Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 111: Incompetent Team

 “Genin captain? That’s interesting!”

“Anyway, Uncle Lujiu’s arrangement is definitely correct, so I’ll take a good rest and recharge my batteries before going to report!”

  If we want to talk about the truly famous genin in the original plot, there are only two in the cross-country impression!

 The first one is the protagonist of the original plot, the son of the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto!

As for the second one, he is also the second male lead in the original plot, that is Itachi God’s younger brother, the second pillar of Uchiha!

Except for Uzumaki Naruto and the Uchiha Second Pillar, two people who are born cheaters, it seems that no one can maintain the title of genin and fight against the shadow-level powerhouses who are proud of the pinnacle of the ninja world, right?

 So, when Shikaku reminded Cross Country that Akai and their team leader were also genin, Cross Country's first thought was that it was impossible.

But Shikaku definitely can't deceive Cross Country. It is also reasonable for Cross Country to be curious about who the genin captain is.

However, since Cross Country understands Shikaku's arrangement, there must be deep meaning. In addition, Cross Country is going to report tomorrow to see the true face of the genin captain. Naturally, Cross Country feels entangled in the genin captain's matter. It is very unnecessary and far less important than practicing well.

 Then, sitting cross-legged on the hospital bed, the still-injured Cross Country recovered his chakra first.

Chakra was quickly restored, and he completed the practice of the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts. Feeling the pain in his body disappearing little by little, Yue Yue was ready for the next stage of practice.

“The chakra has been restored, and some of the hidden diseases in the meridians have been repaired.”

“Except for the mental energy trauma, which still needs to be healed slowly, the rest of the injuries are minor. They are not as serious as the injury on my shoulder, so there is no need to pay attention to it.”

“Then, the next stage of cultivation that I can complete in the hospital bed should be the enlightenment of the arrival of the shadow world, right?”


"let's start!"

Huttered to himself, Cross Country took a deep breath and began to comprehend the arrival of the shadow world.

 At the beginning, I went cross-country to understand the arrival of the Shadow Realm, which was carried out while fighting against the Mist Ninja.

At that time, being able to grasp the arrival of the Shadow Realm as soon as possible and eliminate the six Mist Ninja Jonin who fought against Uchiha Shisui was what Cross Country was eager to accomplish. Therefore, after roughly understanding the secrets of the first stage of the Shadow Realm's descent, Cross Country used the Shadow Realm's descent to assist Uchiha Shisui in getting rid of the six Mist Ninja Jonin.

Who can imagine that cross-country only comprehends the advent of the shadow world in the primary stage, but it has so many shortcomings.

If the off-road psychology were not strong enough, the off-road psychology might have completely collapsed when many shortcomings occurred in the Loquat Juzangdao Shadow Realm, eventually leading to the total destruction of the Mist Ninja team.

Now, I finally have a chance to understand the mystery of the advent of the shadow world. I am full of expectations. I hope that the mystery of the S-level secret technique of the shadow world can be compared with the first generation Hokage's S-level wood escape secret technique of the tree world. .

 As for the result, there is no need to say more!

Off-road has always believed in one sentence, that is, products produced by APP must be high-quality products!

Since it is the S-class secret art of Shadow Realm Advent developed by APP, is it possible that any elite jounin can see many flaws?

 The answer is naturally no!

 So, when Cross Country completes all the understanding of the arrival of the Shadow Realm, the real S-level secret technique is truly in the hands of Cross Country!

“I’m just telling you! It’s a dignified S-level secret technique, but it’s a secret technique at the mystical level. How could it have so many shortcomings?”

“It is entirely my lack of understanding that has caused many of the shortcomings of Shadow Realm’s arrival!”

"When consuming very little chakra, using Shadow World's Advent to launch a range of imprisonment, it turns out that you only need to output more chakra, regardless of how wide the Shadow World Advent covers, and don't worry about the enemies that Shadow World Advent needs to be imprisoned. No matter how many there are, the confinement effect of the arrival of the shadow world will not change!"

