Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 1- Bad Beginning

Somewhere in a small village in the Land of Fire, eighteen years before the main storyline starts and two days before the Third Shinobi World War.

A normal man that you could pass by ten times in a day and never notice, was quietly drinking at an isolated table inside a small bar, while the man was drinking quietly his attention was focused on the words of the other customers in the bar.

He wasn’t a man, he was the shadow clone of Uchiha Madara, the scope of his existence was to gather information, then, once a certain quantity of information was collected or an important piece of information was discovered, the shadow clone would disperse itself, sending the information back to Madara.

But this shadow clone was destined to never return.

The clone’s body froze, and his eyes became clouded, he swayed on his seat and his upper body fell slowly on the table, as his movements were slow, no one paid him any attention, those who looked at him only though that he drank too much, something normal in those parts.

When he opened his eyes, his mind couldn’t be focused, his thoughts dispersed as he tried to collect them, the main problem that interfered with his mind was a knowledge of unknown origin that keep coming to the forefront of his mind despite him trying to think about something else, that was about a strange and mysterious ritual.

Great Resurrection Ritual

Requirements: Four bodies, bloodline will improve the result and probability of success. Warning, with normal bodies the probability of success is 2%.

Time limit: Until dispersed.

Resurrection Jutsu: Tatsu, Mi, Ushi, Tatsu, Saru, Tori, Tatsu, Saru, Tatsu, Ne…

Once he understood the knowledge in his head, it retreated to the back of his mind. Now he could take a deep breath and he remembered.

His name was 35, just a number. He was trained since young until age 15 to become an assassin under some unknown organization, but as years passed he became more and more unwilling to spend his life like that, to do the dirty work of some rich men, so once he reached 15 years of age, he escaped but the organization wouldn’t just let him off, he was categorized as a terrorist and from that point on there was no longer a safe place on earth, there was no way to escape and in the end he meet his end, but not before he dealt a huge blow to that organization, when escaping he stole a huge amount of important data and set it to be sent to the enemies of that organization just in case he would die, and he died, he wasn’t superman, in that world a bullet is enough.

He may have escaped but he made a mistake, he started watching an anime called Naruto, at first he did so just because he was curious what people his age liked, but then he got hooked and started spending too much time watching Naruto, in the end the police traced him just when he saw the last episode, after some chase around the city he was ultimately cough by the other assassins dispatched by the organization.

He was sure he died, so why as he alive in this unknown place?

Then the memories of the shadow clone surfaced in his mind and he knew, he was in the world of shinobi, and he was the shadow clone of Uchiha Madara.

He felt it was ironic, in his past life he was a slave to that organization and now he was a slave of Madara, he didn’t know If he should laugh or cry, but then he remembered that knowledge, ‘Great Resurrection Ritual’, maybe that was the answer.

Thinking about that knowledge, it resurfaced in his mind and he confirmed his guess.

He could resurrect for real, but he needed four bodies, and the bodies must have a good bloodline for the chance of success to be higher.

He didn’t like the feeling of his fate being in another’s hands, so he decided to go search for four bodies for his resurrection. Luckily, he had the memories of the shadow clone of Madara so he had knowledge of some jutsu and he was skilled at fighting, and with this being a clone of Madara it wasn’t so weak, if he was careful it wasn’t impossible to do it, but he had to be fast.

So, what followed was a bitter struggle to collect the four bodies, but luck was on his part and after two days the Third Shinobi War started, with this the bodies were plenty. The first two bodies he got was one from the Uchiha clan and one from the Hyuga clan, he used a jutsu from the memories of the clone to preserve and hide the bodies, then he struggled to find the last two bodies, and after many hardships he acquired them, one from the Uzumaki Clan and the last one from the Kurama Clan.

With those bodies, he hopped to have a great success rate, he knew that time wasn’t on his part, so he had to begin without waiting.

He chose a cave and hid the entrance with a jutsu and then he followed the instructions from the Great Resurrection image.

He was at the centre of a diagram and the bodies were placed each on one of the four sides.

When he finished executing the hand signs, a blinding light covered him and formed a white cocoon, a white mist surged from the bodies and entered the cocoon until nothing remained of them.

13 years later, the cave was found.


Hello readers, I bring you a Naruto fanfic.

I like this story and I have hopes for where it will go.

The first five parts will be around 1000 words, short I know, but the following will go higher.

For any who want, you can find my other works advanced chapters for my original work till part five on my patreon for any patron or if you just want to support me then feel free to check my patreon, thank you.

Thank you.

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