Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 115: He is a legend (Part 2)

 Respect is a very special emotion.

 In the hearts of off-roaders, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a high status, and the fourth Hokage is the master of off-road, but neither of them can gain the respect of off-road.

 As for the reason, it is very simple.

 Most people respect the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, and more importantly, they respect their identity as Hokages.

Only a few people can gradually respect the two Hokages after being in contact with them. After all, being able to stay by the Hokage's side all the time is a very difficult thing.

 So, even though the Fourth Hokage taught and taught off-road, off-road still cannot be regarded as respecting the Fourth Hokage. At most, it is gratitude.

 As for the people who truly respect off-road people from the bottom of their hearts, there are only two people so far!

 The first one must be the elder who loves off-roading, that is, the Nara Shikakusu in front of him.

  It is the second one, which may surprise most people.

 That person was the genin captain who had just appeared in front of the cross-country, covered in blood, and considered "incompetent" and "waste" by most people!

Listening to what the genin captain said and looking at the dense scars on the genin captain's body and the **** clothes, even an idiot from Cross Country could guess that the genin captain must have heard about the quarrel between Cross Country and the Uchiha and Hyuga clans. Regarding the conflict, I went to the camp of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan to apologize for going off-road.

 The injuries on his body must have been caused by the severe beatings he received from the Uchiha and Hyuga clans.

The only thing that makes Cross Country feel lucky may be that in the camp, there are no Uchiha clan and Anbu from the Hyuga clan. As a result, even if the two clans vent their anger, they will get a beating at most, and there is no way to use the Anbu's strength like Cross Country. Identity directly kills Uchiha Tears, Hyuga Corona.

However, regardless of where the serious injuries came from, Cross Country looked at the **** captain in front of him and felt the warm blood breath still exuding on the opponent's palm. Even his pupils were covered with a red light!


 Kill all the Uchiha clan and the **** of the Hyuga clan!

That's the only thought left in the off-road head, the only thought!

Then, exuding an icy aura, Cross Country took a deep breath and went to seek justice for the captain. Who would have thought that before, Cross Country killed Uchiha Tears, Hyuga Corona, and Shikaku didn't even teach Cross Country. Now they found out that Cross Country was going to the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan's camp to ask for an explanation. Shikaku suddenly shouted loudly. :

 “Off-road, come back!”


Shikajiu made a sound, but Yuanyang just turned around and faced Shikaku without saying a word.

On the contrary, Genma Shiranui, who was next to Shikaku, asked aloud when Shikaku finished speaking: "Master Shikaku, what's wrong with the captain? No matter how arrogant the Uchiha and Hyuga clan are, they Are you still a ninja from the Leaf Village? As a ninja from the same village, he just bullies us, but now he beats the captain! What's wrong with him?"

"Xuanjian, don't you understand yet? The captain is an idiot, a fool!"

 The reddish eyes were filled with crystal tears.

Looking at the captain who was covered in blood, and the blood was in the hands of his companions, Ebisu was completely unable to control his emotions at this time. It was like venting or bursting out of negative emotions that had been suppressed for a long time. He shouted hysterically at the cross-country: "Cross-country, you know? I'm really happy today! Following this incompetent captain, do you know how angry I, Genma, and Kai are usually?"

“When someone comes to bully us, the captain always smiles and says it’s okay, it’s okay, and then he smiles at the guy who bullied us!”

“Last time, Xuanjian and I were really angry, so we fought with a few guys who came to bully us. Do you know what our idiot captain did?”

 "Xuanma and I both won! We both won!"

“Our idiot captain secretly went to apologize, and just like now, he came back with wounds all over his body!”

“Do you understand now? Why Genma and I won’t let you do it, just because we don’t want to see the idiot captain get hurt!”

"He is just an idiot, just a fool! Obviously we don't need to be bullied, and we are obviously not trash, but why do we have to bear the name of the trash team? Why. Why do Xuanjian, Akai, I, Are you being discriminated against by everyone because you are an idiot captain?"