“To put it simply, apart from the terrifying backlash effect of the Shadow World’s Advent, the S-level secret technique Shadow World’s Arrival is basically a perfect secret technique!”

“Of course, even if the sudden release of Shadow World Advent will cause backlash, I can also change the form of Shadow World Advent to avoid the backlash effect of the S-level secret technique!”


“Now it seems that I can not only change the form of the shadow world, but also become an ordinary shadow imitation technique. It seems that the shadow stitching technique, shadow hand, and shadow clone technique can all be changed from the form of the shadow world!”

 “It’s really an almost perfect secret technique!”

 Perfectly comprehending the effect of the arrival of the shadow world, the mood of off-roading is really good.

Then, because he had perfectly understood the good mood of the arrival of the S-class secret art Shadow Realm, and because he had been unconscious for too long and did not need to rest too early, he was ready to go to see Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi, and others. What's going on with the "Meng" three people? Let's exchange information with them by the way.

Unfortunately, when I went to the ward of Uchiha Shisui and others, I found that except for Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi and "Meng" had already rested early. It can be seen that even if the two of them did not have a real confrontation with the Kiri Ninja, However, the last burst of the Mist Ninja Deadpool still left the two of them slightly seriously injured. Even if they wake up, they still need a certain amount of time to recover.

On the contrary, Uchiha Shisui, who suffered the most serious damage from the explosion, still did not rest while going cross-country.

 Obviously, after waking up, Uchiha Shisui felt that he had failed in his responsibility, otherwise Kakashi and "Meng" would not have suffered such serious injuries. Therefore, before going to Uchiha Shisui's place, Cross-country really comforted Uchiha Shisui, but Cross-country did not tell him the news about Shikaku.

It is clear that Loquat Juuzang and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost have probably been in the Mist Ninja camp and have never gone to snipe the Blade Team. There is a very bad guess in the cross-country, that is, they are hiding in the Mist Ninja camp. Madara, who was behind the scenes, helped the two use a special clone technique, so that the two's bodies were in the Mist Ninja camp, but they could send clones to snipe the sharp blade team where the cross-country was.

Being familiar with the plot of the original work and knowing that Madara’s BOSS exists behind the scenes of Mist Ninja Village, Cross Country is obviously more accurate than Shikaku’s guess, and the result of his guess is more biased towards the truth. After all, Cross Country knows far more information than Shikaku in some aspects, so even if Shikaku, who has a high IQ, guessed that Loquat Juzo, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost sent someone to disguise himself as himself and stayed in the Mist Ninja camp, and the main body was The guess that he went to snipe the Blade Team is also logical.

However, off-road didn't know that Shikaku's guess was completely different from his own, so he naturally didn't think too much about it.

Who knows, if Off-Road had communicated with Lujiu early, it would have been possible to avoid the tragedy that Off-Road would deeply regret.

It’s a pity that off-road is just an ordinary person and does not have the ability to predict the future. There is definitely no way to predict the tragedy that will follow. Therefore, after consoling Uchiha Shisui, he went back to the ward and had a good sleep. He got up early the next morning and completed his morning exercises. He followed Shikaku's instructions and prepared to go to meet Akai. The others gathered together to see who the "legendary" genin captain was.

But what Cross Country didn't expect was that when he went to the meeting place, the first person he saw was not Kai, nor Ebisu who was in the same team as Kai, nor the "legendary" genin captain. It was Shiranui Genma, an old acquaintance of cross-country.

As for Shiranui Genma, he looked even more surprised when he saw the cross-country!

Even during the conversation, when he learned that Cross Country actually joined his team, Shiranui Genma's face suddenly turned ugly, and then he smiled bitterly and said to Cross Country:

“Xiujiu, I advise you to talk to Mr. Shikaku as early as possible and leave our team!”

“You just came back from a mission, maybe you haven’t heard the name of our team!”

“Under the leadership of our great captain, the team that Akai and I are in is recognized as an incompetent team!”

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