Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 112: Disputes between wealthy families

 “Incompetent Team?”

“Xuanjian, there’s no need for you to belittle yourself like this, right?”

Even though they haven’t seen each other for a long time, Cross Country still remembers Shiranui Genma’s character. Even if he is not as bad as Kakashi, his character is still proud in his bones.

It's true that in Konohagakure, apart from Kakashi, Shunshen Shisui, and "monster"-level geniuses like God Itachi, Shiranui Genma's talents are considered to be a very good group of people. From the original plot Judging from the fact that Shiranui Genma has become the pillar of Konoha Village, you can know how outstanding Shiranui Genma is.

What's more, at a young age, he first became an ANBU next to the Fourth Hokage, and then participated in three battles as a guard of the Fourth Hokage. Shiranui Genma was a little arrogant. Except for the best among his peers, all the other ninjas watched If not, that would be excusable. After all, if the circles a person comes into contact with are different, it will be difficult to like people from other circles.

For example, in cross-country, if his companions are all the best in ninja school, then even if he doesn't talk about cross-country, he will inevitably have some thoughts in his mind when he sees each of his companions dragging him behind when performing the task. Bar?

 However, the Shiranui Genma whom Yuexiu knew was so proud, and now he was belittling himself, which made the corners of his eyes twitch violently.

Especially the "incompetence" mentioned by Genma Shiranui must have been embellished.

As you can imagine from cross-country, the rest of the team's evaluation of the team composed of Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, and Akai must be a thousand times worse than "incompetent". Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine how Shiranui Genma felt in his heart when he said those words. After all, no matter who is in a "waste" team, there must be some resentment in his heart!

Then, he chatted with Shiranui Genma in a familiar manner, and calmed down the resentment in Shiranui Genma's heart.

Looking at his companions whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, his face was finally no longer so depressed. While his mood improved, he couldn’t help but secretly thought:

"Genma, Akai, they are the pillars of Konoha Village in the original plot. Even Ebisu, a guy who didn't have much performance in the original plot, should be able to become the teacher of the third generation Hokage's grandson in the future. Are you really capable?"

“A team composed of three mainstays in the original plot, including the future Emperor Kai. It’s hard to imagine that the names of “incompetent” and “waste” can be applied to such a small team.”

"Could it be that Genin and his team's reputation as "incompetent" and "waste" is all because of that genin captain?"

“Looking at Genjian’s resentment, it seems that it’s really because of that genin captain!”

“Uncle Lujiu’s deep intention of transferring me to this team really needs to be figured out!”

 Obviously, if there is someone who unconditionally trusts Off-Road, it must be his uncle Shikaku Nara.

 So, even if his friend Shiranui Genma commented that this team had no future, Cross Country still felt that the mysterious genin captain must have some ability, and even Shikaku secretly admired him. Otherwise, with the cross-country performance being so good in the war, Shikaku couldn't use the same methods he had used before to move the cross-country to a relatively safe place to avoid further injuries in the cross-country, right?

Immediately afterwards, when Cross Country and Shiranui Gen were chatting and silently comforting their grudge-filled friend, the figures of Akai and Ebisu soon came into sight of Cross Country and the others.

 Perhaps, there is some misunderstanding between Cross Country and Ebisu.

But Ebisu's character is also quite good, especially when he heard about how dangerous the previous mission of cross-country was. The original plot was relatively stinky. When he appeared, Ebisu completely looked down on the original protagonist Uzumaki Naruto. That was not the case at all. He didn't take it to heart that he was knocked unconscious by cross-country. Even when communicating with Off-Road, Ebisu has always maintained a low profile, hoping to learn more from Off-Road.

Then, in just a few minutes of conversation, Cross Country not only perfectly integrated into the "Incompetent" team, but also established a certain friendship with Ebisu and gained the recognition of everyone in the "Incompetent" team. A new start. Just when the "Incompetent" team was enjoying themselves and Cross Country, Akai and others were chatting happily, two figures suddenly came over, and Shiranui Genma's face turned livid again!

“Cross-country, you have been performing tasks in the dark department, maybe you don’t know some of the dirty things in the camp.”

