision directly shook the people around and scattered them. It is estimated that many people died, including the maid, who was now collapsed by the wall of the temple and vomiting blood because of the impact of the air wave.

After all, they are all people in the ninja world, and Naruto doesn’t want to see the battle hurt innocent people.

Therefore, Jixuan was thrown directly into the air, and then, Naruto didn’t give Jixuan time to react at all, and directly activated the Nine-tailed Chakra. Several chakra hands burst out from behind, and grabbed directly towards the sky!

The power of the nine tailed beasts is in Naruto’s body, but because he is familiar with the Nine-tailed Chakra, Naruto is still used to mobilizing this part of the chakra to fight!

Ji Hyun dodged back and forth in the air. Seeing this, Naruto snorted coldly and jumped up from the ground. Then, the Six Paths Staff emerged, held in his hand, raised, and struck hard!

Ji Hyun’s eyes condensed, raised his hand, and the seals of his eyes spread all over his body. His hand was also wrapped up. A black stick appeared and was held in Ji Hyun’s hand. Here, Naruto swung it down fiercely!

With a clang, the black sticks hit each other. The huge force impact made Ji Hyun bite his teeth directly!

Seeing this, Naruto snorted coldly and said, “It’s not good! Haha, today, I am not something you can resist! Die!”

The power of the Six Paths Staff increased again, and the huge impact directly broke Ji Hyun’s black stick. Ji Hyun was hit and fell to the ground. With a bang, a deep pit was smashed directly on the ground!

Naruto’s Samsara Eye condensed and locked onto the target, and the Nine-Tails Chakra Hand followed closely behind. Before Ji Hyun could catch his breath, the attack came!

“Damn it!”

Ji Hyun raised his hand and grabbed the sky with force. In an instant, four or five black sticks soared into the sky and directly pierced the Nine-Tails Chakra Hand that attacked. Naruto snorted coldly. He had seen this method in his previous life.

Ji Hyun, who got a breath, jumped up and escaped from the deep pit.

As soon as he took off, a black ball flew directly from behind Ji Hyun at lightning speed. Ji Hyun widened his eyes in horror and had no time to react. He was directly pierced by the black ball!


Ji Hyun spit out a mouthful of blood, covered his chest, and dodged.

The black ball flew in front of Naruto and slowly stopped. The blood on the black ball was directly absorbed!

Naruto comprehended it, and then showed a look of joy and said: “Yes, the power of the Otsutsuki is indeed strong enough!”

The Truth-Seeking Jade appeared, and Naruto, holding the Six Paths Staff, was the strongest on earth at this moment!

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