Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 10: family test

 “Of course it’s cultivation!”

Looking at the research and development interface first, I found that the research and development took 8 hours. Off-road was relieved at first, and realized that the fatigue of practicing using shadow clones could be relieved overnight.

Then, when Cross Country added the "new" Shadow Sewing Technique to the practice progress bar, Cross Country modified all the practice progress of the Three Body Technique, the Instant Body Technique, and the "new" Shadow Sewing Technique in one breath!


"Player, the training progress of clone, substitute, transformation, instantaneous, "new" shadow stitching technique is 100/100. Congratulations to the player for completing the clone, substitute, transformation, instantaneous technique, "new" The practice of shadow stitching."

  "Please tell me, player, if you want to give a name to the "new" Shadow Stitch technique!"

"Well, wait a minute! Let me see the effect of the "new" Shadow Sewing Technique first!"

Having completed so many ninjutsu trainings in one breath, Cross Country felt that his brain was not enough. He quickly closed his eyes to deepen his understanding. He first mastered the simple three-body technique and the teleportation technique perfectly, and soon the "new" shadow was revealed. Insights into suturing.

  “Huh? The effect of the “new” Shadow Stitch is a bit interesting!”

“You can actually use shurikens, kunai and other tools to nail other people’s shadows, can it have the effect of shadow stitching to imprison others?”

 Completed the understanding of the "new" shadow suture technique. While going cross-country to deepen the understanding of the R&D function, I also secretly lamented the abnormality of the R&D function.

Among the Nara clan, who could have imagined that shadow suture + shuriken and other equipment could actually develop a "new" shadowless ninjutsu like shadow suture, and the distance of effect depends entirely on the distance of throwing shuriken and other equipment. Secret skill?

 In the original secret arts of the Nara clan, whether it was the shadow imitation technique or the shadow sewing technique, they were all medium-distance secret arts. If the enemy is further away, the Nara clan members will take risks to shorten the distance. In the original work, Shikamaru was in trouble against Temari in the Chunin Exams just because of the restrictions of the secret technique.

 At a long distance, Shikamaru couldn't do anything about Temari?

 So, the "new" shadow stitching technology now possessed by cross-country has simply broken the old concepts of the Nara clan. If the other members of the Nara clan knew that Cross Country had developed a secret technique for long-distance combat, let alone direct resources, the Nara clan would have to beg Cross Country to hand over the "new" Shadow Sewing Technique to enrich the weapons of the Nara clan. Library!

However, due to the mentality of hiding one's clumsiness, it is impossible for Cross Country to come up with the "new" shadow suture technique so early.

What's more, those who know the original work know that more than ten years later, in order to avenge his mentor Sarutobi Asuma, Nara Shikamaru created a "new" shadow seam when fighting Hidan, a member of the "Akatsuki" organization. The shadow imitates the shuriken with almost the same effect.

Unfortunately, the shadow imitation shuriken technique is slow and requires sealing, so its value cannot be compared with the "new" shadow suture technique.

 But referring to Shikamaru's naming method, Cross Country smiled and quickly came up with a good name for the "new" Shadow Sewing Technique.

 That's it, Shadow Shuriken!

“Well, we must add hidden weapon training in the future so that the shadow shuriken can be effective. Otherwise, if you throw a hundred shurikens and none of them are nailed to the enemy’s shadow, it would be funny.”

“And the R&D list can’t be empty, right? Well, the innovation probability of Shadow Imitation Technique + Shadow Neck Binding Technique is also 100%. Let’s look at the combination of the two secret techniques of the Nara clan!”

With a thought in mind, Off-Road clicked on the R&D function list and added two secret techniques of the Nara clan to it, secretly looking forward to the new secret techniques developed in the future.

 Then, he had a casual breakfast and filled his stomach. He was in high spirits and was about to go out to practice. Who would have thought that a knock on the door disrupted his plan.


