Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 113: true incompetence


 “Akai, what did you just say?”

  Listening to Akai's answer, Cross Country was really shocked, and even his pupils narrowed slightly!

 Coming through time travel, the first friend cross-country is Akai, and the first person to establish a bond with is also Akai!

 So, the person who knows Akai’s character best at this time is none other than Off-Road, who has just joined the “Incompetent” team. Off-road, of course, is well aware of Akai’s mighty and unyielding character!

In the original plot, even when faced with the invincible BOSS Ban Ye, Akai did not give up his pride. He opened all eight doors to fight against the invincible BOSS Ban Ye and won the title of "King Emperor"!

 In the impression of off-roading, even in front of the Fourth Hokage and the supreme commander of the camp, Shikaku, Akai dared to speak out and correct their mistakes.

However, now Akai actually bows his head to the Uchiha and Hyuga clans who hold the title of "rich family"!

 How shocking is that to people who know off-roading?

So, almost as soon as Akai finished speaking, Cross Country glanced at Akai with an unbelievable look.

On the contrary, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu all lowered their heads silently when they heard Shichigo's shocked words!

Moreover, Shiranui Genma, who had a proud personality, seemed to have resigned himself to his fate. When he lowered his head and did not dare to look at the cross-country, he secretly tugged on the sleeves of the cross-country, and began to comfort him in a low voice: "Off-road, You just arrived and don’t understand the situation of our team, so just bear with it! If you don’t bear it, it will be even more embarrassing!”

“Compared with the other outcome, Akai’s choice was not wrong.”

“Off-road, just listen to your brother! Just tolerate the calm for a while, okay?”

“That’s right, off-roading, our team’s situation is no better than that of your Sharp Blade team, so just bear with it!”

As soon as Shiranui Genma finished consoling him, Ebisu, who also had his head lowered, sighed deeply and said with struggling eyes: "Cross Country, when Genma and I first joined this team, we were just as impulsive as you. But. But What happened next is really hard for me to talk about, so don’t stand up for us.”

“We appreciate your kindness, but we cannot afford the consequences!”

 “Well, no problem, I listen to you!”

Hearing Shiranui Genma's and Ebisu's consolations one after another, Cross Country kept a smile on his face but sneered secretly in his heart.

However, Off-Road has always been a calm person. From his previous confrontations with Mist Ninja, it can be seen that Off-Road is not a person willing to mess around. Therefore, when Shiranui Genma and Ebisu came to comfort them, even if they wanted to avoid causing trouble to the two of them, it was impossible for Cross Country to burst into tears because of the anger in their hearts.

But just when Off-Road thought that Akai's apologetic smile could finally be of some use, who would have thought that Uchiha Ryu and Hyuga Corona's subsequent actions would suddenly make Off-Road's eyes become cold!

 There is no doubt that the conflict between Uchiha Tears and Hyuga Corona is not at all with Akai and other "incompetent" team members, but with the dispute between the two clans.

 Since it is a dispute, there must be a winner.

So even if Akai apologizes and doesn't offend anyone, what's the use?

As long as Uchiha Tears and Hyuga Corona fail to determine a winner, they will never give up!

Then, just as Akai smiled humiliatingly, he was about to lead Cross Country and others to Uchiha Tears and Hyuga Corona's team to complete the task. Cross Country saw Uchiha Tears and Hinata Corona's lips raised a sneer.

Immediately afterwards, before Akai could lead Cross Country and the others to take a step forward, Hyuga Corona kicked Akai on the knee, causing Akai to kneel on the ground with a "pop"!

“Trash! Letting your trash team participate in our mission is to give you face!”

 “Do we, the Hyuga clan, really lose our temper?”

 “Okay! Then I’ll give you some color to see!”



With a loud shout, Hinata showed no mercy and directly greeted Akai with fists and kicks. He didn't even have a chance to step forward, and Akai's face quickly turned purple.

And Uchiha burst into tears when he saw Hinata directly greeting Akai, and his ferocious eyes fell on the cross country and others behind him!

 A slap, a "pop" sound!

Shiranui Genma on the left side of the cross-country fell to the ground, and then there was another "pop" sound. Uchiha Tear fell on Ebisu's face with another slap, which actually made Ebisu's face swollen. Lao Gao!

