Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 114: He is a legend (Part 1)


As Off-Road's indifferent voice echoed around, not to mention the despairing Hyuga Corona, even the slightly dull Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu next to them all deeply felt the emotions emanating from Off-Road. The cold and murderous aura coming out!

Furthermore, what frightens Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu the most is that if you don’t take action off-road, it will be a blockbuster!

 Ignoring the wealthy names of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, Akai and other members of the "incompetent" team can basically do it.

However, if they really wanted to completely ignore the Uchiha and Hyuga clans like Cross Country, they would seriously injure Uchiha Tear, and then destroy Hinata's hands, Akai and others asked themselves, is that true? If a person dares to try, even Shiranui Genma, who is mainly trained by the Shiranui clan, is the same.

 So, feeling the murderous aura emanating from off-road, Akai and others only had the word "Follow" in capital letters in their hearts!

What's more, Cross Country severely injured Uchiha Tears, destroyed Hyuga Corona and was a famous master, which made both Shiranui Genma and Ebisu look at Cross Country with admiration.

 It’s a pity that not everyone knows the identity of Cross Country’s ANBU.

It was like the Hyuga Corona who had been seeking death. Hearing Cross Country's words, he first showed a look of despair, and then when he came back to his senses, he sneered and shouted:

 “Kid, do you know what will happen if you pretend to be an ANBU?”

“You’re just a brat, but you really think you’re from ANBU?”

"You can't kill me! If you have the ability, do it!"

 “You do it!”

 “Okay, then do as you wish!”

 Glancing at the crazy Hyuga Corona with disdain, Cross Country sighed deeply, sighing for the fame of the Hyuga clan's wealthy family.

If we really compare Uchiha Tears and Hyuga Corona, Cross Country still feels that Uchiha Tears is more courageous, more like an arrogant and domineering guy with a bit of courage. After all, Uchiha Tears still has a lot of energy when facing cross-country, but Hyuga Corona, then it can really only be described with words like "incompetent" and "waste".

Moreover, the Hyuga clan’s clan and family division system has undoubtedly pushed the Hyuga clan’s “rich family” route further and further.

  In the original plot, the Hyuga clan is like a clan withering away, and all its members are like brainless guys. On the contrary, only a few talented guys can emerge from the branch clans.

Officy originally thought that the Hyuga family in the original plot was inevitably a bit exaggerated. After all, they were a wealthy family in Konoha Village, and no matter how bad they were, they had to have their limits.

However, now looking at Hinata Hinata's idiot appearance, coupled with Hyuga Hinata's status as a clan member, Cross Country can truly understand that the Hyuga clan's wealthy name is really just a cover. It is estimated that in the original plot, if the Uchiha clan did not commit suicide, within a few years, the Hyuga clan would have completely withered under the suppression of the Uchiha clan.

Whether or not you can grasp the title of "rich family" depends on whether the Hyuga clan clan and the system of family division have survived.

 Then, he looked at the shouting Hinata Hinata with pity, and under Hinata's desperate gaze again, he slowly took out the ANBU mask from his arms.

  Putting on the ANBU mask, not to mention the Hyuga corona, Akai and others looked at the cross country in a completely different way.

In an instant, the cross-country transformed into an ANBU, giving Akai, Shiranui Genma and others a cold feeling, as well as the Hyuga corona under the cross-country's feet.

That is of course not the murderous aura in Cross Country, but the temperament that comes with being an ANBU!

So, feeling the cold atmosphere of the off-road vehicle, the roar of Hinata Corona suddenly stopped there.

It's a pity that Hyuga Corona was not given any chance to say his lines. Cross Country, who put on the ANBU mask, sentenced Hyuga Corona to death almost the moment he transformed into an ANBU.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "swish" sound.

  Kunai slashed across Hyuga Corona's throat without any hesitation. Cross Country didn't give Hyuga Corona a chance to explain, and then harvested Hyuga Corona's life. That really meant what he said.