“Off-road, open the door quickly! It’s me, Yue Ming!”

 “It turns out to be Yue Ming! Wait a minute!”

Knowing that they were separated from the Nara clan, Nara Yueaki, who was seven years old and was studying in the ninja school, came. Yue Ming quickly sorted out the training traces, panted and came to the door, opened the door and smiled: "Yue Ming, I have something to do so early. ?"

“Off-road, what were you doing just now?”

Yue Ming glanced at Cross Country suspiciously. He didn't find anything suspicious, so he knitted his eyebrows and said, "Xiao Cross, Lord Lu Jiu just ordered to summon tribesmen under eight years old to go for a test. Really, not even one person came out in the early morning." I can’t sleep well, I’m going cross-country! Did you hear me just now?”

“Ah, I heard it! Yue Ming, hurry up and leave, lest you get scolded by Uncle Lu Jiu again!”

  I responded casually, and I knew that this family test was definitely not simple. It was most likely a test that Shikaku personally formulated for Off-Road!

The Nara clan is not a wealthy family in Konoha Village, but there are at least several hundred people in the clan.

Having witnessed his talent for cross-country, Lu Jiu will devote his clan's resources to cross-country. He must convince the clan members and elders of the clan. Therefore, while rushing from the small building where the branch family lived to the mansion where the clan family lived, Cross Country prepared secretly and prepared to shine in the clan test.

On the other hand, Yue Ming, who did not have a good relationship with off-roading, remained silent all the way. He only greeted Lu Jiu when he saw him.

 “Lord Shikaku, off-road is coming.”

 “Well, you can go back.”

 One is a collateral branch of the Nara clan, and the other is the nephew of the clan leader.

Yue Ming knew early on that there was a difference between closeness and distance. Lu Jiu gave an order and he returned to the queue where the members of the branch family were.

When looking at the cross country, Shikaku's eyes clearly showed expectation. He winked with his peripheral vision and secretly asked the cross country to look at the two elders from the Nara clan.

 Then, he patted Cross Country's shoulder hard, Lujiu whispered a word, and ordered Cross Country to return to the team.

 “Off-road, perform well!”

 “I understand, Uncle Shikaku.”

  Smiled and nodded, as off-road entered the queue of branch family members, all eight-year-old members of the Nara clan arrived, exactly twelve people.

 Among them, there are four members of the Zong family, all about six or seven years old, and they have basically been studying in the ninja school for one or two years. The eight people in the branch are uneven. The cross-country person did not enter the ninja school at the age of four. The others either did not enter the school at the age of six, or they are still in the ninja school at the age of eight. In short, according to the quality of the clan members, Not even close.

When Shikaku saw that all members of the clan under the age of eight had arrived, he first asked the two elders of the Nara clan Shikyu and Shikaku about their intentions, then stepped forward and said: "Today's family test is mainly for testing. If you perform well in your recent cultivation, you will naturally be rewarded, and if you perform poorly, you will also be punished."

“Okay, let’s start the test with the separation of families! Yue Ming, Yue Li, you two come first!”


Under Lu Jiu's instructions, Yue Ming, who came from the cross country, and Yue Li, who was tall and strong, walked out. They yawned at the sight of the cross country.

 No wonder, you have already fought against Shikaku once, how can these brats compare with their off-road vision?

What's more, neither of the two people tested had the strength of a genin, and even using a clone technique would amaze the surrounding tribesmen. When Cross Country was bored, he began to look at the clan members of the Zong family and found that there was not even a familiar face. Cross Country simply let himself go and passed the time in a daze.

However, off-roaders are not interested in testing, but the little guys from the Nara clan are watching with great interest.

Especially in the later test, the little devil named Nara Etsujin used a shadow imitation technique, which made Shikaku nod secretly and said with a smile:

 “Okay, this time Yue Jin wins.”

“In the next round, the deer will go first, you can come out and give some cross-country guidance!”

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