Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 10 – Academy


Sorry for the long delay, I will pick the speed up from now.

Iruka spoke for a long time and everything can be summarised in the followings;

As people would expect of a normal school, there is a core curriculum of reading, writing, mathematics, science, geography and other courses common in any school, but their reason for being taught is mainly because it will facilitate the later instruction in tactics and strategy and other shinobi related courses. The students learn the Shinobi Rules and how to handle various ninja weapons and tools, like shuriken and kunai.

One of the main subjects will be chakra and how to use it, the chakra related subjects can be broken into.

Those are the main classes they would be focused on during their schooling period, until they graduate.

Sango’s interest was piqued by the strange topics, his main concern was the theory of chakra, he knew how to execute some techniques like the Transformation Technique but he didn’t understand it, like a man firing a gun, most won’t know how the gun works but they know how to use it.

If he wanted to truly master chakra and the wanders it has to offer, then he must learn everything there is to know about the subject.

“That is all for now, I expect to see you all tomorrow and don’t be late.” Iruka finished his long explanation and let everyone leave, as of tomorrow the courses will start for real for a long four years, Sango could graduate anytime but that would be foolish, he needs time to get used to everything, getting used to a new world isn’t as easy as it sounds, not when the world is so different.

“See you tomorrow Sakura.” Sango said goodbye to his neighbour, Sakura, who was surprised by how Sango called her without any honorifics. He also waved to Hinata who had still to leave her desk and once she saw his gesture, she suddenly found something very interesting on her desk.

Sango began walking to the door but was stopped by a yellow haired boy, Naruto, before he could leave, “Thank you for the gift!” said Naruto referring to the coupon he gave to him, Sango didn’t care about him, that coupon was given to him by the owner of the food stall after he ate there with Yuhi.

“No problem.” He left those words with a slight smile and left, if he could then he would build a friendly relationship even with the boys but in the end, he didn’t care much about them, in this class he only cared about Hinata and Sakura. He didn’t have much time to dedicate to everyone, he had to prepare so he won’t die and won’t be only a spectator when the tribulations the village will have to face arrive, that wasn’t his only goal, he wanted to reach happiness and that required power, a very strong power.

Earlier that day, inside the Hokage office, Sarutobi was seated at his desk and in front of him was Kurenai Yuhi.

“Hokage-same, you asked for me?” Asked Yuhi, she wanted to be present for Sango’s entrance ceremony but the Hokage asked to see her, so she had to reluctantly see the Hokage.

“How have you been those days?” Asked the Hokage taking a puff from his pipe.

Yuhi recalled the past months and she had a sweet and sour taste in her mouth, sweet because he found an interesting child and sour because of the happenings with Asuma, but she was getting over it as her free time was spent with Sango, his talent and intelligence was something she had never seen before and teaching him became her pleasure.

“I have been very good, thanks Hokage-sama for asking.”

“Ho-ho-ho, very good.” Said the Hokage with a smile, he naturally knew about the trouble between Yuhi and Asuma and he could only sigh, he though his son found a good woman and he indeed did, but he didn’t think that Asuma couldn’t control himself and made trouble with other women, he could only blame himself for not keeping a closer eye on Asuma and giving him a beating sooner, he sighed many times when remembering that.

“I heard you are very close to that boy, Sango, is that right?” The Hokage switched the topic to the real reason he asked Yuhi here.

Yuhi wasn’t surprised because the Hokage knew about Sango but she was surprised about why he asked that.

“Yes, that’s right, I have been teaching him how to become a proper shinobi.” Answered Yuhi.

“What do you think about him?” Hokage was keeping tabs on Sango as he really wanted for him to become a pillar of the village, he knew he wasn’t a normal boy, his body was the perfect body for a shinobi and his intelligence was incredible, he wanted the boy to grow and love the village.

“He… he is very strong for his age and his learning speed is the fastest I have ever seen.” For some reason she stopped herself from saying that he was already at a high level of training when she met him.

“Ho…” Sarutobi began to caress his beard while he thought about her words, he already knew what she said but he was more interested about something else.

“How about his personality?”

Yuhi though for a bit before answering, “He is a very good and gentle child.”

“Hmm… That’s good to hear.” Said the Hokage after hearing her answer, that was what he was most concerned about, he hoped for Sango to grew up to love this village so that he will become a pillar of Konoha, his potential was the highest he has ever seen and that is just from what the medical examinations told.

“…Hokage-sama, can I ask for something?” Yuhi hesitated before opening her mouth and asking that, the Hokage was taken by surprise by her words as she had never asked him for anything.

“What is it?”

“I would like to be in charge of his team when he graduates.”

“Oh?” That was an interesting request, to tell the truth he didn’t know yet how to form the teams, the members of the teams had to be carefully selected to form the best synergy between the teammates. Fulfilling Kurenai’s request wasn’t a problem as they had already a good relationship.

“Hmm, to tell you the truth, I was already thinking about that so there are no problems with your request, take good care of him.”

“Thank you, Hokage-sama”, Kurenai Yuhi was satisfied and left as the conversation was over.

As Yuhi left the Hokage’s office, she meets Asuma who was walking towards the office, he had a dark expression and they ignored each other as they passed by, no affection that childhoods friends should have could be seen.

Asuma entered the Hokage’s office.

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