Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 7: R&D function?

“Should I complete the practice of the Nara clan’s secret technique first, or should I practice the shadow clone technique first?”

Hurry farewell to Shikaku and Ding Zao. After returning home, they didn't even have time to eat dinner. They quickly took out two scrolls from the ninja bag and frowned in thought.

However, he didn’t even have a second to think about it, and he couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

“Oh, with the help of the APP, even with the Nara clan’s secret skills, wouldn’t it be possible to complete the training in an instant?”

“I’m actually still wondering which aspect to practice first. I’m so used to living in poverty that I don’t even know how to use my golden finger!”

 “Okay! It’s decided! Let’s start with the secret technique of the Nara clan!”

Having formed a secret seal of the Nara clan, Cross Country combined the unsealing method in his memory and slowly placed his hand on the scroll that Shikaku gave him. With a "pop", the seal of the scroll was unlocked.

Skipping the previous chakra training method and the shadow imitation technique training method directly, the purpose of cross-country at this time is very clear, that is, first study the scroll left by his parents to see how many Nara clan are recorded on it. The secret technique of the Nara clan, and then practice the secret technique of the Nara clan.

But just when he finished reading all the scrolls and recorded all the contents above, he suddenly froze!

And the reason why I was stunned was not because there were too many secret techniques of the Nara clan recorded above!

 It is true that there are too few secret techniques of the Nara clan recorded on the scroll, but too many things that are very useless for off-road use are recorded!

 “That’s right?”

“In addition to the Shadow Imitation Technique, the Nara clan’s secret techniques actually include the Shadow Neck Binding Technique (Shadow Strangulation Technique) and the Shadow Suture Technique?”

"The rest of the records, except for some healing prescriptions, are some explanations about medicinal materials? Uncle Lujiu, are you sure you are not kidding me? Is this really the scroll my parents left me?"

It’s not surprising that Xue Xue suspected that Lu Jiu had taken the wrong scroll, it was because there were too few secret techniques recorded on the scroll.

Including the shadow imitation technique, there are only two secret techniques recorded by the Nara clan. The only useful thing is the chakra training method. In addition to these, the records of medicinal materials and prescriptions are completely useless in the cross-country view. Do you want him to use the medicinal materials and prescriptions in his memory to win when fighting the enemy?

That’s not a joke!

But it has to be said that off-road people also look down on these medicinal materials and prescription records. If they were placed in the ninja world, these medicinal materials and prescription records would probably be snatched by countless people.

The reason is that the records of these medicinal materials and prescriptions contain the true knowledge of the Nara clan.

The Nara clan's work in Konoha Village, in addition to raising reindeer, is to develop prescriptions and provide medicinal materials for medical ninjas.

In the original plot, Tsunade-hime among the three ninjas is one of the best medical ninjas, so the Nara clan is a first-class pharmacist. In addition to using deer antlers with many medicinal materials to make powerful secret medicines, each generation of Nara clan members can also provide many prescriptions that medical ninjas of Tsunade-hime's level need to refer to.

It seems that there is such a scene in a familiar cross-country plot. A small team led by Naruto went to recover the second pillar (Sasuke), and each of them was seriously injured. Among them, Ningji and Choji were the most seriously injured, and even their lives were in danger. If Shikaku hadn't come up with the Nara clan's prescription, it is estimated that medical ninjas of Tsunade Hime's level would have been helpless, watching Neji and Choji helplessly. The body is dead.

So, when Cross Country recalled some of the plots in the original book and recognized the value of those medicinal materials and prescription records, he took a deep breath and placed the scroll in a secret compartment at home, just in case it was needed.

Immediately afterwards, after mastering the Shadow Neck Binding Technique, Shadow Suture Technique, and two secret techniques of the Nara clan, Cross Country relied on his excellent chakra control ability to quickly incorporate the two secret techniques of the Nara clan into the training progress. In the article, the communication APP said:

“APP, modify the training progress of Shadow Neck Binding Technique and Shadow Suture Technique, target 100/100!”


“Player, the practice progress of Shadow Neck Binding Technique and Shadow Suture Technique is 100/100. Congratulations to the player for completing the practice of Shadow Neck Binding Technique and Shadow Suture Technique.”

“Huh, luckily you didn’t disappoint me APP, otherwise I wouldn’t even be in the mood to have dinner.”

 After completing the practice of Shadow Neck Binding Technique and Shadow Suture Technique, the APP seems to be able to directly transfer the training insights into Cross Country's mind. Without experimenting at all, Cross Country knows that he has mastered two secret techniques of the Nara clan.

However, to be on the safe side, Cross Country still used the shadow imitation technique on the vase in front of him after being prompted by the APP. Then, the shadow neck binding technique that had just been practiced was used, and the dark shadow formed a palm, which was tightly held on the vase. Then there was a "click", and the black shadow palm was clearly off-road. Under his control, he smashed the vase there.

"The advanced secret technique of shadow imitation technique, the power of shadow neck binding technique is quite good. Use the elongated shadow to strangle the enemy's throat and strangle the enemy to death. The Nara clan who mastered the shadow neck binding technique, It is considered to be initially capable of combat.”

 “Okay, now comes the shadow suture technique!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country found that there was still remaining chakra in his body, so he continued to use the Shadow Suture Technique.

It was only when using the Shadow Sewing Technique that Cross Country gained a new understanding. Immediately after using the Shadow Sewing Technique to target another vase, he thought to himself: "The Shadow Sewing Technique is a relatively advanced secret technique of the Nara clan. The effect of the technique should be divided into two different aspects, one is the auxiliary aspect, and the other is the offensive aspect! "

Thinking of this, Cross Country first used the auxiliary shadow suture technique to divide his extended shadow into countless small entities, which extended to the vase in front of him and the surrounding tables, chairs and benches.

"First, in terms of assistance, it is like an advanced version of the Shadow Imitation Technique, but it consumes less chakra, and the relative restraint effect is also a bit weaker. However, the advantage of the Shadow Sewing Technique is that it can restrain more The goal is to make up for the inconvenience of shadow imitation in group combat. As for the offense."


The next second, he retracted the previous shadow suture technique, and his eyes were completely locked on the vase in front of him. Then the black shadow under his feet turned into a stream of light, and instantly disappeared into the shadow of the vase in front of him, and then The sight of the vase suddenly breaking into pieces was reflected in his eyes.

“As for the opposite side of the attack, it is to directly drive the shadow into the enemy’s body to cause damage.”

“Well, the power is much better than the Shadow Neck Binding Technique. Finally, my practice is not in vain!”

 In terms of the "quantity" of mastering skills, Cross Country may be a little disappointed, but in terms of the "quality" of mastering skills, Cross Country is quite happy.

Especially after mastering the Shadow Neck Binding Technique and the Shadow Suture Technique, two secret techniques of the Nara clan, Cross Country thought that he could not match the genin even in terms of chakra amount. But in terms of real combat ability, he has completed tree climbing, treading water training, and even mastered three secret techniques of the Nara clan for off-roading. He believes that it is not a problem to deal with ordinary genin.

 So, after completing the training of the two secret arts of the Nara clan, Cross Country is ready to open another scroll and practice the shadow clone technique known as "plug-in". But before practicing the shadow clone technique, Cross Country suddenly came up with an idea, which was to integrate the shadow suture technique into the shuriken, use the shuriken to confuse the enemy, secretly burst out the power of the shadow suture technique, and then achieve unexpected results. Effect.

Who would have thought that just when the idea of ​​off-roading first came up, a sudden prompt from the APP immediately made the off-roading stop there!


 “Player, the R&D function is being bound, please wait...”

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