Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 110: Genin captain?


“Off-road, I’m not here, where do you think it should be?”

If you want to talk about the person you least want to see when you are injured while off-roading, it must be the Nara Shikaku in front of you.

It’s not that I’m afraid of Lujiu when I’m going off-road, but I don’t want Lujiu to see him getting hurt when I’m going off-road.

In Konoha Village, who is the most concerned about off-roading?

  Not the Fourth Hokage, let alone those good friends from cross-country, such as Akai, Yuhi Kurenai, and Azuru, but his biological uncle Nara Shikaku!

 Hence, whenever he is injured, Cross Country is unwilling to face Shikaku.

Especially under Shikaku's reproachful gaze, he faintly noticed the pain contained in it. Off-road couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment, and kept smiling in front of Shikaku.

 On the contrary, it’s Akai, who is really a master of activating the atmosphere!

Hearing Lu Jiu’s cold snort, Xiqiu kept giggling in embarrassment. On the contrary, when Akai heard Lu Jiu’s words, he looked cautious and reminded Lu Jiu:

“Shikaku-sama, Cross Country is ANBU, you must call him by his code name!”

“His code name is Shadow, Mr. Shikaku, don’t forget it!”

ˆ “.”

At Akai's prompt, Lujiu, who was about to blame off-roading, remained silent, the muscles above his cheeks twitching violently.

  As for cross-country, it was even harder to hold back a smile and almost gave Akai a thumbs up.

 However, in front of Akai, Lu Jiu definitely cannot lose his composure.

 So after Akai gave the prompt, Lu Jiu coughed slightly and said: "Well, Akai, I have something to discuss with Ying, so please stay out of the way!"

 “Yes! Shikaku-sama!”

Knowing the relationship between Cross Country and Lu Jiu, Akai smiled, nodded, and left the ward directly.

However, when Akai left, Cross Country clearly heard Akai's whispered reminder, and then Cross Country understood Shikaku's identity. He turned out to be the commander of Konoha's rear troops!

 Simply put, he is the BOSS of Akai’s unit!

It turns out that after the Fourth Hokage sent out the sharp blade team formed by Cross Country and others, he appointed Shikaku as the commander of the rear troops and led the ninja troops back to the Country of Fire to confront the Mist Ninja troops that had sneaked into the Country of Fire. As for the Fourth Hokage himself, he also led the ninja troops to engage in an open battle with the Mist Ninja at the front.

Judging from the Konoha camp where Cross Country is located, there is definitely no problem with the Fourth Hokage's battle on the front front. It depends on how Shikaku leads the ninja troops on the rear front, and the confrontation between Konoha and Kiri Ninja during the Third War. Even if it’s almost over.

 However, the more intense the war is, the more intense it is.

 So, since Shikaku led the ninja troops deep into the Land of Fire, the sharp blade team sent by the Fourth Hokage was something Shikaku has been thinking about. On the one hand, Shikaku is worried about the safety of off-road missions in the Blade Team. On the other hand, the situation of the Blade Team is directly related to the victory or defeat of the war at the rear.

 So, after learning about Shikaku's identity from Akai, the silly smile that was previously on Shiguo's face disappeared.

Moreover, at this time, Cross Country looked at Lu Jiu, not as he regarded Lu Jiu as his uncle before, but as a BOSS like Akai, his eyes instantly became solemn, and he reported to Lu Jiuhui: "Sir Shikaku, Kage, a member of the Blade Team, has successfully returned to the team! Please tell me, Shikaku-sama, how long have I been unconscious in total?"

 “About six hours!”

 “Six hours?”

Calculating the time silently, Cross Country took a deep breath and continued: "Sir Shikaku, about six hours ago, the sharp blade team was going to meet up with another ANBU team on our side. Who wants to meet at the meeting point? As a result of the ambush by the Mist Ninja team, all members of our ANBU team died tragically at the hands of that Mist Ninja team."

"The members of the Mist Ninja team that we already know include Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni, and six Mist Ninja Jonin. Although our sharp blade team successfully killed all the members of the Mist Ninja team, it is a pity that in Due to the calculations of the Mist Ninja Deadpool, our Blade Team is no longer capable of fighting and can only temporarily withdraw from the battle. "

“As for what happened next, our sharp blade team met Akai and successfully returned to our camp!”

 “Well, I know all this.”

Listening to Cross Country's report, Shikaku nodded secretly, thinking that after being intercepted and killed by two members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, it was Cross Country's luck to come back alive. Naturally, he was not prepared to blame Cross Country for getting injured again. .

But among the members of the Mist Ninja team who recalled the cross-country story, there were actually two people, Juuzou Loquat and Pufferfish Demon from Watermelon Mountain. Shikaku couldn't help but frowned and asked: "Kage, are you sure it's Juuzou Loquat and Pufferfish Demon from Watermelon Mountain? "


Cross Country nodded and said firmly: "Because Lei and Meng lost their combat capabilities, it was because of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Demon's Shark Muscle. And the reason why we had to fight to the death with that Mist Ninja Team was also because of Loquat Juuzang's Blood Mist technique, so there are definitely two people, namely Loquat Juzo and Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, participating in the battle.”

“But it would be really weird if they actually went to war.”

Listening to Off-Road's words, Shikaku not only did not relax his brows, but instead furrowed his brows deeper, "Kage, do you know that the Mist Ninja team we fought against was led by the Seven Mist Ninjas. According to intelligence, , Loquat Juuzang, and Xiguashan Puffer Demon were still in the Mist Ninja camp not long ago, how could they go to attack your sharp blade team? "


Before Lu Jiu could finish his words, Cross Country let out an exclamation.

 But just as the exclamation finished, Shikaku and Shikaku fell silent at the same time.

 Obviously, both of them had certain guesses in their minds, but they didn't say it out loud.

Moreover, Cross Country was still a wounded person. Lu Jiu felt that there was no need to put too much burden on Cross Country. After being silent for a long time, he patted Cross Country on the shoulder with a smile and said with a smile: "Kage, actually you did a good job. Leave the matter to my uncle. Also, there is no need to worry about the injuries of your companions. Except for you who have been sleeping for the longest time in the Blade Team, Shun, Lei, and Meng woke up early. It will take more than ten days of treatment to fully recover.”

“So, take a good rest today and forget about the mission for the time being.”

“Furthermore, because Shun and the others need to recuperate from their injuries, your sharp blade team will be temporarily disbanded. You will wait until Shun and the others fully recover before resuming the mission.”

"Of course, while Shun and the others are recovering from their injuries, you still have other tasks to perform."

“Get ready, you can report to Akai’s team tomorrow!”

“I think Akai and their captain must have a lot to teach you!”

 After Lujiu finished speaking, he was about to get up and leave.

On the contrary, it was cross-country. After Shikaku finished speaking, he was very curious about who Akai's captain was, so he directly asked Shikaku: "Uncle Shikaku, which jounin is Akai's captain?"

 “Akai and their captain!”

The sound of off-road driving was heard, and Lu Jiu turned around, with a mysterious smile on his lips.

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished gaze of Off-Road, before leaving, Lu Jiu still revealed a piece of information that made even Off-Road confused!

 “Akai’s captain is a very interesting person.”

“And off-road, your future captain is not a jounin, but a genin!”

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