Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 2 – Time Skip

13 years after the end of the third shinobi world war, a merchant deviated from his normal route when a sudden storm formed above him, the merchant found his way under a concave section at the feet of a cliff.

As he waited for the storm to end, he was almost scared to death by the collapse of the wall besides him, after the dust settled, he was meet it the mouth of a cave.

He wouldn’t have ventured inside if it was not for a white light inside the cave, he was curious and maybe greedy with dreams of riches.

The merchant ventured forth, and after some unsteady steps he was getting close, what he saw scared him to death. It was a strange egg-like object, the light was coming from it, but when he got close he was thrown on his ass by a strong heartbeat-like sound coming from it, he was so scared that he dared not go closer and left running, he ran until the next village, leaving his goods behind, he had to inform the shinobi and let them take care of something so strange, he didn’t dare have any greedy thoughts.

A week later, another figure appeared at the cave’s entrance, he had spiky silver hair oriented to his left side, he had a forehead protector which covered his left eye, behind him were two other shinobis with the standard shinobi attire and protector.

“Kakashi, this place gives me a bad feeling.”

Said one of the men, Kakashi had to agree with him, he also had the same feeling, but this was a mission and he had to examine it.

“Let’s go.”

With Kakashi’s words they ventured in, when they reached the end, they had to take a deep breath, that was the first time they saw something like that.

The light coming from the egg-like object was pulsating like a heart.

“Doesn’t this look like an egg?”

Said one of the men.

“If this is an egg then I don’t want to know what it’s inside.”

Responded the other.

They walked around it, trying to find anything that could give them some information about its origin, but they had no luck.

“There is nothing we can find here, let’s follow the mission and take this back to Konoha.”

The other men didn’t have any objection and they didn’t want to stay in that place longer than necessary.

They brought a cart and tried to lift the egg, but it was so heavy that it needed all three of them to lift it.

Once they placed the egg in the cart the covered it and changed themselves to look just like normal merchants.

When they finally left the cave a sigh of relief escaped their mouths.

Several days later, in the Research Facility of Konoha.

The 3th Hokage was looking at the egg-like object placed on a cushion on a large table.

“Have you found anything?”

Asked the Hokage to a man wearing a white coat beside him.

“Yes, this is indeed an egg and the most incredible discovery was that inside is a human, or to be more precise, a human child.”

Hearing his words, the mouth of the Hokage was wide open, that was too strange and mysterious, he had never seen or heard about something like this.

“A human child, how is that possible?”

“We don’t know, we weren’t able to find out anything more, but it should ‘hatch’ very soon.”

The man with the white coat answered the Hokage.

“Is it dangerous?”

“Is hard to say, we think that it won’t be dangerous, and, like with a child, will be our task to teach him.”

The 3th Hokage held his chin with his hand and pondered, it was hard to decide, but he couldn’t kill something that wasn’t even born.

“Keep this as top secret, no one should know about this, when it’s time for the child to be born call me immediately.”

Hearing the Hokage’s words, the man with the lab coat smiled and answered, for him this was a very marvellous thing, he wanted to see what the child will become.

And like that, six months passed, nothing changed until one day, *crack* a crack formed on the shell of the egg.

When the Hokage heard about that, he ended the meeting he had and ran to the research centre.

“How is it?”

Asked the Hokage.

“When we called for you, it was only a small crack but now the cracks extended all over the egg.”

Hearing his words, and looking at the egg, the Hokage could see that it indeed looked like it will hatch soon.

*Crack* *Crack*

The cracking sound attracted the two men that were just speaking, pieces of shell fell from to the floor, and a small, white, and delicate hand gripped the side where the pieces fell from, and pushed, breaking another piece of the shell.


Hello readers, I bring you a Naruto fanfic.

I like this story and I have hopes for where it will go.

The first five parts will be around 1000 words, short I know, but the following will go higher.

For any who want, you can find my other works advanced chapters for my original work till part five on my patreon for any patron or if you just want to support me then feel free to check my patreon, thank you.

Thank you.

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