Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 9: shadow clone


“Player, the progress of practicing the art of shadow clone is 100/100. Congratulations to the player for completing the practice of the art of shadow clone!”

 “Okay! Let’s see the effect of the shadow clone technique first!”

Using the effect of the APP, he first completed the practice of the shadow clone technique. Without any hesitation, he started to form seals based on the memory in his mind, and then shouted:

 “The art of shadow clone!”


 Smoke filled the air, and almost the moment the spell was cast, Cross Country felt that half of the chakra in his body had been lost. That was the terrifying consumption of using the shadow clone technique!

Shadow Clone Jutsu, difficulty level B, is a ninjutsu deliberately developed by the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama in order to enhance the espionage capabilities of Konoha Village.

 After the spell is performed, it is different from ordinary clone spells in that it only creates an illusory clone.

 After using the shadow clone technique, the caster evenly distributes the chakra in the body to each clone, thereby creating a physical clone that is exactly the same as the caster. Compared with the illusory clones of ordinary clone techniques, the clones created by the shadow clone technique are entities. They not only have the ability to attack, but also have the function of casting ninjutsu and illusions. It can be said to be a "qualitative" leap.

 And off-roading relies on the APP to speed up his practice. The shadow clone technique that he has completed must not have any flaws, and he must not create a defective product.

Then he successfully performed the technique and created a clone that was exactly the same as himself. He looked at the appearance of the clone. There was a touch of handsomeness in his delicacy. The long black hair was not made into an ugly pineapple like the common people of the Nara clan. But with refreshing broken hair, he nodded with satisfaction.

However, when Cross Country personally tested the effect of the shadow clone and punched the shadow clone hard in the face to see if the pain could be transmitted back to himself, who would have thought that after a "bang" sound, the shadow clone in front of him It turned into smoke and disappeared, but when he touched his face while off-road, he was surprised to find that the pain in the shadow was not transmitted back!

 “What happened?”

“Is my shadow clone training wrong? Or is the name of the shadow clone a “plug-in” in name only, and it is simply the effect that Kishimoto added himself in order to add a “plug-in” to Naruto?”

In shock, Off-Road quickly created a shadow clone again and experimented with the same method.

Unfortunately, during another cross-country experiment, he still found that the shadow clone had no effect in transmitting information. He couldn't help but smile bitterly and thought to himself: "Is it really a setting that Kishimoto added privately?"

"Let me tell you, there are so many geniuses in Konoha Village, how come Kakashi found out that the Shadow Clone Technique is a plug-in suitable for Naruto. It turns out that it is not that people in Konoha Village are idiots, but for "plug-ins" "And the "plug-in" is a setting that is deliberately added to speed up Naruto's growth. Sure enough, the setting in the original work is false, and the settings written in those fan novels are also false."

“The art of shadow clone! I have revealed your true face, and you will never be known as a cheat again!”

 Shaked his head silently. After knowing that the shadow clone technique had no plug-in effect, Cross Country was not discouraged. Anyway, there was a transcendent "plug-in" in the APP to speed up cultivation. What does it matter if the shadow clone plug-in disappears?

Immediately afterwards, he practiced chakra as usual. After completing the recovery of chakra, he called up the training progress bar and prepared to modify all the training progress of the Three Body Technique and the Instant Body Technique.

 But the moment Cross Country clicked on the practice progress bar, the changes in the progress of the shadow clone technique suddenly caught his attention!


“Isn’t the training progress of the Shadow Clone Technique 100/100? Why did it suddenly become 100/1000?”

“APP, speed up your practice. I want to see the effect of practicing the Shadow Clone Technique to 100/1000!”


“Player, the training progress of the shadow clone technique is 1000/1000. Congratulations to the player for completing the practice of multiple shadow clone techniques!”

"Wait? The art of multiple shadow clones? It seems that there is an explanation about it in the original plot!"

Suddenly discovering the changes in the improvement of the APP, Cross Country was surprised and at the same time secretly recalled the explanation of the art of multiple shadow clones. Sure enough, he discovered the difference between the two shadow clone arts.

 Looking back at the original work, when did Uzumaki Naruto get the plug-in?

Didn’t he master it from the Sealed Book after he failed the genin exam and followed Mizuki’s instigation to steal the Sealed Book?

 The book of seals is no ordinary thing. It records not only the ninjutsu mastered by the past Hokage, but also records some of the secret techniques of Konoha Village and the cultivation methods of forbidden techniques.

When I reread the original work, I felt strange. The Shadow Clone Jutsu is a B-level ninjutsu, but so many people in Konoha Village have mastered it. Even some ninjas outside Konoha Village can use it, so it can't be considered a B-level ninjutsu. What kind of forbidden ninjutsu?

Now after reading the prompts from the APP, I suddenly discovered that the art of multiple shadow clones is an A-level ninjutsu, and I understand a little bit about cross-country. It turns out that what is recorded in the Book of Sealings is not a B-level ninjutsu at all, but an upgraded version of the shadow clone jutsu. It is an A-level ninjutsu, and the multiple shadow clone jutsu is dangerous!

Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu, an A-level ninjutsu, has very obvious characteristics. It consumes less chakra and creates more shadow clones on the basis of the Shadow Clone Jutsu!

However, there is a flaw in casting the technique of multiple shadow clones, that is, everything experienced before each clone disappears can be fed back to the main body.

Uzumaki Naruto in the original book uses this practice to rely on the effect of the multiple shadow clone technique.

Similarly, because of such an effect that has both disadvantages and advantages, if too many shadow clones are created, when the shadow clones disappear, the fatigue of countless shadow clones will be superimposed on the main body, which may endanger the health of the caster. Life, so the Second Hokage considered that most people could not use this dangerous ninjutsu, and included it in the Book of Sealings, becoming a taboo ninjutsu in Konoha Village!

"I see, the word "multiple" is missing. The shadow clone technique without two words is the ordinary physical clone technique, and the shadow clone technique with two more words is called a "plug-in". !”

“Fortunately, there is an additional progress bar in the APP’s practice progress, otherwise I might have given up on the multi-shadow clone technique!”

“However, for now, it’s better to try the effect of multiple shadow clones again to avoid accidents from happening again!”

Huttered to himself, the cross-country hand seal that had already recovered its chakra made another low cry:

 “The art of multiple shadow clones!”

 “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

 The operation is completed!

  Just using the same chakra, the technique of multiple shadow clones gave off-road a surprise!

Also consuming half of the chakra, the shadow clone technique can only create one clone. However, using the multiple shadow clone technique, Cross Country created four shadow clones in an instant, and the effect was four times that of ordinary shadow clones. Times as much!

Moreover, when he ordered the four shadow clones to start practicing, only one shadow clone disappeared, and the experience of practicing physical skills was passed back to Cross Country's mind, which further proved the name of the "plug-in" of the multiple shadow clones. But it is undeniable that practicing with the special effects of multiple shadow clones is simply risking your life!

 A shadow clone disappears, and off-roading is bearable.

 But after the second and third shadow clones disappeared, Cross Country's face turned pale.

 When the fourth shadow clone disappeared, Jiji, whose face was as white as a piece of paper, passed out directly on the bed. Until he woke up the next day, he was still in pain from cross-country. When the pain finally disappeared, a new round of prompts from the APP echoed in cross-country's mind, making him look surprised!


 “R&D successful!”

"Player, do you want to practice the "new" shadow stitching technique?"

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