“So if there is any trouble next, let me and Ebisu solve it!”


 “The Uchiha and Hyuga clans are really becoming more and more arrogant!”

After Shiranui Genma said this, he looked at the two figures walking in front of him, and sure enough he found that they were from the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan.

Especially when he looked at the ninja from the Uchiha clan and the ninja from the Hyuga clan walking side by side, both of them glanced at each other with contempt. After listening to Shiranui Genma's advice, Cross Country sneered slightly. , thought to himself: "The ridiculous disputes between wealthy families can't even avoid war?"

"Obviously they are working together to deal with foreign enemies, but it's ridiculous that the Uchiha and Hyuga clans still have thoughts of fighting among themselves, just like the honor of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans was established by the members of these two clans! "

 “Okay! Aren’t you going to have some internal fighting?”

 “I want to see what’s new in your internal fighting!”

  "If you innocently bring disaster to Chiyu due to internal fighting, don't blame me for not stopping the water, Mr. Hizashi will lose face!"

Looking closely at the figures of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan ninja, Cross Country silently retreated behind Akai. It seemed that he was not prepared to intervene, but in fact he had already been prepared to counterattack.

On the contrary, the ninja from the Uchiha clan and the ninja from the Hyuga clan, as if they had not noticed the existence of the cross-country, swaggered up to Akai, Shiranui Genma and others, and glanced at Akai even more disdainfully. Seeing Kai and others, the ninja from the Uchiha clan said arrogantly: "Hey, you losers, are you having nothing to do? The supplies for our camp have arrived. You losers come with me quickly. If If you delay the mission, I will ask you for it!”

"Uchiha Tear, even if the members of the useless team are idlers, why should they listen to your Uchiha clan's orders? Wasteful team, listen to me. Now I will give you a chance to show off. Follow our team from the Hyuga clan. Go and perform the mission! As long as you obey, hum, you will definitely get the credit!"

 “Yo! What’s going on, Sun Xiang Corona? Do you insist on fighting with us? Are you looking for trouble?”

“You say I’m looking for trouble? Uchiha Tears, I think you’re provoking me, right?”

As he said that, Hyuga Corona cast his disdainful gaze on Shiranui Genma, and sneered: "Hey, can you speak up in the waste team? Now tell me, are you planning to follow in the footsteps of the Hyuga clan? , or prepare to follow the footsteps of the **** Uchiha clan! If you choose the wrong ones, you will be in trouble!

“Oh, are the people of the Hyuga clan so bold in speaking? What trouble can I get if I offend you?”

“Hey! Make a good choice for me, be careful if our Uchiha clan targets you, it will be very difficult for you!”

When Akai, Shiranui Genma and others did not speak, the Uchiha Tears and Hyuga Corona actually transferred the wealthy disputes between the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan to the "incompetent" team where Cross Country was located. It was really What a disaster!

However, Cross Country may not be familiar with Ebisu's character, but Shiranui Genma and Akai's character are very understandable to Cross Country.

If this matter had happened in the past, not talking about Akai, but talking about Shiranui Genma, it must have been the Uchiha clan or the Hyuga clan who directly gave the domineering Uchiha Tears and Hyuga Corona some color. After all, the Shiranui clan is also a big family in Konoha Village, and Shiranui Genma is the elite of the new generation in the family. If there is a fight, let's see who has the greater power behind it!

The Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan cannot be prepared to bear the wrath of the Shiranui clan just for the sake of an arrogant and domineering waste, right?

But in the next second, what surprised Cross Country who was waiting to watch the show was that not only Shiranui Genma was silent at this time, but even Ebisu was silent, clenching his fists tightly and biting the next His lips looked like he dared not speak when he was angry. Among them, Akai was especially the one. Cross Country originally thought that Akai would be the one who could not yield the most in front of the glory of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans.

Who would have thought that as soon as Uchiha Tears and Hinata Corona's eyes came over, Akai smiled apologetically and said something that even off-road could never imagine!

“Well, our team still has enough manpower!”

"Let me see, let our team handle everything you two have to do!"

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