 As for Uchiha tears.

The off-roader also showed no mercy. He quickly threw the kunai in his hand and nailed it directly to Uchiha's throat, which ended the farce in front of him.

Then, when Shiranui Genma swallowed his saliva and was about to ask Cross Country what to do next, Cross Country had a relaxed attitude and was not afraid of the consequences of provoking the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan. He directed Akai and Shiranui Genma waved his hand in Genma's direction, and then said with a smile: "Akai, Genma, Ebisu, I need to deal with the current troubles, please wait for me!"

 “Wait, off-road, we’ll go with you!”

“Akai is right, cross-country, as a brother, I will accompany you!”

“Xuanjian and Akai are going to accompany you on the cross-country trip. If I don’t go, is it still a small team? Let’s go together!”

"no problem!"

 Judging from the performances of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, it is obvious that they are all very friendly people, and Cross Country is also willing to accept such trustworthy companions who can share difficulties. Moreover, judging from the performance of Akai and others at this time, Cross Country also has some understanding. The previous cowardice of Akai and others must have something to do with their genin captain.

Then, dragging the bodies of Uchiha Tear and Hinata Houtori, wearing ANBU costumes and ANBU masks off-road, without paying any attention to the astonished looks of the onlookers ninjas in the camp, he walked straight to the camp where Shikaku was. Moreover, when arriving at Shikaku's camp, the off-roading was still matter-of-fact. There was no intention of dragging the Nara clan into the water, and there was no adding fuel to the fire. He reported the previous events to Shikaku in a straightforward manner.

 After telling the truth of the matter in the cross-country, looking at Lu Jiu's serious face, it was not necessary to think about the mood of Akai and others. They must be very nervous.

But just when Akai and others looked at Lu Jiu's angry eyes, and were ready to step forward and take all the responsibilities for the cross-country, there was a sudden "bang", and then Lu Jiu said something. It made Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu all stunned there!

 “This is too much! Such a thing can happen in the camp I manage?”

"Xiujiao, what you did before was right! If the Uchiha and Hyuga clans dare to cause disputes in the camp from now on, use your status as anbu to deal with them!"

"Do you understand?"

 “Yes, yes! Uncle Shikaku!”

I thought that Lu Jiu would punish him even if he said it, but who would have thought that Lu Jiu's temper would be even more explosive than his own!

 Listening to Shikaku's violent shouting, his face hidden under the mask, a cheerful smile couldn't help but appear on the corners of his mouth.

Even Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu are the same. Seeing that Shikaku has no intention of blaming Yuchi, he is so happy!

However, the happy time always passed by in a hurry. Just when the cross-country team was not punished by Shikaku and Akai and other members of the "Incompetent" team were very happy, suddenly a **** figure walked into Shikaku's tent. Not only did Shikaku's pupils shrink slightly, but also the smiles of Akai and others froze.

His eyes fell on the **** figure. Except that he could vaguely tell that he was a middle-aged man and a ninja from Konoha Village, it was really difficult to identify the person's identity from the **** face. .

On the contrary, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu saw the **** figure appear, and their eyes became a little red.

Especially when Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu choked up and called out "Captain", Cross Country even showed a look of disbelief, and subconsciously exclaimed: "Akai, Genma "Ma, Ebisu, he is our captain?"

“That’s right, you’re going off-road, right?”

  A smile was forced out of the **** and bruised face. The mysterious genin captain appeared in front of Cross Country for the first time, and he stepped forward and patted Cross Country on the shoulder. Moreover, when the mysterious genin captain patted Cross Country's shoulder and left a few bright red blood stains on Cross Country's clothes, under his difficult smile, he only said one sentence, " The captain of the "Incompetent" team is awe-inspiring in cross-country!

“Off-road, don’t worry that the Uchiha and Hyuga clans will come to trouble you. It’s your fault.”

 “As the captain, I take the responsibility for you!”

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