 Finally, as if he still hadn't had enough fun, and his eyes were still filled with violent colors, Uchiha Tear raised his right hand, ready to slap off the crossroads in the face!

But under Uchiha Tears' proud look, just when he thought that Cross Country's thin body would roll out under his palm, a sudden burst of pain came, which actually made Uchiha Tears couldn't help but wail. got up. Then, when Hyuga Hikoron looked at Cross Country with shocked eyes, he suddenly discovered that before Uchiha Rui's slap fell, a kunai was stabbed on Uchiha Rui's wrist!

 “Are you crazy?”

“How dare you use kunai in the camp? I want to report it to Shikaku-sama!”

Dark red blood dripped down Uchiha Tear's wrist, Hinata Corona was really panicked!

 A truly capable person cannot bully the weak.

 Although none of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu are weak ninjas, after joining the "incompetent" team, they are undoubtedly a weak group.

 So, whether it is Uchiha Tear or Hyuga Corona, the two of them can be arrogant in front of Akai and others, which proves that they must be idiots in the wealthy family.

At this time, seeing Uchiha Rui's wrist bleeding, and listening to Uchiha Rui's wailing voice, Hyuga Corona was really scared!

Especially when Cross Country looked at Hyuga Corona with cold eyes, Hyuga Corona stepped back in fright!

On the contrary, it is Uchiha Tears. Compared with Hyuga Corona, he is a more "ruthless" character!

Even though his wrist was injured, and even though he found that Cross Country was not someone to be trifled with, when he bullied Akai and other "incompetent" team members, he already had the impression that the "incompetent" team members were all weak.

When Hinata Houtou retreated continuously, and even the killing intent emanating from Cross Country could not be withstood, Uchiha Tear held the kunai with his other hand, and it burst out instantly!

 “Asshole, I’ll kill you!”

 “Who are you going to kill?”


A sneer rose from the corner of his mouth, and he didn't even give Uchiha the chance to burst into tears. The moment Uchiha Tears just stood up, he kicked Uchiha Tears to the ground with a raised leg. He raised his foot and directly He stepped on Uchiha's teary face.

 But Uchiha's burst of tears still gave Hinata a certain amount of confidence.

Seeing Uchiha Tears burst into tears, Hyuga Corona thought he had a chance, so he left Akai behind and prepared to hold a kunai and conquer the cross country with Uchiha Tears.

Unfortunately, what Hyuga Corona never expected was that Uchiha Tear, a chuunin, could not even survive a single round in the cross-country. Then, seeing Uchiha Tear fainting directly under the cross-country kick, Hyuga Corona held a kunai and stepped back continuously. His eyes were still full of panic, but a cruel smile appeared on his face. !

 “Hahahaha! Kid, you are in trouble!”

“Uchiha Tears may be a waste, but he is still a member of the Uchiha clan. You cannot withstand the anger of the Uchiha clan!”

 "And me! I'm from the Hyuga clan, you can't hurt me!"

"If you dare to hurt me, Rizu-sama... Rizu-sama, for sure!"


 The fox pretends to be the tiger's power, but the fox is still pretending to be the tiger's power!

Thinking that the members of the "incompetent" team are really incompetent, thinking that Cross Country does not have the guts to provoke the Uchiha and Hyuga clans.

Who knows, off-road has never paid attention to the Uchiha clan or the Hyuga clan!

Therefore, when Hyuga Corona still had a lucky mentality and wanted to use the cruel smile on his face and the wealthy name of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan to frighten Cross Country, Cross Country did not give Hinata Corona the slightest bit of confidence. The Wind Shun Shen was used directly, and still stepped on the ground with one kick.

Moreover, when Cross Country stepped on Hinata's chest with one foot and listened to Hinata's still chattering there, telling the majesty of the Hyuga clan's wealthy family, a cold light flashed through. Cross Country not only used the kunai in his hand, but also directly He cut off the tendons of Hinata Hinata's hands, crippled Hinata Hinata's hands, and even used a word without the slightest emotion contained in it. In an instant, Hinata Hinata's eyes turned to despair!

 “Assaulting ANBU is a crime equivalent to being sentenced to death!”

“Hyuuga Hiroki, Uchiha Tears, and now my member of the Blade Team, Shadow, announces that the two of you are suspected of being a judge of the village!”

“According to ANBU regulations, if a village is sentenced to death during wartime, it will be executed without mercy!”


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