Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 30 – Fight Part 1

Asuma’s sudden explosion of rage wasn’t a contingency Sango thought of as likely, it was rather surprising for him to be mistaken.

Even with the situation taking an unexpected turn, Sango and Kurenai weren’t the type to be taken by surprise so they reacted swiftly.

The first to take action was Sango, with a flicker of his hands, three M48 knifes infused with wind chakra appeared between the fingers of each hand, he long ago discovered that he had affinity for each of the chakra elements. He threw the knives to both his sides, into rocks and trees, they cut into them like a hot knife through butter, stopping only when the handle got stuck inside. Chakra-infused strings were attached to the end of their handles connecting in the middle. The strings from all six knives meet into a circular knot that tightened around Asuma’s right wrist as his right hand was extended, forcefully stopping him in his tracks. The friction of the strings against his skin let them cut into it, blood gushing out and flowing along some of the strings.

“Argh!” A pained moan left Asuma’s mouth, but as one of the strongest jonin in the village, something like that wasn’t going to keep him restrained for long. With his other hand free, he used it to swing his trench knife at the strings, but even then, the string refused to give way as sparks flew with every swing of his knife. It took him several swings until finally the first string was split, but by that time Kurenai herself acted.

With her talent in genjutsu she was regarded as Konoha’s number one genjutsu user, after lightning fast hand seals, the strings keeping hold of Asuma’s hand multiplied and the real ones were no longer visible, rendering Asuma’s effort in freeing himself much more difficult. Yet, Asuma wasn’t regarded as Konoha’s foremost skilled ninja in close-ranged melee combat for nothing, after the initial surprise he used his left hand to strike at the string around his wrist as it was easier to detect, hitting them with great precision he freed himself shortly then he resumed his charge.

“Fire Style: Grand Fireball Technique!” Sango breathed in deeply and released a massive ball of blue fire from his mouth, combining wind chakra with fire chakra he feed more air to the fire creating the fireball, the result being a much more deadly technique.

Asuma, seeing the scorching ball of blue fire flying towards him, felt the great danger coming so he had no choice but to retreat as fast as he could and dodge to the side, extending once again the distance between them. The fireball hit the forest behind, lighting it ablaze after a strong explosion generated a rather impressive shockwave, but they paid it no mind as their fight intensified.

“Wind Style: Vacuum!” This was one of Sango’s original techniques, forcefully creating a vacuum in space at a certain distance from the enemy, he released the technique and air rushed to fill in the empty space, creating a shockwave strong enough to throw the enemy a certain distance and stun them. Using the technique in such a way wasn’t as efficient as using it directly on the enemy, rapid decompression could be much more dangerous than how Sango used it to just throw and stun Asuma. Such exposure could lead to the fatal rupture of the delicate alveoli of the lungs and the rupture of eardrums and sinuses and the stress of shock would accelerate oxygen consumption leading to hypoxia, but Sango didn’t want to kill Asuma, even if the damage received should be less than what he knew from his previous world thanks to the existence of chakra so Asuma shouldn’t die from that, but that was yet to be testes so he couldn’t risk it, he didn’t want to make an enemy of the Hokage yet.

Without any warning, Asuma was caught by the invisible attack, he found himself on the ground with a ringing sound in his ears. Even in that situation, he stood up fast and resumed his attack, but before he could begin anew, he found himself in trouble yet again, looking around he saw many pairs of Sango and Kurenai surrounding him, leaving him without a target. Mele-focused shinobi may be strong, but that was if you fought them face to face, Kurenai knew that best since she fought in the same team as Asuma for a long time, she used her genjutsu ability to leave Asuma without a concrete target by creating many illusions.

Asuma’s actions left Kurenai stunned for a short time, but she recollected herself wishing to protect Sango. Asuma’s actions had long since disappointed Kurenai, but now she just didn’t care anymore, this time he made an unforgivable mistake, it was no longer as simple a situation as before, she would have to report this.

Asuma couldn’t back off now, the strangeness of the situation didn’t register in his mind, he was lost in his rage. He infused win chakra in many shuriken and kunai as he threw him at all the images of Sango, but such attack was ineffective as Sango used more of the Vacuum technique to block or throw them off course.

Not having any reason to extend the fight, Sango used more Wind Style: Vacuum techniques all around Asuma, the consummation of chakra being of no importance to him. Asuma was being thrown from side to side, unable to show all his strength.


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