Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 11 – Weapon


Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to write more but if I want to publish the chapter today I have to leave it as that because I have work...

For today's song, this I like.

Thank you for supporting me! I said it many times and I will always say so.

When Sango returned home, he wasn’t surprised when he was welcomed by Kurenai Yuhi who sat on the couch and watched TV like it was her home, by this point it wasn’t even a stretch to say that it is also her home.

“Welcome back!” Sango heard those words as he closed the outside door behind him, “I’m home!” He answered back. Leaving his shoes at the door, he headed towards the living room where Yuhi was.

“How was your day?” Asked a smiling Yuhi as she looked at Sango, “It was very interesting, I can’t wait tomorrow.” He wasn’t even lying, studying such a mysterious and powerful energy like chakra was a miracle on its own, the possibilities were limitless and that was all the motivation he needed.

He left his backpack beside the couch where Yuhi was, and sat beside her, he followed to tell her how his day flowed, then he also began asking about her day, it was important to also show interest in her life and not only her in his or she may think he didn’t care, the little things added together and the outcome may not be ideal if he ignored such things.

(AN: I’m going to assume that they have backpacks for school, I don’t remember seeing them, but many things were omitted in the anime.)

Time spent together was never boring, while he had only the desire of having her in the beginning, now he truly began to like this woman, more than he though he would, he loved everything about her and waiting until he grew to do anything up was hard.

“Yuhi big sister, can I ask you for a favour?” When the mood was right, and the room fell in silence he asked something he planned for a long time.

“Hm? Why are you so formal? Just ask big sister.” She smiled at him and curiosity showed on her face since this was the first time he asked something of her, this made her happy.

Her red lips stretched into a beautiful smile and Sango was charmed despite his young age, not that his body could be considered anything like normal by any means, he even had libido, something that he shouldn’t have at his age.

This was what he craved, her warmth that pushed his dark passenger back and the blackness that a life with no light created and was on the verge of giving life to a monster.

His previous unfeeling self didn’t lose all his feelings, since he left that inky hole he began to recover somethings, discover new feelings he didn’t know existed, he wouldn’t be able to recover everything but even if he wouldn’t be able to be a normal person that wasn’t bad in itself.

(AN: Those that watched the tv show Dexter or read the book Darkly Dreaming Dexter may be familiar with the term dark passenger, I like it and it is very fitting, the actor playing Dexter kept the show afloat.)

Sango returned a smile and walked to his room, then he returned shortly after with a few sheets of paper in hand, then he gave them to Yuhi who looked puzzled.

“I hope Yuhi big sister can help me make this.”, Sango referred at the weapon designed on the paper, in his world it was called M48 Hawk Harpoon, one of his favourite weapons. The razor sharp knife could cut easily through flesh and it be difficult to remove without much pain and additional damage as its blade was shaped like a harpoon, at the end of the handle was a small hole where a string could be tied, he usually used Kevlar strings but he had a better idea for here but that would require more study and research. The knife wasn’t very big as it could almost fit in the palm of an adult’s hand.

(AN: An image of the knife, it is almost the same as the one Sango designed)

Yuhi studied the design carefully and was impressed by its beauty, “Did you draw it yourself?” To her question Sango nodded, while he wasn’t the creator of the original design, he did draw this one himself while adding slight changes, not like he could tell her who created it since he didn’t know it himself.

“This is an impressive weapon…” She admired the design, the curves of the blade were perfect to give the maximum penetration power which it also gave the weapon a very aerodynamic form, perfect for throwing.

Her curiosity was ignited, and she also wanted to see this weapon but even without her curiosity she would have helped him, nonetheless. “Leave it to me, I know just the right person.” She had some connections and one of them was a very capable blacksmith.

Since the situation permitted it, Sango jumped unto Yuhi and hugged her, “Thank you Yuhi!” He took the opportunity to feel her breasts with his body and called her directly by her first name in a very casual mode. Yuhi was caught off guard by his action but she couldn’t help and hug the cute child back, “Haha, that’s nothing for big sister.”, she didn’t notice he called her by her first name, something that close friends, or more than just friends, do, since he was a child.

After they separated, the duo continued to watch TV together, Sango sat close to her almost glued to her side, he wanted to be closer but that had to be taken slowly.

Sango was now thinking about his next step, he needed money and to achieve that he had to use this school year wisely.

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