Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 13 – Slice of life

The tests were mainly consisting of purely intellectual questions, excluding questions where one had first to memorize the answers, the answers to those questions could be given without making any research beforehand and it depended only on the IQ of the person answering.

The tests were worthy of the ones he took under the organization, the only difference being that there were no differences between these tests and the one he took earlier, for him. Before he reincarnated those tests would have been difficult for him to complete in a short time, yet his pen moved with speed on the papers.

Iruka’s expression was no longer smiling, Sango was answering the questions faster than he could check their validity, that wasn’t possible. Iruka was shedding cold sweat, now he understood why the 3rd Hokage gave him this task. If this wasn’t a bad joke done by the Hokage, which was very improbable, then they had really found a treasure, one that had to be hidden until it was properly polished, that was a strict order from the Hokage himself, one that Iruka agreed wholeheartedly.

Once he completed the test, Sango left Iruka’s office. He could have hidden his intelligence if he wanted, it would have been easy, but there was no sense in that, Iruka didn’t work for Danzo, the one doing the dirty work for Konoha se he had nothing to fear because the only one behind Iruka was the Hokage, who wouldn’t throw away the opportunity to groom Sango once his worth was displayed. That is why he didn’t hide anything, that said, he wouldn’t just show everything, he knew the importance of having a hidden card, or several, just in case.

The test wasn’t enough to test his upper limits, he himself wasn’t sure where those limits were, but that didn’t make him overconfident. There were many types of intelligence and the tests covered too little, there is much debate on the subject, such as the educational system in his old world who relied on memorization to teach the students, in the end Sango believed that intelligence was an abstract term since it was hard to use the word to define the real capability of a person, look at another type of intelligence, emotional intelligence for example, enabling you to easily read people’s feelings and character, the road was long, but he had time since this was just the beginning.

It was a bit later than usual when he returned home, the apartment was empty as Kurenai was busy with shinobi tasks and would be late.

He changed his clothes and left the apartment to a general store, where he bought paper and pen, it was time to begin his next plan now that the Hokage would become aware of his intellectual prowess and he was already aware of his long training sessions with Kurenai, Sango could get the Hokage’s support for his plan.

He returned home and sat at his desk, took pen and paper and began to write.

Title: Introduction to close quarters combat for dummies.

Author: Ramen-sensei

As the title suggested, it was a book teaching the basics of close quarters combat, it was aimed at children who just got started on the path of a shinobi but it wasn’t useful only for that age range, it was also aimed at older shinobi, he made sure that while it wasn’t overly sophisticated it included ideas and thoughts alien for this world, unseen but very useful bringing a new view on the basics the people here are accustomed to.

With the Hokage’s help he can publish the book in Konohagakure then in the whole Konoha, bringing much wealth to him, but not only wealth, it would also bring him prestige while putting him in a new light in front of the people of power as a person who helped strengthening the country. If his worth increased, he would also have an easier time in building himself a new life here.

It took him a whole month to finish it, not because he couldn’t write it faster but because he wasn’t in a hurry, he wanted to first research to what extent he could introduce new ideas, what would be accepted and what not, what was too advanced and what was not useful for this world, he also didn’t hurry, he revelled in his life, exploring, learning, getting closer to the girls, regarding the last part he was only getting closer as friends for now, for anything more he had to wait a few years, for he must build his foundation and he wasn’t willing to take advantage of them at such a young age, excluding Kurenai of course, with her he wasn’t so concerned but she also wouldn’t look at him with THAT kind of loving eyes as of yet, Sango had to carefully build that road as she saw him as a younger brother for now, that was a kind of love but not the kind Sango chased, still, he wasn’t worried, he would win her sooner or later.

In the passing month he displayed some of his abilities receiving a perfect score in every subject, that placed him at the top of the class, if not the whole first year, behind him was Sasuke.

That night Kurenai came back from a quest but she didn’t return directly to her home and instead entered Sango’s apartment, she had received a copy of the key from Sango some time before.

“I’m back!” Shouted Kurenai from the hallway, of course Sango already knew but he was still happy once he heard her voice, he rushed through the door leading to the living room and embraced her, “Welcome back!”, caressing his hair Kurenai smiled, “Did you eat yet?” she asked. “Not yet.”, Kurenai looked at Sango and smiled brightly again, “That’s good, I brought some gifts this time.”

Curious, Sango looked at the bag Kurenai was carrying. Seeing the curiosity written on his face, Kurenai didn’t keep him on edge and walked in the living room, placing the bag on the table in front of the couch.

Kurenai took a small and long object wrapped in a white cloth, “The blacksmith I knew was very busy and had a tight schedule, but he completed it even if it took some time.”, Sango’s mood improved even more at her words, his knife was finally ready.

Unwrapping the knife with care, the black lusted was revealed, it was just like he wanted it to be, to the smallest detail, the craftsmen in this world knew their craft.

The knife wouldn’t be his main weapon but more of a support weapon, useful nonetheless, maybe it could even become a main weapon, but he needed more of the same knife for that, one wasn’t enough, only enough for now. For him to properly bring all the power of this knife, another thing was needed, a technique used by the marionetist of the Kaze Country.

Before Kurenai could react, Sango jumped on her and kissed her cheek, but his mouth was a bit too close to her mouth, touching briefly the corner of her lips, he felt softness even softer than her breasts pressing on his chest, he couldn’t compare the two as they were both a kind of feeling one could get addicted to.

Kurenai was flustered at the closeness and didn’t knew how to react, at the back of her mind she though how Sango made her unable to react properly in the past as this wasn’t the first time she was cough by surprise by his unexpected actions.


I'm on my way to the airport, edditing this chapter as my father drives like a madman and is hard to write like that...

I will resume the faster release from tomorrow.

Here is a photo I took yesterday, this is where I live, I feel like I live in the Hidden Leaf sometimes haha.

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