 After saying that, Ebisu knelt on the ground with a pop and started to cry loudly.

Even off-road, it is hard to imagine how humiliated Ebisu must have been, and how long the negative emotions had been suppressed before they could explode with such power.

 Changed his gaze and landed on Shiranui Genma.

When Cross Country asked Shiranui Genma for confirmation, Shiranui Genma also nodded silently and smiled miserably: "Cross Country, do you know why I don't want you to join our incompetent team? Don't look at you compared to that guy Kakashi. You are easy to get along with, but your temper will hurt the captain a lot!"

 “Ha, that’s ridiculous!”

 “It’s because of such a stupid guy that Ebisu and I have suffered so much.”

“Akai, you won’t leave, right? Well, Ebisu, let’s go!”

With that said, Shiranui Genma looked at Shikaku, helped up Ebisu who was kneeling there, and said with a cold smile: "Shikaku-sama, I'm sorry, the internal problems of our team made you laugh. However, I I think this team will no longer exist tomorrow, so just laugh at it!"

 “Ebisu, let’s go!”

Seeing Shiranui Genma and Ebisu helping each other to leave, Cross Country gently loosened his clenched fists, while Akai lowered his head silently.

 “Off-road, if you want to go, just go.”

“Just like Genma and Ebisu said, I have no reason to leave because of him, the captain.”

 “That’s my father!”

 “Akai, is he your father?”

If Shiranui Genma and Ebisu's words only deepen the situation of the "incompetent" team in cross-country, and make it more clear what is hidden under the name of this team's "incompetent", then Akai said this "waste" "The true identity of the captain made Cross Country fully understand why he felt a sense of awe after meeting the genin captain only once!

Why does Shiranui Genma and Ebisu obviously complain and vent, but their inner emotions express their respect and intolerance for this "waste" captain!

It turns out that all the reasons are based on the identity of this "waste" captain, the mysterious genin captain!

It turns out that the **** and scarred guy in front of me is a legendary figure in the original plot!

Akai's father, the great guy who has been a genin all his life, but developed the forbidden technique Eight Gates Dunjia!

  Matt Dai!

So, almost the moment he knew Matt Dai's identity, Cross Country took a deep breath and lost his previous anger. Instead, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then after he and Lu Jiu looked at each other and understood Lu Jiu's deep meaning, Shi Chuo looked at Akai and asked: "Akai, abandoning your father's identity, do you respect your father?"

 “Respect? Do I respect it?”

After listening to the words of the cross country, Akai smiled self-deprecatingly and said dullly: "My father has always taught me not to have any arrogance. The true meaning of ninja lies in the word "forbearance". But just like Genma, Ebisu It's the same thing, what's the use of being patient? I've never been proud, because I know that I'm not qualified enough, so I hope to surpass you geniuses through hard work."

“Off-road you, and Kakashi, you are all the goals I want to surpass.”

“But slowly, apart from feeling that the gap between me and you is getting bigger and bigger, what else have I gained?”

"Let's just talk about it this time! Everything has been solved, so what can Father do?"


“But when it comes to off-roading, if I really have to put aside my father’s identity, I still respect my father!”


As he spoke, Akai's dull face revealed a bright smile.

The next second, he gave a thumbs up to the cross-country, and the teeth in his mouth flashed a little bit. Akai shed tears and smiled brightly, forming two different extremes, and said confidently to the cross-country: "Because I believe that my father must be a great ninja! Everything he taught me is correct!"

 “Indeed, there is nothing wrong!”

Hold up the already unconscious Matt Dai in front of him, Cross Country first replied to Akai, and then faced Shikaku, with the same bright smile on his face, and said:

“Uncle Shikaku, I understand what you meant by asking me to join this team!”

 “Captain Adai is indeed a very good captain!”

 “People like Captain Adai are the real legends!”

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