Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 8: Secrets of innovation

“R&D function?”

“In addition to accelerating training, the APP can also be used to create ninjutsu? Secret techniques?”

The prompt that suddenly echoed in his mind made Xue Xue stunned.

 Then, after coming back to his senses, Cross Country just briefly analyzed the wonderful use of the "R&D function" from the literal meaning, and his eyes couldn't help but show a bit of expectation.


“Player, the R&D function has been successfully bound. If the conditions are met, you can use the R&D function to create skills independently. Would you like to use it?”

“It’s exactly what I thought, the research and development function is used to create ninjutsu and secret techniques!”

 “Use! APP, use it quickly!”

The APP prompted again. Off-road was happy and quickly brought up the R&D function interface.

And when the interface appeared and Cross Country studied the wonderful uses of the R&D function, recalling the various wonderful functions of the APP, Cross Country couldn't help but think: "Isn't the mobile game I played back then the first-person Naruto mobile game? In the plug-in I downloaded It shows that in addition to modifying the character level and skill level, the plug-in also has the function of combining skills and modifying the basic information of the character! "

“If the accelerated upgrade APP I bound is derived from that plug-in, then accelerating cultivation is equivalent to modifying the skill level, and combining skills is the current research and development function!”

"If I can meet the triggering conditions in the future, will the function of modifying the character's basic information be changed, or simply the effect of swallowing the bloodline? Swallowing the bloodline of the Uchiha clan, doesn't it mean that I have the opportunity to awaken the Sharingan? Is it possible for me to have the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan and the corpse veins of the Kaguya clan?”

 “This plug-in is really worth downloading!”

 From the emergence of R&D functions, Off-Road can’t help but have certain guesses and expectations about the APP it is bound to.

Needless to say, that expectation is naturally a terrifying existence that swallows up many blood inheritance boundaries in the Hokage and turns into reincarnation in the left eye and reincarnation in the right eye!

However, now Cross Country understands that he cannot expect too much from the APP, let alone fully expect the effect of the APP. In a certain sense, the APP is just an auxiliary, just like the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, it is a tool. Whether it can take full advantage of the tool depends on the user's own level.

Like off-roading, he used the APP to speed up his training and quickly mastered the secret skills of the Nara clan, but what does that mean?

  It does not mean that you have mastered superb ninjutsu, it means you have relative strength.

Uzumaki Naruto mastered the Rasengan when he was a genin. Is he more powerful than the Fourth Hokage?

 Erzhu mastered the Chidori early. At that time, could he be said to be more powerful than Kakashi?

 So with a mature mind, Cross Country has already had a clear positioning on the APP. Even if he uses the APP to speed up his training, he will still have to train himself in the future, surpass the goals one after another, and reach the pinnacle of the ninja world.

 Then, I brought up the R&D function interface, studied it carefully, and discovered something very interesting.

 On the R&D function interface, there are two blank options.

Clicking on the first option, Cross Country saw the Shadow Imitation Technique, the Shadow Neck Binding Technique, the Shadow Suture Technique, and the secret techniques of the Nara clan that he had mastered.

Clicking on the second option, Off-Road discovered that it was really all-inclusive. Not only the secret techniques of the Nara clan were included, but also kunai, shuriken and other equipment, fists, feet and other human organs, etc. in it.

Immediately afterwards, under the prompts of the APP, I combined my previous ideas with cross-country. I first selected the shadow suture technique in the first option, and then selected the shuriken in the second option. Sure enough, the bottom of the research and development interface appeared. A 100% prompt was given, indicating that the chance of developing a new secret technique by combining the two was 100%.


“It turns out that the research and development function is not to create ninjutsu or secret techniques out of thin air, but to create new secret techniques based on the ninjutsu and secret techniques I have mastered!”

“Well, the chance of creating a new secret art by combining Shadow Sewing and Shuriken is 100%, so let’s create it!”

˜Mind Communication APP, silently selected the “Yes” option.

Soon, a 0/100 progress bar appeared at the bottom of the research and development interface. As long as the bar is full, the new secret technique of off-roading can be developed.

As the first secret technique created, Off-Road was somewhat looking forward to it. Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, the progress bar did not advance even half a point. Off-road could only shake his head and thought:

"Sure enough, it is very difficult to develop new secret techniques. The APP takes so long, let alone my own research and development. Moreover, the research and development function can only research one new ninjutsu or secret technique at a time, which can be considered a disadvantage. !”

"But for now, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages. After all, not everyone has the qualifications to create new ninjutsu and new secret techniques. Anyway, new secret techniques are being developed now, so we should study the ones sent by Uncle Dingzuo. Scroll, it’s better to master the trick of shadow clone as soon as possible!”

Greed is not enough, it is true that off-road is a greedy person, but the difference between smart people and idiots is that smart people know when to be greedy and when to restrain their greedy instinct.

Then, he casually opened the scroll that Ding Zuo had given him. He only took a cursory glance at it, but he was surprised to find that it contained the method of practicing the shadow clone technique. At this time, as Cross Country's understanding of the contents recorded on the scroll deepened, he became more aware of Ding Zuo's painstaking efforts in sending this scroll.

On the scroll sent by Ding Zao, in addition to the shadow clone technique, it only records the three body techniques (clone technique, substitute technique, and transformation technique), as well as the ordinary instantaneous body technique. These are all in the ninja world. It is a relatively basic ninjutsu.

However, regardless of the low value of the scroll itself, Ding Zuo's intention in sending this scroll is simply priceless when placed on Cross Country!

In Konoha Village, there are three clans in Nara, Akimichi and Yamazaka. The difference between clans is that regardless of the clans, there is no fight on the surface between the two clans. But with so many clansmen gathered together, it is impossible for clans to become clans. Every clan member inside has no selfish motives, right?

The clan leader undoubtedly represents the interests of the clan. As a branch of the family, Yuexiu, even if he showed a certain talent in front of Shikaku, under the oppression of the Nara clan clan, Shikaku, as the clan leader, also faces a choice. The question is whether to choose the majority of clan members with mediocre qualifications in the clan, or to go against all opinions and ignore the clan's objections and focus their training resources on cross-country choices.

Originally, when he showed a certain talent in cross-country, Shikaku was still hesitant whether he should test cross-country for a while.

 But as Ding Zao sent the scroll in Cross Country's hand, the smart Shikaku knew that his friend had made a choice for him, and was ready to support Cross Country at all costs, forcing Shikaku to fight against the stubborn forces within the Nara clan!

What's more, Cross Country also knows that if Ding Zuo forms a good relationship with him, he will inevitably consider the Akimichi clan. Therefore, after browsing the content on the scroll and completely engraving the training methods of the Three Body Technique, the Instant Body Technique, and the Shadow Clone Technique in my mind, I went off-road and put the recorded ninjutsu into the APP. In the progress bar, the other side recalled Ding Zuo's fat face and secretly said:

“Uncle Dingzuo, don’t worry. When I become famous, I will definitely take good care of the Akimichi clan!”

“APP, I want to modify the training progress of the shadow clone technique, the goal is 100/100!”


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