Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 31 – Fight – Part 2


I have been working on The Book of Ra, after a bottleneck things are moving again.

Like I said before, I need some people to read and tell me their honest thoughts about The Book of Ra, I will be giving 10k words at a time to those interested, just send me an email at: [email protected] if you are interested.

If you are wondering if I'm going to make Asuma an antagonist of this story read the spoiler.

No, Asuma isn't going to have any weight in this story.

The two sides fought, and the battle intensified. Sango was able to gather valuable intelligence regarding his own strength, what he was dissatisfied about was the durability of his strings. He had a large reservoir of chakra but there was a limit of how much the strings could support before they were destroyed by the sheer quantity of chakra. The answer to that was simple, before, he wanted to obtain the technique for chakra strings from Kankuro of Sunagakure and improve upon it, but there was no need for that since Sango was perfectly able to create his own technique now, tailored for his needs. Creating such a technique needed time, it had to be tested again and again before he could trust his life with it.

While this situation wasn’t ideal, there wasn’t much to be done about it. While killing Asuma was out of question, just knocking him out wasn’t going to be easy seeing his resilience. Luckily, the fireball thrown by Sango attracted much attention and the Anbu were sure to be on their way, they just had to wait.

Asuma was beginning to regain his senses little by little, but it was all in vain, things had developed too far for an easy resolution. Sango knew that this time Asuma was neck deep in trouble, even if he was the Hokage’s son, that didn’t justify his use of his skills with the intention to kill someone who was innocent.

As Asuma became able to think clearly once again, he understood his own position. Standing up after being blown away by Sango’s technique, Asuma jumped backwards and put distance between them, thinking what to do now. He was far from letting Sango go, but he understood that fighting him like this, without any proof, was just digging his own grave.

Thinking fast wasn’t going to help him this time, the two fighting sides found themselves surrounded by Anbu on all sides.

Since they were there, Sango could leave everything to them and just return to Kurenai’s side. She was relaxing now that the Anbu was there, the dodging and use of chakra left her with a heavy breath.

Sango walked to her side, his breathing the same as before they began fighting, not a trace of tiredness visible on his face.

“Are you all right?” He asked concerned, Sango observed her the entire fight, making sure that she wasn’t in any danger. The probability of her getting hurt was very low, but that wasn’t an excuse to lower his guard.

Her eyes were cold as she looked at Asuma being approached by the Anbu, he let answered some of their questions and then he was led away, she couldn’t hear what they asked or what his answer was.

At the same time, several Anbu came close to Sango and Kurenai.

“Could you explain what is happening?” Seeing as Kurenai and Sango weren’t resisting or behaving in a threatening manner, the Anbu weren’t going to use force against the duo. That didn’t mean they were going to lower their guard.

“I am not certain, although I have some suspicions.” Kurenai replied to the Anbu member then she proceeded to explain what happened.

“I understand, for now please follow us, the Hokage may want to speak with you two.” The Anbu member replied after thinking for a short while. Such an incident required the parties involved to be checked to see if they were under the influence of any jutsu or if they are impostors. That was even more important because such behaviour was out of character for the people involved, there was a high probability for some sort of manipulation.

Kurenai frowned, they were the victims and she was already tired, but she also knew the procedure was important.

“It’s all right, let’s go.” Sango, understanding her thoughts, took the lead in diffusing her tense nerves. He took her hand naturally as they were being escorted away.

It didn’t take much for them to be proven innocent, they were indeed not at fault, now they waited together inside a room.

While they waited for the final verdict, Sango was pondering about what happened earlier. By his calculations, Asuma shouldn’t have lost his cool so easily, that meant that there was a something he had overlooked, he could think of many things but there was not enough information to reach any concrete conclusions. Now things would become more troublesome, he wanted to get rid of Asuma but now it would be more difficult to do so since people were beginning to pay attention to Asuma.

For now, Sango concluded that thinking anymore was just a waste of energy, looking at Kurenai she seemed to be in deep thought. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking about. They sat beside each other, closer than they needed to be, Sango turned his head to face her.

“You seem worried.” He said.

Kurenai seemed to awaken from her thoughts by his voice, she looked at him and smiled.

“Its nothing, I’m just disappointed he had fallen so low.” She said with a wry smile on her face. “I wonder why I didn’t see it before.”

Sango knew why she hadn’t seen any sings before, but he didn’t say anything.

Seeing an opportunity, Sango embraced her tightly to his chest, he was almost as tall as her now, so the action wasn’t awkward.

“Ah!” A surprised voice left her lip, she didn’t expect that.

“It’s all right, I will never let you down.” He said soothingly.

He began stroking her hair gently, all the while feeling a warmth spreading through his chest.

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