Naruto Resurrection

Chapter 6 - New Life

"But Itachi he means no harm. He was getting pushed around by the older students in our academy and he lashed out. I just wanted to see if he was okay. Those bullies really need to get some sense knocked into them! Hmph! Maybe I should kick their butts!" Izumi angrily growls as she punches her fist together like a fierce tigress and gritted her teeth.

Suzaku looks at his hands and sees that they were much smaller than before. He then stands up from the tree he was leaning back on and gripes his ribs. It seemed like he was injured in a fight. He looks down at a puddle and sees his own reflection. He sees a godly young face with dark purplish hair and light purple eyes that resembled a Rinnegan without the circular lines spinning around the outer pupil area[A/N: he looks like the cover art but younger]. Blood covered his eyes, it looked like he got into a serious fight. He would make the damn bullies pay for what they did to him.

"It doesn't matter Izumi he almost awakened his forbidden eyes. He is dangerous. It is best you stay away from him. Plus he always starts fights," Itachi said without any remorse for Suzaku.

"Like you know anything about me!" Suzaku gets right in Itachi's face, he doesn't fear the fearsome Uchiha in front of him. He wasn't going to back down. In fact he wasn't going to let anyone push him around. He feared no one. In this very moment he could feel his powerful chakra rising and all the vast knowledge and skills he gained through all of his assassination missions and being enlisted in the Super Soldier program for 7 years back on Earth was now coming back to him.

"I don't care about you. Just leave Izumi out of the messes you make," Itachi walks off without any emotions seen on his face. "Besides you are not wanted in this village. Your clan is full of traitors like you," He puts his hands in his pants pockets and turns his back to Suzaku. He doesn't even face him nor care about him. How modestly ironic was his comment about being a traitor.

Suzaku didn't know what it was, but he hated that Itachi was talking down to him about his clan. Even though he didn't exactly know the clan he was reborn into. Did he have the Uchiha Bloodline? Was he apart of the Uchiha Clan? It didn't matter, right now all Suzaku wanted to do was beat up the little prick in front of him for mocking him and his clan.

"That is it!" Suzaku clenched his fist, a surge of rage overflowed throughout his young body. He goes to punch Itachi. His punch was so fast that it caught Itachi off guard.

'He's fast,' Itachi's eyes widened with shock. He could sense how dark and powerful Suzaku's chakra was. It was like Sukazu had completely changed! His speed and chakra had increased ten-fold!

Sukazu knuckles collided right onto the side of Itachi's cheeks and Itachi slides back. Blood leaks down Itachi's nose as he slowly wipes off his own blood with an unfazed expression on his face.

In a flash, Itachi quickly does a sideways roundhouse tiger kick at Suzaku's face.

Suzaku quickly reads his move with his eyes and counters Itachi's kick with his elbows. It was like he could sense Itachi's attacks, he could see his charka-flow and every movement. In fact, he could predict what Itachi was about to do next, he also sees Itachis's blood-flow and see what he was thinking!(Like telepathy) Was the powers of his new eyes from a clan different from the Uchiha? Was this his Kekkei Genkai?

"STOP FIGHTING!" Shouts Izumi as she tries to break up the fight between Suzaku and Itachi. But the fight was just getting started.


Part 2 coming out today. A epic fight. This chapter needs to be edited.

IMPORTANT: I need help with which timeline to choose. The MC right now is 8 years old while Itachi is 10, so the it is kind of swiftly I kind want to see what would happen if Itachi actually had a rival* But idk what do, because I also want the MC to be part of squad 7 with Naruto and Sasuke. So let me know what timeline or story-line I should do to make things less confusing.

Also Vote which five main powers from the Naruto should the MC have. And also give me some names for a powerful eye power(EX; a more powerful name compare to Rinnegan). Like Eyes of Darkness in Japanese or something like that. The MC will have the most powerful eyes in the Naruto world and you will soon see its powers in the next chapter. I wonder who will win...

NOTE: I will not fully follow the canon.

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