Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 12 – School day

The next day was when the real shinobi classes started, they began with learning about basic ninjutsu such as scroll sealing, weapons and other such equipment, beside the usual subjects like math and geography.

When Sango entered the classroom, he found himself to be again the second there, the other one was the same as yesterday, Sasuke, not for nothing he was considered as the best of the class in the original work.

Sango smiled towards the lone boy, but he received no answer back, without caring he took his seat at the front and began to think about the future. The biggest worry at the moment was about Asuma, it looked like since last night he began to furiously investigate about who ruined his reputation and relationship with Kurenai, he was confident to have left nothing that could lead to himself but one could never be too sure, that was even more true in this new world where there was no limit to strange and mysterious things that could hinder his plans, he wondered what caused such drastic change in his behaviour.

Despite his young age it wouldn’t be too strange for himself to be considered as suspicious, that is what he began to understand, after all, Kakashi was even younger than himself when he graduated from the academy, it wouldn’t be such a long stretch for him to be considered as suspicious, something he overlooked before, he though that his age may protect him but that wasn’t true in this world, but Sango wasn’t just any kid, even if and that was a big IF Asuma came after him he would be able to turn the situation around, he just had to make some plans ahead of time to make up for this contingency.

While thinking time passed fast and children began to show up for class, and before long everyone was present. As the day before, he was beside Sakura and Hinata was at the back of the class.

“Morning, Sakura-chan.” Sango greeted her as she sat down.

“Good morning, Sango-kun.” She greeted back, it was a normal interaction between schoolmates.

As he tried to make conversation with Sakura, Iruka-sensei entered the class, since all the introductions were done there was no need for further lose of time, Iruka jumped straight to the main subject.

“I will first get you started with the most important subject, Chakra Theory.” Iruka continued in a serious tone, “What is Chakra? In the most simple term, Chakra can be defined as life, to be more precise we can call it life energy.”, He paused to see that he had everyone’s attention and resumed his speech, “All individuals produce chakra to some degree without knowing it. Chakra is created when two other forms of energy, knowns as;

Physical energy: It is collected from each and every one of the body’s cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise.

Spiritual energy: Is derived from the mind’s consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience.

Those two energies’ power is directly related the Chakra’s power and remember that practising a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one’s spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be generated and the same applies for physical energy, except that the ninja needs to increase their endurance instead.”

(AN: Yes, a lot of that I copied from internet, sue me haha! No, don’t.)

The class was attentive, contrary to the time the Hokage gave the speech at the entrance ceremony, it could be seen from that the importance the people in this world gave to Shinobi and training.

No one paid more attention to the subject than Sango, he memorized everything to the punctuation not leaving anything out and he began to make his own theories from the little he heard, although their validity had to be proven in the future as he gains more knowledge but it could be seen that his mind worked in a widely different way than a normal one.

An hour before the end of the classes, Iruka surprised everyone with a surprise test incorporating most of what he just spoke about earlier in the day, despite this being the first, real class.

This was where the students distinguished themselves, excluding the rare occasions where some didn’t receive earlier training but had great talent enabling them to catch up to those who did, the students with a shinobi family background were those who would be the top of the class, and then there were those like Sango who received earlier training and are also very talented and their genetics giving them an advantage above the others.

The scope of the test was more for the reason of understanding who already knew about what he talked, those who didn’t know but paid attention and those who didn’t pay attention at all, this data would give Iruka the ability to properly guide the children in the future.

The questions were easy for Sango, there was no need to think at all, after all he had a perfect memory and it wasn’t only visual, but it encompassed all the senses. His test was completed in just above a minute as he only needed to write so once he was done he rested his pen beside the paper, waiting.

His behaviour stood out to Iruka as he was carefully observing all the children, he was informed beforehand by the Hokage himself about the odd-looking boy and his origin, Iruka felt some sympathy towards the boy who also lost his parents. He walked beside Sango’s table and looked at his test only to see a very neat handwriting almost as if printed by a machine and all the questions were answered in an exemplary manner. The Hokage did tell Iruka some things about Sango, but the ‘He is a very intelligent kid’ may not be enough to describe him, Iruka was curious about Sango’s future.

“Very well Sango-kun, a good job indeed.” Iruka’s praise didn’t pass unobserved as many gazes focused on him, it was a strange feeling for Sango to be at the centre of attention, but not a bad one.

“Thank you, Iruka-sensei.” Replied Sango, on the side Sakura was also looking furtively at his paper with amazement printed on her face. He wasn’t proud of himself, after all the test was more like a joke in his eyes since the answers were given just before the test was given.

Iruka took his paper and headed back to his desk to look more closely at it, in whatever way he looked at it he still couldn’t see any variation in the characters he wrote, they were all wrote in the same, accurate mode, unlike how a normal person could write.

Sango wasn’t ware of Iruka internal amazement as he himself didn’t consider his calligraphy as anything to be surprised about.

Seeing how Sango was already done with his test, the other children began to speed up as to not be outdone.

By the end of the classes, Sango was on several children’s watch list as they began to see him as a worthy opponent.

Just before leaving the class, Sango was stopped by Iruka.

“Sango-kun, I need to talk to you in my office.” Was what Iruka said, so Sango nodded and followed behind Iruka wondering what he may need him for.

Once they were inside the office Iruka sat behind the desk and Sango sat on the chair in front of the desk, Iruka took some papers from a drawer and placed them in front of Sango.

“I need you to complete those tests, don’t worry as the result won’t matter in any way.”

Sango now understood, Iruka, or maybe someone wants Iruka to test the level of his intelligence and the only one who could do that was the Hokage because he was the only one with a real reason to do so, while Sango did take some tests when he was under supervision they weren’t very hard so they hardly reflected his IQ, this wasn’t bad at all as this would increase the value he has in the eyes of the Hokage and the whole village.


Please forgive the tardiness and the errors you will see, I found it hard to find enough time to write as I am on holiday and on the road much of the time, I will also have a hard time writing a new one piece chapter as the next chapter contains explicit content unsuited to write with your parents close by haha.

Please check my Patreon and support me if you can! See you in the next chapter, have a good time doing whatever!

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